| Andrew Makachia | | CurioCity | NA | |
| Evelyn Ngatia | Founder & CEO | TechaWatt Ltd | Corporate Advisory | |
| Kenneth Njeru | Director | Africa Afya Healthcare | NA | |
| John Masanda | CEO | Malfini Capital Limited | NA | |
| Marcos RG Brandalise | CEO | BrazAfric Enterprises Ltd | Project Management;Company Executive;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| DIPHUS NG'ENY | MANAGING DIRECTOR | Easafric Holdings Limited | Import/Export | |
| Keith Onyinkwa | | Savannah | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Sales | |
| Geophry Owiti | ACCOUNTANT II | LOGOF ENTERPRISES | Accountant;Sales | |
| Francis Nasyomba | Principal | Raisin Capital | Corporate Advisory | |
| Kinoti Gituma | Managing Director | Kingfin Enterprises Limited | Dealmaker | |
| Aysher Wairimu | Business Development Manager | LendXS | Banking Services;Financial Services | |
| laurel amida | operation director | intrapreneur Solution Resource Limited | Corporate Advisory;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Real Estate Services;Mining and Mining Services;Management;Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| Kelvin Isalamba | Director | Diaspora Security Limited Company | Security Services | |
| Loice Shiguri | Brand Marketing and Communication Specialist | Private consulting | Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications | |
| Joy Muchiri | Founder / Director | Wild Petals Tour Company Ltd. | Founder | |
| HARRISON OGANYO | Dir | Mayday marketing Ltd | Marketing Services;Consultant - General | |
| Godfrey Mariri | Managing Director | Gomel Enterprises | Dealmaker | |
| Daniel Daniel | Managing Director | GreenQuest Ventures | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| George Fudjoe | Trade Finance Officer | Trade & Development Bank | NA | |
| Devin Bubolu | Founder | Mimara Agriculture | Entrepreneur | |
| Dennis de Weerd | Chief Executive Officer | Incentro Africa | Software or Technology Services | |
| Jacqueline Musyoka | | FEIVEL ENTERPRISES LTD. | NA | |
| John Miriti | Owner | BHLH Homes | Real Estate Services | |
| Abdallah Kassim | Proprietor | Laughable | Founder | |
| Gregoire Schwebig | Founder & Executive Chairman | AfricaWorks | Other | |
| irene murimi | CHIEF EXCUTIVE OFFICER | ACUITY LINKS CAPITAL AFRICA LIMITED | Banking Services;Development Bank;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Development Finance Institution;Entrepreneur | |
| Eric de Jong | Managing Director | Agri Assist | Investor - Corporate;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Janvier OKELO | | REYA | Analytics;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| George Kanku | Data Analyst | The Amara Sekani Group | NA | |
| Liz Mwangangi | CEO | Free Thyself | Entrepreneur | |
| Brian Idenya | Partner | Brian & David Hazina Partners LLP | Consultant - General | |
| John Muchiri | Founder | G-funze | Educationalist | |
| Anisa Mohamed | Mrs | Fundissacottage.org | NA | |
| Alfred Otieno Alfred Otieno | CEO | Alfeno Studios | NA | |
| Keyul Shah | | Avolife Kenya | NA | |
| Joseph Njane | | Milespace Group Ltd | NA | |
| George Ochieng | Business Development | Centum Real Estate | Investor - Corporate | |
| Grace Ndegwa | Associate, Investments | Kenya Innovative Finance For Water(KIFFWA) | Financial Services | |
| Grace Pharez | CEO | Phar’ez Holdings | Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate | |
| Linda Davis | CEO | Giraffe Bioenergy | Other | |
| Loreen Gitonga | Corporate Finance Analyst | BDO East Africa | NA | |
| Hoffman Moka Lantum | CEO | CheckUps | Health Services;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Charity Mwangi | CEO | Vineyard glasses and optics | Health Services | |
| Eric Githinji | Director | Magna Systems | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| John Astor | Founder / CEO | Green Planet Agritech | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| JARED OMISO | Founder | Nyangorora Banana Processors Limited | Business Accelerator or Incubator;Founder | |
| John Astor | Founder / CEO | Green Planet Agritech | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Gabriel Obwaya | Director | GANSEGWO | Financial Services;Chamber of Commerce;Investor - Corporate;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Engineer | |
| LEWIS WAMBUGU | | | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Ilhan Abass | Chief Officer investment | Kazi Mtaani | Software or Technology Services | |
| Fred Musumba | Aspiring Entrepreneur | AD MASTERS | NA | |
| Florent Nduwayezu | Investment Associate | BESTSELLER Foundation | NA | |
| Douglas Ndungu | Innovator | Early Stage Startup- Doug Industries | Engineer;Founder | |
| Edwin Kiiru | Founder/CEO | Turnaxis | Entrepreneur | |
| julius kabubi | Operations Director | UNDRR Regional Office for Africa | Entrepreneur | |
| Isaac kahara | Country Head - East Africa | UK Export Finance | Financial Services;Development Finance Institution | |
| James Njeru | Coordinator | Wachoro Karaba community based organization | Project Management | |
| Anne M | Founder | Wulove Foundation | NGO;Management;Founder | |
| Gabriel Obwaya | Director | GANSEGWO | Financial Services;Chamber of Commerce;Investor - Corporate;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Engineer | |
| David Wati | Director | Bara Tea Exp Ltd | Dealmaker | |
| Ariba Olembo | Chief Executive Officer | Ombisi Limited | NA | |
| Jackson Adembesa | Managing Director | Kenzam Engineering Company Limited | Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Import/Export | |
| George kamau | CEO | Afrigrow Kenya | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Henry Clarke | Chief Financial Officer | SunCulture | Company Executive | |
| ketan shah | director | coral property consultants ltd | Real Estate Services | |
| Eunice Mathenge | Associate Manager | Greenlight Planet | NA | |
| Leonard Kibet | Farm Manager | PUMPKIN SELLERS AND FARMING | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Emma Siobhan | Marketing manager | AFRICA LOGISTICS PROPERTIES | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Consultant - General;Real Estate Services;Project Management;Management | |
| Gilbert Korir | Farming | SONG ENTERPRISE | NA | |
| Hellen Kimani | Director | Grassroot concepts ltd | Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| IBRAHIM ADAN | Director | ADIL TRANSPORTERS LIMITED | Regional Trade Organisation;Project Management | |
| Jeremiah Okeng'o | Financial consultant | None | Consultant - General;Business Intelligence | |
| Kennedy Otogo | Business Development | Ink Concepts Business Consultancy | NA | |
| Jacinta Wacuka | CURIO | AFRI-CORNER CURIOS | Artist;Sales | |
| james wanjohi | financial markets trader | fx blueprint | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Stock Exchange | |
| Irene Wagaki | Director & Principal Consultant | Lime Group Consulting Africa | NA | |
| Ashraf Nosseir | CEO | Kgroup Africa | Sales | |
| MANASES MAINA | CEO | GLOBAL SHIMBE LIMITED | Banking Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Anton Scholtz | Founder | Lake Victoria Tug & Barge | Company Executive;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Alexio Manyonde | Chief Technology Officer | ZEP-RE (PTA Reinsurance) | NA | |
| Abdallah Khamis | Chairman | Neonexus | NA | |
| John Busunkwi | Director | Widetech Solutions Kenya Ltd | NA | |
| Jesse Ngarachu | | mieux projects | Project Management;Entrepreneur;Engineer | |
| John Brinkhurst | CCO | Agrinext Ltd | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Financial Services;Consultant - General;Dealmaker;Company Executive | |
| Isaac Ndungu | CEO | Kanino Global Limited | Marketing Services;Consultant - General;Software or Technology Services;Investor - Personal;Research Analyst;Dealmaker;Real Estate Services;Project Management;Management;Company Executive;Entrepreneur;Founder;Sales | |
| Duncan Gwaro | CEO | 24:7 Group | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Entrepreneur | |
| Kipkirui Cheruiyot | Manager | Cherry ken investment | NA | |
| JOHN OGACHI ONDERI | CHAIRMAN-CEO-MANAGING DIRECTOR | MOSES MATI'S ORPHANS FOUNDATION AFRICAI DEVELOPMENT LIMITED | Marketing Services;Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Other;Banking Services;NGO;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Development Bank;Consultant - General;Government Official;Stock Exchange;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Business Intelligence;Regional Trade Organisation;Custodian and Securities Services;Trade Association;Professional Body with Members;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Software or Technology Services;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Research Analyst;Development Finance Institution;Trade Finance;Fund Administration;Translation Services;Analytics;Human Resources - Training;Real Estate Services;Veterinarian;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Artist;Management;Company Executive;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Educationalist;Founder;Journalist;Security Services;Sales | |
| Fatuma Nmasare | CEO | I Knit Kenya | Artist;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Gunjan Dhingra | Senior Director | Pure Software | NA | |
| John Karanja | Manager | Lokiding solar energy limited | Entrepreneur | |
| Kennedy Nyamunga | Chairman | Family | Real Estate Services | |
| Dennis Karuku Muchiri | Urban and regional planner | Connected | Software or Technology Services | |
| Marco Laboso | Government relations Consultant | Planbee LLC | NA | |
| George Juma | CEO/ Co founder | TEFLEX LEATHER GEM AFRICA LTD | Other;Entrepreneur | |
| Lydia Anyangu | Executive Director | Molyn Credit | Banking Services;Development Bank;Accountant;Fund Administration;Economist | |
| Mark Evans | Co-owner | Kawaakari | Business Intelligence;Project Management;Management;Entrepreneur | |
| Greer Ballantine | Director | Noble Realty | Investor - Personal;Real Estate Services;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Cynthia Lasoi | Project Manager | Development Practitioner | NA | |
| Judy Mbugua | Director | Intelpoint Limited | Legal Services;Corporate Advisory;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Investor - Corporate | |
| James Njeru | Coordinator | Wachoro Karaba community based organization | Project Management | |
| JUNE NG'ANG'A | DIRECTOR | SEANIK ENTERPRISES LIMITED | Marketing Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| George Fudjoe | Trade Finance Officer | Trade & Development Bank | NA | |
| Kibe John | CEO | Cladfy Financial Services | Financial Services | |
| Joseph Muita | | I don't have one | NA | |
| Elizabeth Machua-Muriungi | Chief Representative Officer | Banque Misr S.A.E.-Kenya Representative Office | Banking Services;Financial Services;Trade Finance | |
| Joseph Kiragu | Construction | Lipana | Real Estate Services | |
| Jorgs Mbugua | CEO | Ebikes Africa | Financial Services;Software or Technology Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Eric Kabinga | Founder | Fortress Panes and Frames | Other;Real Estate Services | |
| Dynesius Nyangau | President and Co-Founder | UoN | NA | |
| Leah Nyambura-Kagumba | Director | Dyer and Blair | NA | |
| Karen Murage | Owner | Skin | Import/Export | |
| Karen Rimita | Business Development Manager | Titanium Investment Partners | NA | |
| Kiplangat Edwin | Farmer | Kipsfarm | NA | |
| Anne Wamai | Client Account Manager | Business Management 360 | NA | |
| Ian Kahara | MD | Kinet Properties Co. Ltd | NA | |
| Jason Eisen | CoFounder and Board Chair | MARAMOJA Transport | Other | |
| Hussein Hassan | Trade Officer | Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) | NA | |
| Gerishon Mwaniki | Co-Founder, Business Development, Sales & Partnerships Lead | Saada Tech | Software or Technology Services | |
| George Jomo | Director | Solubag Africa | Investor - Personal;Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| Joseph Ngeene | CEO | VECOPTICS | NA | |
| John Cheruiyot | Forex trading | Freedom hedge fund Capital | Financial Services;Stock Exchange;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate;Trade Finance;Entrepreneur | |
| Humphrey Gathungu | CEO | Jubilee Financial Services | NA | |
| Lydia-Claire Halliday | Director & Owner | LCH Consultancy Ltd | Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications | |
| Kebaya Mwamba | | hela.money | Banking Services;Financial Services;Software or Technology Services | |
| Kevin Irungu | | Masti Ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Jessie Kamau | Regional Business Line Manager | Atlas Copco Eastern Africa Ltd | NA | |
| Francis Nasyomba | Principal | Raisin Capital | Corporate Advisory | |
| gladys maina | DIRECTOR | PRECISION GLASS & GENERAL SUPPLIES LTD | Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| James Kinuthia | Director Tech & Innovation | E'lever Interactive | Marketing Services | |
| James Gaita | Director | The Everest Premier School | Educationalist | |
| JOHN KELVIN | DIRECTOR | iDeveloper Technologies Ltd | Software or Technology Services | |
| Gerald Kommo | Managing Director | Koge Enterprises | Marketing Services;Insurance Products;Dealmaker;Real Estate Services | |
| Margit Cleveland | Managing Director | Infinite Insight Limited | Research Analyst | |
| Francis Njeru | CEO | The Sales House | Consultant - General | |
| Kinoti Gituma | Managing Director | Kingfin Enterprises Limited | Dealmaker | |
| Catherine Gathigia | Accountant and Financial analyst | GLI Capital finance | Financial Services | |
| Joseph Nyaboga | Director | Savonova.com | Founder | |
| Mao Ngamau Mukuria | CEO | Hodhi Inc | Financial Services | |
| julius kabubi | Operations Director | UNDRR Regional Office for Africa | Entrepreneur | |
| Hudson Bwamu | Managing Director | Milla concrate ltd | Other | |
| JARED OMISO | Founder | Nyangorora Banana Processors Limited | Business Accelerator or Incubator;Founder | |
| fredrick ongaro | Director | Opex Africa Network Ltd | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General | |
| Joab Khamala | Founder & President | Joab's Capital & Equity Research | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Trade Finance | |
| Fredrick Ombima | Financial inclusion specialist | microfinance | NA | |
| Kevin Gitau | CEO | KT Owens group limited | NA | |
| Andrew Gichuru | Sales and Marketing Manager | Oldanya Organic | NA | |
| Gilbert Arigi | Founder & CEO | JISTAWI POULTRY | Entrepreneur | |
| Frederick Owila | CEO | MOWLEM FISH AND ALLIED PRODUCTS LTD | Other | |
| Joseph Mathenge | Director | Career Options Africa Ltd | Human Resources Services | |
| James Nyagah | Project engineer | HAQ enterprises ltd | NA | |
| Joel Yego | Managing Director | Earthmak Technologies Limited | NA | |
| Jack Oloo | CEO | WymBee | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Dennis Sakupwanya | | BlackPearl Financial Group | NA | |
| Luke muriungi Makathimo | Hotel Business/ Real Estate | Solutions properties and agency | Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Mark Moriama | | Learnt Africa | Educationalist | |
| JOSEPH KARANJA | C.T.O | SPAPP | Software or Technology Services | |
| Ian Kipkurui | Student | H20 Greens Elevate Hydroponics | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Joseph Nzomo | Creative Manager | Designtech Africa Ltd | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Other;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Engineer;Sales | |
| Christabel Nyamogo | Founder | Torokar | Educationalist | |
| Maria Sillingi | Property Advisor | Mi Vida Homes | Real Estate Services | |
| Jackson Adembesa | Managing Director | Kenzam Engineering Company Limited | Engineer | |
| Kennedy Muga | MD | Brij | Dealmaker | |
| kisia abok | Dr. | moldiate laboratory | Research Analyst;Health Services | |
| Marion Marion | founder | AVI SPLASH | Sales | |
| Joseph Kiragu | Founder & CEO | Lusoi Hill Farm | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Kevin Gitau | CEO | KT Owens group limited | NA | |
| Daniel Iregi | Director | Buildmark Kenya | NA | |
| George Wanyoike | Chief Finance Officer (CFO) | Homegrown Millers Ltd | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Jeremiah Chunge Munyasa | Head of Alternative Channels & Technology | Genghis Capital | Investment Banking | |
| John Njaneh | Director | Rofrah trading ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Felix Mulei | Director | Felmu Associates | NA | |
| James Kiruri | COO & Co-Founder | Teleeza Africa Limited | Marketing Services | |
| Jote Wakjira | Chief Executive Officer | Equinox Group | NA | |
| Madalena Santos | Director of Operations | Kua Ventures | Investor - Corporate | |
| Marion Marion | founder | AVI SPLASH | Sales | |
| George Ochieng | Business Development | Centum Real Estate | Investor - Corporate | |
| Andrew Mukui Thinguri | CFO | Avani | Entrepreneur | |
| Jura Polycap | CEO/Founder | The African canvas | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications | |
| Jacinta Kamau | Founder | Nium Enterprises | Import/Export | |
| Joel Yego | Managing Director | Earthmak Technologies Limited | NA | |
| Leonard Mathu | Managing Director | Lion's Head Global Partners | NA | |
| James Maitho | CEO | Ndovu Farm | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| Kiptoo Chesire | Director | Midland Holdings ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Emily Macharia | Director | Sagi Link Solutions | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Mark Evans | Co-owner | Kawaakari | Business Intelligence;Project Management;Management;Entrepreneur | |
| Ken Osano | Businessman | Deci Consultants | Consultant - General;Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Daniel Mwangi | | Eshcol Ventures Limited | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - ESG;Dealmaker | |
| Irene Kamondo | Marketing and relationship Manager | GDC SACCO Society Ltd | NA | |
| Ewan McGillivray | Director | +44 07398505445 | Company Executive | |
| DAVID KAGEENU | INVESTMENT MANAGER | FIE-CONSULT LLP | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General | |
| Flora Githinji | Investment Associate | responsAbility | NA | |
| Loice Ndiwa | Business Owner | Parano House | NA | |
| Jackson Njogu | CEO | Echo properties limited | Legal Services;Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investment Banking;Banking Services;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Development Bank;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Regional Trade Organisation;Trade Association;Professional Body with Members;Government Minister;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Research Analyst;Development Finance Institution;Trade Finance;Fund Administration;Analytics;Economist;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Project Management;Management;Company Executive;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Engineer;Educationalist;Sales | |
| Juma Baraka | Direct | Corelabz Tech | Software or Technology Services | |
| Dominic K. Mwenga | Trade Finance Professional. | Euro Exim Bank | Banking Services;Financial Services;Government Minister;Fund Administration;Import/Export | |
| Kirimi Marete | Director for Connectivity and Partnerships in Africa | Reloadly Inc. | Software or Technology Services | |
| Marion Cindy | CEO | wedgetechflash | Marketing Services;Consultant - General;Accountant;Software or Technology Services;Entrepreneur | |
| FRANCIS OMALA | FOUNDER | WAKE VOCATIONAL CENTER | Consultant - General;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Johnstone Sikulu Wanjala | Director | Sima CBO-Kenya | Legal Services;Marketing Services;Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;NGO;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Regulator;Business Intelligence;Regional Trade Organisation;Professional Body with Members;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Software or Technology Services;Investor - Corporate;Research Analyst;Dealmaker;Human Resources - Training;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Musician;Management;Company Executive;Import/Export;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Educationalist;Founder;Journalist;Sales | |
| Albert Ongechi | Mr. | MCH Advisory Hub Limited | Financial Services | |
| JOHN KELVIN | DIRECTOR | iDeveloper Technologies Ltd | Software or Technology Services | |
| Isaac Waithaka | | Ubunifu Institute | NGO | |
| Jerome Sifuna | Director/shareholder | Treelife limited | Other;Entrepreneur | |
| Charles Kurgat | Realtor | Ngong Springs Villas | Entrepreneur | |
| Julius Marete | Director | DIMMOCK INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL | NGO;Financial Services;Development Finance Institution;Fund Administration;Educationalist | |
| James Kang'ethe | Back operations | Unaitas sacco limited | Banking Services | |
| Lenana Maina | Director | Green Waste Energie Ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Duncan Asila Amuko | SME Growth Advisor | Growth | NA | |
| Kiptoo Chesire | Director | Midland Holdings ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Andrew Silas | Executive, Trade & Investments | TradePro Africa | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Regional Trade Organisation;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Dealmaker;Fund Administration;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Import/Export | |
| Deogratius Ekodi | | Urban Script | NA | |
| Julius Marete | Director | DIMMOCK INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL | NGO;Financial Services;Development Finance Institution;Fund Administration;Educationalist | |
| John Mwaniki | Technical Consultant | AGIP CAPITAL | NA | |
| Christie Peacock | Founder and Chairman | Sidai Africa Ltd | Other | |
| Henry Nzioka | Director | Solar Spot Africa Ltd | Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Engineer | |
| Kangai Samwel | Database administrator | Developers Computers | NGO | |
| Isabella Gathoni | | Nelion-Peak | NA | |
| Leonard Kibet | Farm Manager | PUMPKIN SELLERS AND FARMING | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Jeremy Njonge | Project Development Officer | Njonge Consulting | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| James Magoti | Petrol staion | EXTON ENERGY | NA | |
| Hoffman Moka Lantum | CEO | CheckUps | Health Services;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| George Wandera | Ceo | Peddle Gifts Ltd | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Jonathan Nzioka Kioko | Managing Director | Bridge Capital Investments Limited | Financial Services | |
| Julia Moffett | Co-founder and Managing Partner | Future of Learning Fund I | NA | |
| Jessie Kamau | Regional Business Line Manager | Atlas Copco Eastern Africa Ltd | NA | |
| Benson Macharia | Speaker , Author , tech-preniur | Global lands | Legal Services;Marketing Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Business Intelligence;Research Analyst;Dealmaker | |
| Geoffrey Musyoki | Investments officer- Agriculture | Oikocredit international- Kenya office | Development Finance Institution | |
| Caroline Kiongo | Entrepreneur | Afility ventures | NA | |
| Edwin Mengesa | Agribusiness and Trade Manager | KALUUYA International | Marketing Services;Banking Services;NGO;Development Bank;Trade Association;Research Analyst;Trade Finance;Analytics;Economist;Veterinarian;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Artist;Import/Export;Sales | |
| Eric Omondi | Country Manager | Q-Sourcing Servtec | Human Resources Services;Human Resources - Training;Project Management;Management | |
| irene murimi | CHIEF EXCUTIVE OFFICER | ACUITY LINKS CAPITAL AFRICA LIMITED | Banking Services;Development Bank;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Development Finance Institution;Entrepreneur | |
| Jay Shapiro | CEO / co-founder | Usiku Games | Software or Technology Services | |
| godwin mwanzi | CEO, web developer, UI/UX designer | vyma | NA | |
| Kenneth Onchwati | Director | White Resources International Ltd | Marketing Services;Mining and Mining Services;Management | |
| Joseph Kuria | CEO | Kenpack Limited | Entrepreneur | |
| John Mwaniki | Technical Consultant | AGIP CAPITAL | NA | |
| Brian James Mwaura | Executive Director | Metreon Group | Financial Services | |
| Kennedy Otogo | Business Development | Ink Concepts Business Consultancy | NA | |
| Isabella Gathoni | | Nelion-Peak Investments | NA | |
| Jason Eisen | CoFounder and Board Chair | MARAMOJA Transport | Other | |
| John Kamara | Founder and Global Chief Executive Officer Adanian Labs | Adanian Labs | NA | |
| Joe Sanna | Director | Wasafiri Destinations | Other | |
| Francis Njuru | N/a | N/a | Founder | |
| Irene Mwangi | | The Tranquil Realtors - Apartments and Hotels and hortitourismindustry | Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Abdul Malik | Operations Manager | airduka.com | Software or Technology Services | |
| benson chuma benson chuma | MD | Tc4a | Health Services | |
| Jeremiah Ngugi | Director | Extreme New Urban Developers Ltd | Other | |
| Leah Waihumbu | Business/ farmer | Jade pharmacy ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Jeremiah Okeng'o | Financial consultant | None | Consultant - General;Business Intelligence | |
| Jacinta Wacuka | CURIO | AFRI-CORNER CURIOS | Artist;Sales | |
| Kelvin Mwendwa | Associate | KCIC Consulting Limited | Consultant - General | |
| Frederick Owila | CEO | MOWLEM FISH AND ALLIED PRODUCTS LTD | Other | |
| Josphat Murumbuza | Finance and Business Development Executive | SEPHN Limited | NGO;Consultant - General;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Real Estate Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Furry Losieku | Telecommunication company | Loco telecommunications company | Software or Technology Services;Entrepreneur;Security Services | |
| Jean Wandimi | Business Analyst | africon GmbH | Consultant - General | |
| James Magoti | Petrol staion | EXTON ENERGY | NA | |
| David Owino | One Health Specialist | Africa Health Survey Consultants | Human Resources Services;Consultant - General;Regional Trade Organisation;Veterinarian;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export;Health Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Fredrick Ndungu | | E-GAS KENYA LTD | Investor - Corporate;Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| Joseph Njogu | CEO | Research Beeline Ltd | Other | |
| Kevin Karanja | Executive director | Mac and gray trading | NA | |
| Jones Musyoka | Marketing Manager | Pressure coolers | Founder | |
| Dana Osiemo | Founder & CEO | Oslow Solutions | Legal Services;Software or Technology Services | |
| Fredrick Muteti | Director | Redmark Consultants | NA | |
| Kennedy Nyamunga | Chairman | Family | Real Estate Services | |
| Lenana Maina | Director | Green Waste Energie Ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Karimi Mithika | Principal Officer | Rosen InsuranceAgencies | Insurance Products | |
| Herbert Rajula | Founder | Poraeh Investments | Investment Banking;Banking Services;Financial Services;Founder | |
| ESTHER KATIBA | DIRECTOR & LEAD CONSULTANT | CAREER ROUTE SOLUTIONS LTD | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Founder | |
| Manoj Gohil | Consultant | Payroll Centre Limited | Accountant | |
| Geoffrey Ruirie | | Amil Technical Training Institute | NA | |
| Henry Kiema Mr | Executive Director | Rockland Credit Services Limited | Financial Services | |
| Joseph Njogu | CEO | Research Beeline Ltd | Other | |
| James Njau | Head of Credit | GDC SACCO | Banking Services | |
| Jackson Machuhi | CEO | Barefoot Power | Company Executive | |
| Leonard Kiprono | Senior Financial Advisor / Wealth investments Manager | Standard investments Bank | Corporate Advisory;Financial Services | |
| Keith Mwangi | Information Systems consultant | Gratis systems | Business Intelligence;Software or Technology Services;Analytics | |
| Eric Jackson | Co-founder | Hisa Inc | NA | |
| Leah Waihumbu | Business/ farmer | Jade pharmacy ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Leah Nyambura-Kagumba | Director | Dyer and Blair | NA | |
| DK C | Partner | DK Consulting | Corporate Advisory;Dealmaker;Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Katy Munday | PA to Chair | Enterprise for Development | NGO;Professional Body with Members;Investor - Personal;Development Finance Institution | |
| Alex Mwikumi | Accountant | mainland logistics | NA | |
| Kennedy Mbogo | Teacher/ Marketer | STRUTS | Investor - Personal | |
| Chittibabu Lakkum | Director | AKIRA GREEN ENERGY LTD | NA | |
| Joseph Nyaboga | Director | Savonova.com | Founder | |
| Marc Jermin | Managing Director | Pack UG | NA | |
| Linda Bunde | PR trainee | Glass House PR | NA | |
| Kelvin Isalamba | Director | Diaspora Security Limited Company | Security Services | |
| Jaynish Shah | Coo | DPL festive ltd | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Jura Polycap | CEO/Founder | The African canvas | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications | |
| Andrew Kabucho | Investment Manager | Kiva | NA | |
| Jack Bweya | Founder | Epitex | Educationalist | |
| Joseph Munyao | Director | Townview Investments | NA | |
| David Ndegwa | Managing Director | Taccazze Ltd | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Folu Okunade | Chief Strategy Officer | Chief Operating Officer | Hello Tractor | Software or Technology Services | |
| Lynette Kabuga | Founder | Mark Tuk Global Company Ltd | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Joel Kurui | Director | Down Town Africa Investments LTD | Banking Services;Financial Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Keith Onyinkwa | | Savannah | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Sales | |
| Fauzia Oladaro | Entrepreneur. | ZingChest Enterprise | Entrepreneur | |
| Daniel Ajega | Founder | Wabs Holdings Limited | Sales | |
| John Mbungi | Director | APS Cables & Connectors OY | NA | |
| Ian Okova | Sales & Marketing executive | Centum Group Kenya | NA | |
| Keddy Njiru | CEO | Keddie Botanics | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Diana Mwikali | Head Of Marketing | EzzyBooks Software | Software or Technology Services | |
| Kakenya Ntaiya | Founder and President | Kakenya's Dream | NGO | |
| Daniel kibe | ceo | savannah wildlife tracking | Software or Technology Services | |
| Caroline Owino | Beauty Salon | Carol Hair Salon | NA | |
| Jacinta Wacuka | CURIO | AFRI-CORNER CURIOS | Artist;Sales | |
| Kate Krukiel | Managing Director | Sera Afrika | Consultant - General | |
| Kimathi Kinyua | Managing Director | Gwijinet Solutions Ltd | Software or Technology Services;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Enock Mong'are | Chief Executive Officer | ENOROBERTS ORGANIC FARM & GENERAL SUPPLIES LIMITED | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| HASSAN AL-HUSSEINY | CEO | OMANKEN LIMITED | Consultant - General | |
| Almar Holtz | Mr | We Do Bamboo | Company Executive | |
| Jacqueline Mutune | founder | Thonge limited | Entrepreneur | |
| Franklin Saiyialel | Director | Ozone Ethical AGtec Ltd | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Trade Association;Trade Finance;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Kevin Akama | Cofounder | Kiu Technologies Ltd | Financial Services | |
| LASZLO KELE | Owner | Kele & PARTNER | Dealmaker;Economist;Entrepreneur | |
| Gerald Kommo | Managing Director | Koge Enterprises | Marketing Services;Insurance Products;Dealmaker;Real Estate Services | |
| Liston Koskei | Director | Tilindi Industries Limited | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Bernard Kiarie | Managing Partner | Algum Africa Capital LLP | Consultant - General | |
| Ketan Shah | Director | Coral Property Consultants LTD | Other | |
| Janice Waithera | Head of Strategic Operations | Qaroli Limited | Other | |
| Derrick Mutange | CFO | Black Royals | Investment Banking;Financial Services;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate | |
| kisia abok | Dr. | moldiate laboratory | Research Analyst;Health Services | |
| Gerald Hollins | CEO | HYDROLOOP Inc. | Project Management;Engineer;Founder | |
| Brenda Chepkorir | Entrepreneur | Noreppa | NA | |
| CELESTE Tchetgen Vogel | Founder & CEO | eWAKA Mobility | Sales | |
| Godfrey Gitonga | Transportation | Tosh transportation | Entrepreneur | |
| Lilian Excelencia | CEO | Go Green Gold Energies Ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Jay Shapiro | CEO / co-founder | Usiku Games | Software or Technology Services | |
| Fredrick Kathembe | CEO | TRUFEET | Health Services | |
| Lilian Excelencia | CEO | Go Green Gold Energies Ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Kafir Qassim | operations manager | MH processing | NA | |
| Kenneth Onchwati | | White Resources International Ltd | NA | |
| Isaac Ndungu | CEO | Kanino Global Limited | Marketing Services;Consultant - General;Software or Technology Services;Investor - Personal;Research Analyst;Dealmaker;Real Estate Services;Project Management;Management;Company Executive;Entrepreneur;Founder;Sales | |
| James Njeru | Coordinator | Wachoro Karaba community based organization | Project Management | |
| Geoffrey GANGLA | Managing Director | Pontem Capital | Investment Banking;Financial Services | |
| LEWIS WAMBUGU | | | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Lilian Excelencia | CEO | Go Green Gold Energies Ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Alexandra Chappatte | | African Originals Limited | Sales | |
| Laura Lubisia | Founder/Director | Viakwetu Limited | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export | |
| Alice Gugelev | CEO | Global Development Incubator Africa | NA | |
| Joseph Kimani | Architect | Ecoscapes Design and Construction | Investor - Corporate;Entrepreneur | |
| Jelena Savic | Principal | CGE Ltd | NA | |
| John KOtieno | COO | MANATI AFRICA | NA | |
| John Maruta | Founder | Maruta Goat & Sheep Farm | Chamber of Commerce;Dealmaker;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Import/Export | |
| Fredrick Maritim | Sales Manager | Karra Engineering Ltd | Consultant - General;Engineer | |
| Kate Bohnert | Investor Relations Manager | Sanivation | NA | |
| Kairo Thuo | Partner | Viva Africa Consulting LLP | Other | |
| Elsa Izere | Senior Investment Manager | Sawa Energy | Other | |
| Jonson Mwangi | Projects Director | Paradigm Projects | Investment Banking;Software or Technology Services;Real Estate Services | |
| Jeremiah Ngugi | Director | Extreme New Urban Developers Ltd | Other | |
| Joseph Okech | Head Of Product Development | Kylix Technologies Ltd | Business Intelligence;Management;Entrepreneur | |
| Karen Rimita | Director | I-Tumuren | Financial Services;Consultant - General;Investor - Personal;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Management;Company Executive | |
| James M. | General Manager | EllyDick | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Andrew Ritchie | CEO & Founder | Agri Frontier | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Dealmaker;Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Duncan Ndiro | CEO | DLM HOLDINGS LTD | Mining and Mining Services | |
| Kangai Samwel | Database administrator | Developers Computers | NGO | |
| Kenneth Onchwati | Director | White Resources International Ltd | Marketing Services;Mining and Mining Services;Management | |
| Kelvin Raphael | Business development | MWEZESHE LTD | NA | |
| HARRISON OGANYO | Dir | Mayday marketing Ltd | Marketing Services;Consultant - General | |
| Jane Annette Mukuba | Program Coordinator | Sinapis | NGO | |
| Jasper Moindi | Business Development Mnager | Esaiga Africa | Marketing Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Investor - Corporate | |
| Margaret Gichuhi | | Kanyundo Ventures | NA | |
| Carolyne Njung'e | Marketing Manger | ShiftPulse Marketers | Marketing Services | |
| Maria Sillingi | Property Advisor | Mi Vida Homes | Real Estate Services | |
| Ajay Kanoria | Director | Kisii Renewable Energy & Sugar Company Ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Julia Moffett | Co-founder and Managing Partner | Future of Learning Fund I | NA | |
| Lloyd Gaetano | Blogger | Semasocial Platforms | Human Resources Services;Other | |
| Gladys King'ori | Founder & CEO | Afreximbank | NA | |
| Greg Cox | | XX | NA | |
| Leah Karangi | Founder | Spice Harvest Farms | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Jaspal Sagoo | Director | Ashwell Africa Limited | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence | |
| joshua KOWUOCHE | Investment Officer | Business Partners International | Development Finance Institution | |
| Lorenzo Boncompagni | Chief Executive Officer | CAPTURE SOLUTIONS | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Software or Technology Services | |
| Keli Nikolas | Entrepreneur | Foresight | Other | |
| Joe Kimani | CEO | SolarGlow | Entrepreneur | |
| Hez Gikang'a | Co-Founder & East Africa Managing Director | KEAMSCO | Business Intelligence;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Dealmaker;Founder | |
| Kinyua Daphine | consultant | BCG | NA | |
| Francis Mukatai | Founder & Social Impact Manager | Ukilaf Consultancy | Consultant - ESG | |
| Davis Kipchirchir | Student | University of Nairobi | NA | |
| Andre Bryan | Investor | Touba international | Other | |
| Joseph Kuria | CEO | Kenpack Limited | Entrepreneur | |
| HASSAN AL-HUSSEINY | CEO | OMANKEN LIMITED | Consultant - General | |
| Brian Motee | Business Analyst | Niusline Media ltd | NA | |
| Kinyua Daphine | consultant | BCG | NA | |
| Linda Davis | CEO | Giraffe Bioenergy | Other | |
| Luke muriungi Makathimo | Hotel Business/ Real Estate | Solutions properties and agency | Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Jaffar Wambua | | Mzee investments | NA | |
| Barbara Fox | | Dalberg Advisors | NA | |
| Keziah Gakahu | Business Development Manager | Horizons Haven Ltd | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Jos Mutisya | CEO | Solargwn International Ltd | NA | |
| Joram Kirira | Director Technical Services | Growing Star Agri Ventures | Consultant - General;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Julius Wako | Partner Law Firm | CMS Daly Inamdar Advocates | Legal Services | |
| Jonathan Mukoro | Investment Analyst | AgdevCo Limited | Investor - Institutional | |
| Gregoire Schwebig | Founder & Executive Chairman | AfricaWorks | Other | |
| Edwards hawi | Resource Mobilisation Officer | Sprint Capital Limited | Financial Services | |
| James Kinuthia | Director Tech & Innovation | E'lever Interactive | Marketing Services | |
| gladys maina | DIRECTOR | PRECISION GLASS & GENERAL SUPPLIES LTD | Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Lilian Ochieng | | Frelin Fresh Limited | NA | |
| MANASES MAINA | CEO | GLOBAL SHIMBE LIMITED | Banking Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Keith Lando | Director | Benland | NA | |
| Gregg Breward | CEO | African Agents | Marketing Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Regional Trade Organisation;Dealmaker | |
| Fredrick Ndungu | | E-GAS KENYA LTD | Investor - Corporate;Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| Harrison Mutie | Director | Harmut technologies limited | NA | |
| Malone Mawere | Director | RESINTON PLUS KENYA | NA | |
| Hodan Abdillahi | Founder & CEO | AFENI ENERGY AND GLOBAL TRADING LIMITED | Business Accelerator or Incubator;Company Executive;Import/Export;Founder | |
| Adam Ibrahim | Feedlot Consultant | Javari Beef Enterprise | NA | |
| John Ngatia | Project Coordinator | Eventscape | NA | |
| Kennedy Mutahi | | Asoko Insight | NA | |
| Daniel Nyakora | Senior Marketing Manager | Asoko Insight | Corporate Advisory;Business Intelligence | |
| Ida Ng'ang'a | CEO / Global President, Innovation | RCD Africa / Global Council for the Promotion of International Trade (GCPIT) | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Regional Trade Organisation;Dealmaker | |
| Joan Mukoya | Managing Partner | Koya & Company Advocates | Legal Services | |
| Abdihamid Adan ahmed | Managing director | Darusalam properties ltd | Corporate Advisory;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency | |
| Alek Warwien | CEO | Amavi Spa | NA | |
| Carol Khaemba | Veterinary Surgeon | Anilove vets | Veterinarian;Health Services | |
| Agnes Muthoni | Head Growth & Strategy | 600 | NA | |
| Gladys King'ori | Founder & CEO | Afreximbank | NA | |
| Brian Kiburi | Business advisor | Business with bryan | NA | |
| Katy Munday | PA to Chair | Enterprise for Development | NGO;Professional Body with Members;Investor - Personal;Development Finance Institution | |
| Manuel Moses | CEO | ATIDI | Banking Services;Insurance Products;Development Finance Institution | |
| FELIX MWERI | | Domain Wear KE | NA | |
| Keziah Khalinditsa | Business Development Manager | Powergen Renewable Energy | NA | |
| Ann Agripina | Head of Consumer Care | Kenan Consulting | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General | |
| Cathy Gitau | Director | GITTS International | Real Estate Services;Project Management | |
| Beth Irungu Beth Irungu | | Loyalty Dairy Enterprises | NA | |
| Jacinta Mwangi | Director | Mizizi njiru company limited | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| JUNE NG'ANG'A | DIRECTOR | SEANIK ENTERPRISES LIMITED | Marketing Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Joseph Kiragu | Founder & CEO | Lusoi Hill Farm | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Jos Mutisya | CEO | Solargwn International Ltd | NA | |
| John Njaneh | Director | Rofrah trading ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Kenneth Kinyanjui | Senior Startup and Innovation Manager | Africas Talking Limited | Dealmaker | |
| Austine Agunda | | TAJI PLUS | Other;Dealmaker;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder;Sales | |
| Jonathan Eric MBEDO | Business opportunity | MAC FARLEN DIFFUSION | Import/Export | |
| Jane Annette Mukuba | Program Coordinator | Sinapis | NGO | |
| ALIMA AWORI | BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR | CHIPORI LIMITED | Business Accelerator or Incubator;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Kipkirui Cheruiyot | Manager | Cherry ken investment | NA | |
| Joab Khamala | Founder & President | Joab's Capital & Equity Research | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Trade Finance | |
| Joyce Mugun | Proprietor | Joyce Mugun Mega farms Ltd | NA | |
| Charline Muia | Investor Relations Fellow | Regen Organics | Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications | |
| Chabi Celestin | Director | Aestus Company Ltd | Consultant - General;Import/Export | |
| Kennedy Wainaina | | sokofresh | Investor - Personal | |
| John Mwaniki | Technical Consultant | AGIP CAPITAL | NA | |
| Jones Musyoka | Marketing Manager | Pressure coolers | Founder | |
| Gaurav Kakran | Resource Mobiliser | OYAWI | NGO;Consultant - ESG;Fund Administration;Educationalist | |
| JIM Njagi | | Eclotymer enterprises | Consultant - General;Accountant;Investor - Personal;Analytics;Entrepreneur | |
| JESSE LUDENYO | Lead Research Analyst | CERTIFIED INVESTMENTS FINANCIAL ANALYST STUDENT | Financial Services;Analytics | |
| Håvar Bauck | Founder | HotelOnline | Corporate Advisory | |
| Cagatay Hamamcioglu | Director | Skepsis World Consulting | Consultant - General | |
| Gladys King'ori | Founder & CEO | Afreximbank | NA | |
| Joseph Ngeene | CEO | VECOPTICS | NA | |
| LEVI CHEPTORA | | Doctors Explain FM | Health Services | |
| GEOFFREY KEBIRO | Country Manager | Spart Freight Logistics LTD | Import/Export | |
| Gregoire Schwebig | Founder & Executive Chairman | AfricaWorks | Other | |
| Justus Barasa | Operations Manager | Control Risks | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG;Business Intelligence;Project Management;Management;Security Services | |
| Lloyd Mugambi | Founder and CEO | Floyd Line Investment Ltd | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Karimi Warui | Vice President, Investment Banking | Renaissance Capital | NA | |
| Kabutha Nduati | Chief Executive Officer | Teleeza Africa Ltd | NA | |
| Jerome Sifuna | Director/shareholder | Treelife limited | Other;Entrepreneur | |
| David Kuria | CEO | Sun-dere Limited | Entrepreneur | |
| Kevin Nzioka | Director | Skyvin limited | Entrepreneur | |
| Ian Mati | Chief of Staff | iProcure | NA | |
| Lloyd Gaetano | Blogger | Semasocial Platforms | Human Resources Services;Other | |
| Hemant Patel | Founder | CEO | Maxpro Infotech Limited | Software or Technology Services | |
| Cleophas Amurono | DIRECTOR | BANJARA DISTRIBUTORS LTD | Mining and Mining Services;Import/Export | |
| Dedan Hiuhu | Head of Corporate Strategy | Aiden& Sicily Mzazi Pacesetters initiative | Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Kennedy Matara | | Kenan Consulting | NA | |
| godwin mwanzi | CEO, web developer, UI/UX designer | vyma | NA | |
| ENOCK WARA | DIRECTOR | N/A | Marketing Services | |
| Kyle Denning | Managing Director | Kentaste Products Limited | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Hephzibah Mutheki | Real estates and documentation | Alphest | Real Estate Services | |
| Emmanuel Maingi | Managing Partner | Athena Consulting | Consultant - General | |
| Mark Moriama | | Learnt Africa | Educationalist | |
| Mandeep Channa | COO | Rida Kenya | NA | |
| Lawrence Kuria | CEO & Founder | B2B Africa Ltd | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Other;Business Intelligence;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Project Management | |
| Amit Patel | Director | Kavya Enterprise | Trade Finance;Import/Export | |
| Bernard Oduor | Freelance Journalist/enterprener | Bella Casa Agencies | NGO;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Trade Association;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Dealmaker;Fund Administration;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Import/Export;Educationalist;Founder;Journalist | |
| Lloyd Mugambi | Founder and CEO | Floyd Line Investment Ltd | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Kieya Mwaniki | | Osiris Capital | NA | |
| Jacktone Odoyo | Corporate Finance Associate | Standard Investment Bank | NA | |
| Joram Kirira | Director Technical Services | Growing Star Agri Ventures | Consultant - General;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Henry Clarke | Chief Financial Officer | SunCulture | Company Executive | |
| james wanjohi | financial markets trader | fx blueprint | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Stock Exchange | |
| David Mboya | Crown | Bamburi Cement Limited | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investment Banking;Stock Exchange;Software or Technology Services;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Real Estate Services;Mining and Mining Services;Management;Import/Export | |
| julius kabubi | Operations Director | UNDRR Regional Office for Africa | Entrepreneur | |
| Kate Krukiel | Managing Director | Sera Afrika | Consultant - General | |
| Alvin Ocholi | Regional Coordinator-East and Horn of Africa | DEUTSCHE INFRASTRUCTURE S.A | Analytics | |
| Justin Omwaga | Manager | Supreme cedar enterprises | Entrepreneur | |
| isah odongo | technician | odosh networks | NA | |
| Arnold Mukora | | ROSETREE LTD | Real Estate Services | |
| kipkorir sowek | Farmer | NA | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Geoffrey Ruirie | | Amil Technical Training Institute | NA | |
| Christabellah Muricho | Software developer | Brainstorm | Business Intelligence;Custodian and Securities Services | |
| Freyda Owino | Associate Consultant, Compliance, Forensics and Intelligence | Control Risks | NA | |
| Gerald Hollins | CEO | HYDROLOOP Inc. | Project Management;Engineer;Founder | |
| bakari ramadhan | director | outward technology ltd | Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Ananya Sengupta | Owner | Anan Consultancy Services | Corporate Advisory | |
| Joan Ndolo | Business | Dabrutty's malimali | Sales | |
| Janet Kuteli | CEO | MICROFINANCE | Financial Services | |
| JAMES WANENE | Owner | Kewfarm | NA | |
| caleb wasilwa | Founder | Home Biogas Kenya | Consultant - General | |
| Håvar Bauck | Founder | HotelOnline | Corporate Advisory | |
| Freyda Owino | Associate Consultant, Compliance, Forensics and Intelligence | Control Risks | NA | |
| Marcos RG Brandalise | CEO | BrazAfric Enterprises Ltd | Project Management;Company Executive;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Ernest Poku | SVP | Scatec | NA | |
| Ken Osano | Businessman | Deci Consultants | Consultant - General;Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Jordan Rabach | Managing Director | Swiftcost Consultants Limited | NA | |
| Loice Shiguri | Brand Marketing and Communication Specialist | Private consulting | Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications | |
| Fred Kaati | Director | Enyvo Limited | NA | |
| Joseph Kiragu | Founder & CEO | Lusoi Hill Farm | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Fatuma Khalif | founder | yes | Entrepreneur | |
| Kwizera Rudasumbwa | C.E.O | Seventh Armada LTD | Corporate Advisory | |
| Jordan Rabach | Director, Founder | Swiftcost Consultants Limited | Consultant - General | |
| Liz Mwangangi | CEO | Free Thyself | Entrepreneur | |
| Caroline Gathungu | | Finsolve Limited | NA | |
| Abdulkadir Gelle | | Private | NA | |
| Fridah Memeu | CEO | Toplady lingerie | NA | |
| Jacob Ngetich | Business man | SUN TRUST HOLDINGS LTD | Marketing Services;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Stock Exchange;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate | |
| John Astor | Founder / CEO | Green Planet Agritech | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Julius Murega | Founder & CEO | Mediko Mall | Health Services | |
| Joseph Kongoro | Management Consultant | Frontier Advisory Partners | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General | |
| Hagen Maurice | | solar mabati | Entrepreneur | |
| Daniel Njenga | | Symbiafric | Consultant - General | |
| abdirahman ahmed | DIRECTOR | kenwire | NA | |
| LEE GACHOMBA | Managing Director | The SME Warehouse Limited | Financial Services;Consultant - General;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Eddy Omollo | Construction Project Manager | ProModern Syndicate Ltd | Project Management | |
| joseph wambugu | Technologist | Cartnshop LLC | Business Intelligence;Software or Technology Services;Analytics | |
| LEVI CHEPTORA | | Doctors Explain FM | Health Services | |
| John Oduor | Quantity Surveyor | Buildique Kenya limited | Company Executive | |
| Mahmoud Ng'ang'a | Consultant | Self employed | Accountant | |
| Lenana Maina | Director | Green Waste Energie Ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| joshua KOWUOCHE | Investment Officer | Business Partners International | Development Finance Institution | |
| JOHN Mwashighadi | | UKASO CBO | Mining and Mining Services | |
| Amila Praveen Amila Praveen | Owner | OFP PVT LTD | NA | |
| Jelle Pentinga | | DEG | NA | |
| johnson kasamba | engineer | leo general technical company limited | NA | |
| Ian Kahara | MD | Kinet Properties Co. Ltd | NA | |
| Joe Sanna | Director | Wasafiri Destinations | Other | |
| GERALD NGIGE | CEO | JERRY FARMER.Ke | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Fridah Memeu | CEO | Toplady lingerie | NA | |
| IMELDA WANJA | | FarmMoja | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Lukas Coetsee | CEO | African Earth Group | Fund Administration | |
| James Robert | Director | Zaan Agri | Investor - Personal | |
| Jura Polycap | CEO/Founder | The African canvas | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications | |
| Christian Doyen | Chief Commercial Officer | BRCK | Software or Technology Services | |
| Jackson Adembesa | Managing Director | Kenzam Engineering Company Limited | Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Import/Export | |
| Godfrey Mariri | Managing Director | Gomel Enterprises | Dealmaker | |
| John Karanja | Manager | Lokiding solar energy limited | Entrepreneur | |
| Ian Kipkurui | Student | H20 Greens Elevate Hydroponics | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Leonard Kiprono | Senior Financial Advisor / Wealth investments Manager | Standard investments Bank | Corporate Advisory;Financial Services | |
| David Maina | CEO | Kenya Ranches | Real Estate Services | |
| Kimathi Kinyua | Managing Director | Gwijinet Solutions Ltd | Software or Technology Services;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Gitau Kinyanjui | Technical Director | Polaris Scientific | Founder | |
| Kizito Wafula | Director | Princelink Ventures Ltd | Banking Services;Business Intelligence;Investor - Corporate;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Borniface Magara | Senior Resource Mobilisation officer | NETFUND | Development Finance Institution | |
| Adebayo Araoye | Capital Markets Specialist | FSD Africa | NA | |
| Margaret Gichuhi | | Kanyundo Ventures | NA | |
| James Kiruri | COO & Co-Founder | Teleeza Africa Limited | Marketing Services | |
| John Kariuki | Group CEO/Founder | Fincredit Limited | NA | |
| James Njau | Head of Credit | GDC SACCO | Banking Services | |
| joseph Mulupi Musuya | | REGIOTRADE | NA | |
| Cardric Omondi | market analyst | tincker.co | Trade Finance | |
| Mark Moriama | | Learnt Africa | Educationalist | |
| Karimi Mithika | Principal Officer | Rosen InsuranceAgencies | Insurance Products | |
| Joel Yego | Managing Director | Earthmak Technologies Limited | NA | |
| Fredrick Ombima | Financial inclusion specialist | microfinance | NA | |
| Lydia Anyangu | Executive Director | Molyn Credit | Banking Services;Development Bank;Accountant;Fund Administration;Economist | |
| Mao Ngamau Mukuria | CEO | Hodhi Inc | Financial Services | |
| Fredrick Musila | CEO | BUYSELL PROPERTY LINK | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Mandeep Channa | COO | Rida Kenya | NA | |
| Herbert Kinoti | Head of Operations | Operations Manager | NA | |
| ANDREW IRERI | Financial Analyst | 637Capital | Financial Services;Software or Technology Services | |
| joseph wambugu | Technologist | Cartnshop LLC | Business Intelligence;Software or Technology Services;Analytics | |
| Ian Okova | Sales & Marketing executive | Centum Group Kenya | NA | |
| Lucas Mbugua | Head of Corporate Finance | Mi Vida Homes | Marketing Services;Financial Services;Investor - Institutional;Real Estate Services;Project Management;Sales | |
| Mahlon Walo | C.E.O. | Afrinet Carbon | Consultant - ESG;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Founder | |
| Joaquim Fernandes | Manager | open | Management | |
| Loreen Gitonga | Corporate Finance Analyst | BDO East Africa | NA | |
| Gregg Breward | CEO | African Agents | Marketing Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Regional Trade Organisation;Dealmaker | |
| Frank Majale | Managing Director | HFK Dynasty | NA | |
| Leonard Kibet | Farm Manager | PUMPKIN SELLERS AND FARMING | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Fiona Lukwago | Manager - Advisory Services | AECF | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Development Finance Institution;Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Jehoshaphat Kimutai | | Yonder Meadows Farm | NA | |
| Jay Shapiro | CEO / co-founder | Usiku Games | Software or Technology Services | |
| Jacqueline Musyoka | | FEIVEL ENTERPRISES LTD. | NA | |
| Byron ANANGWE | Director | Azaavi Foods | Marketing Services | |
| Hans Odhiambo | CEO | Duo Syndicate Investment Limited | Legal Services;Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG;Accountant;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate;Human Resources - Training;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Company Executive;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Educationalist | |
| Grace Bauer Grace Bauer | Homes for the Elderly | Grace and Mercy | NA | |
| Godffrey Mwika | Managing Director | Grande Afrique Consulting Limited | Marketing Services;Corporate Advisory;Banking Services;Financial Services;Consultant - General;Accountant;Business Intelligence;Dealmaker;Analytics;Human Resources - Training;Management;Company Executive;Sales | |
| Hamilton Conford | Chief Technology Officer | Buntu Labs Technologies | Software or Technology Services | |
| Gilbert Arigi | Founder & CEO | JISTAWI POULTRY | Entrepreneur | |
| Jane Annette Mukuba | Program Coordinator | Sinapis | NGO | |
| Daniel Njeru | Pricing Manager | GardaWorld Africa | Security Services | |
| Mark Cahill | Owner | Odyssey Safaris | Other | |
| Jaffar Wambua | | Mzee investments | NA | |
| Marco Laboso | Government relations Consultant | Planbee LLC | NA | |
| Graham Balcombe | Founder/Director | Simplifi Networks | Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Leah Waihumbu | Business/ farmer | Jade pharmacy ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Charles Kamau | Managing Partner | CKK & Associates | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General | |
| Johnsey Kivoto | Technical Director | Votz Communications Ltd | Other | |
| Manufacturing Africa | MA Team | Manufacturing Africa | NA | |
| Jehoshaphat Kimutai | | Yonder Meadows Farm | NA | |
| Mahad Afrah | | Centroid Construction & Procurement | Import/Export;Engineer | |
| Madleine Mwithiga | MD, AFRICA | ADAPTA Inc | Fund Administration;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Company Executive;Founder | |
| Karimi Ndigah | Senior Business Development Manager | Amped Innovation | NA | |
| Hephzibah Mutheki | Real estates and documentation | Alphest | Real Estate Services | |
| Irene Mwangi | | The Tranquil Realtors - Apartments and Hotels and hortitourismindustry | Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Humphrey Gathungu | CEO | Jubilee Financial Services | NA | |
| Karimi Warui | Vice President, Investment Banking | Renaissance Capital | NA | |
| Joan Mukoya | Managing Partner | Koya & Company Advocates | Legal Services | |
| Anne Nguti | Director | KIMSIM | Founder | |
| Maksym Tykhonov | Regional Manager | iDeals Virtual Data Rooms Solutions Limited | Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Investor - Corporate;Dealmaker | |
| Louis Owoko | Chief Executive Officer | Ollocom Consulting Limited | Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;NGO;Financial Services;Consultant - General;Accountant;Trade Finance;Analytics;Human Resources - Training | |
| Joseph Gitigi | Director. | Rwathia Agrofarm. | Investor - Personal | |
| Leah Karangi | Founder | Spice Harvest Farms | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Flora Mutahi | C.E.O | Melvin Marsh International Limited | Trade Association | |
| Greer Ballantine | Director | Noble Realty | Investor - Personal;Real Estate Services;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Joseph Njane | | Milespace Group Ltd | NA | |
| Kennedy Mbogo | Teacher/ Marketer | STRUTS | Investor - Personal | |
| Amit Thakker | Chairman | Africa Health Business | Business Intelligence | |
| Judy Mbugua | Director | Intelpoint Limited | Legal Services;Corporate Advisory;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Investor - Corporate | |
| James Omare | Farmer | Smartgalaxy General Enterprise | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| harrison okumu | electrician | Novea Enterprises Ltd | Consultant - General;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Elijah Lenku | Director | Maasai Agri-Solution Ltd | Economist;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Edward Mburu | Administrator | HIC Education centre | Educationalist | |
| Brijesh Bakhda | Managing Director | Durham International Schools | Other | |
| Graham Balcombe | Founder/Director | Simplifi Networks | Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Ketan Shah | Director | Coral Property Consultants LTD | Other | |
| joseph Mulupi Musuya | | REGIOTRADE | NA | |
| James Kitheka | Founder & CEO | Kaith Consultants | Financial Services | |
| Ian Mati | Chief of Staff | iProcure | NA | |
| LEE GACHOMBA | Managing Director | The SME Warehouse Limited | Financial Services;Consultant - General;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Annastancia Kioko | Handcraft | KiokoArt&craft | Artist | |
| Jelle Pentinga | | DEG | NA | |
| JOE MUNYI | Realtor | Wearoake Limited | Dealmaker | |
| George Wanyoike | Chief Finance Officer (CFO) | Homegrown Millers Ltd | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| George Obote | CEO | Karach services | Founder | |
| Mark Evans | Co-owner | Kawaakari | Business Intelligence;Project Management;Management;Entrepreneur | |
| Dan Awendo | Managing Director | Home Afrika Limited | Other | |
| Hussein Hassan | Trade Officer | Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) | NA | |
| Joseph Gitonga | Business Development | POWERPOINT SYSTEMS E.A LTD | Project Management;Engineer | |
| Jonathan Eric MBEDO | Business opportunity | MAC FARLEN DIFFUSION | Import/Export | |
| Kennedy Otachi | Projects Director | First Rate Projects | Corporate Advisory;Project Management | |
| Asha Kamenge | Head of Product Innovation | Gulf African Bank | Banking Services;Financial Services;Project Management | |
| Hasnain Meghji | CEO | Cuvva Insurance Agency Ltd | Insurance Products | |
| Kennedy Muga | MD | Brij | Dealmaker | |
| Kennedy Mutahi | | Asoko Insight | NA | |
| Mark Muema | | Selfund Ltd | NA | |
| James Gatheru | Director | Tawi Ltd | Research Analyst | |
| Diane Yakovlev | Associate | E3 capital | Investor - Institutional | |
| ANNE MUKURIA | Team Leader/Manager | AFRICAN FLAIRE | Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Ketan Nagrecha | Head of sales BFSI Africa | Redian software Africa | Software or Technology Services | |
| Linda Bunde | PR trainee | Glass House PR | NA | |
| Hez Gikang'a | Co-Founder & East Africa Managing Director | KEAMSCO | Business Intelligence;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Dealmaker;Founder | |
| Judith Kyenze | Director | Centre for Relief &Development | NGO;Human Resources - Training;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Educationalist;Founder | |
| Franklin Saiyialel | Director | Ozone Ethical AGtec Ltd | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Trade Association;Trade Finance;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| James Gatheru | Director | Tawi Ltd | Research Analyst | |
| lucas mboya | trustee | Ruma Wildlife and Conservation Trust | Entrepreneur | |
| Anthony Massawa | Director | Powerlife Africa Ltd | Marketing Services | |
| Ambrose Kwale | CEO | Eastsoft Capital Ltd | NA | |
| Douglas Maina | Financial consultant | M.Capital kenya | NA | |
| Gayo Tumbani | Co Founder / Project Director | Vistride Technologies | Software or Technology Services | |
| John Magara | | Ceomah Pro Traders | Financial Services | |
| Daniel Odhiambo | FOUNDER | DANMO AUTO SERVICES | Mining and Mining Services;Engineer | |
| Cliff Mutuku | CEO | Hover Mode Ltd | Other;Analytics | |
| Denis Kiptoo | Economics | Kiptoo firm | NA | |
| Anthony Kahinga | Partner | WefixTech | Software or Technology Services | |
| Joseph Njogu | CEO | Research Beeline Ltd | Other | |
| George Wandera | Ceo | Peddle Gifts Ltd | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Jelena Savic | Principal | CGE Ltd | NA | |
| Fredrick Maritim | Sales Manager | Karra Engineering Ltd | Consultant - General;Engineer | |
| Fredrick Ombima | Financial inclusion specialist | microfinance | NA | |
| Gerishon Mwaniki | Co-Founder, Business Development, Sales & Partnerships Lead | Saada Tech | Software or Technology Services | |
| Faheem Chowdhury | Transactions Portfolio Lead | Manufacturing Africa / BDO | NA | |
| Gabriel Sewe | Director/ Founder | Glodoh Ventures | Real Estate Services | |
| Jonathan Mukoro | Investment Analyst | AgdevCo Limited | Investor - Institutional | |
| John Gakunga | Founder and Managing Trustee | Interwaste Research and Development (East Africa) Trust | Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;NGO;Consultant - General;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Investor - Personal;Research Analyst;Fund Administration;Human Resources - Training;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Management;Company Executive;Engineer;Educationalist;Founder | |
| James Kiruri | COO & Co-Founder | Teleeza Africa Limited | Marketing Services | |
| Julie Billon BillonGrand | Project and Development Manager | Mowgli Mentoring | Human Resources Services | |
| JENNIFER WANZINA | FOUNDER | FIDEX FARM | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Angelous Kamande | Strategy Advisor | The AECF | Development Finance Institution | |
| Anthony Gichini | Investment Manager | TransCentury PLC | Investor - Institutional | |
| George Obote | CEO | Karach services | Founder | |
| laurel amida | operation director | intrapreneur Solution Resource Limited | Corporate Advisory;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Real Estate Services;Mining and Mining Services;Management;Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| James Wakaba | Director - East Africa | CLASP | NA | |
| Felister kiundu | Extension officer | Kiundu Enterprises | NGO;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Julie Kinoti | Professional Writers | Julie Kinoti & Associates | NA | |
| Jacob Ngetich | Business man | SUN TRUST HOLDINGS LTD | Marketing Services;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Stock Exchange;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate | |
| Joseph Munyao | Director | Townview Investments | NA | |
| Kinoti Gituma | Managing Director | Kingfin Enterprises Limited | Dealmaker | |
| Fred Fred | sales | E-GAS KENYA LTD | NA | |
| Mark Muema | | Selfund Ltd | NA | |
| james wakai | director | akaifarm | NA | |
| Kelvin Raphael | Business development | MWEZESHE LTD | NA | |
| James Gatheru | Director | Tawi Ltd | Research Analyst | |
| Joseph Gitigi | Director. | Rwathia Agrofarm. | Investor - Personal | |
| Hagen Maurice | | solar mabati | Entrepreneur | |
| Judy Mbugua | Director | Intelpoint Limited | Legal Services;Corporate Advisory;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Investor - Corporate | |
| George Munji | Managing Partner | Sage Media Ltd | Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications | |
| Kebaya Mwamba | | hela.money | Banking Services;Financial Services;Software or Technology Services | |
| James Kitheka | Founder & CEO | Kaith Consultants | Financial Services | |
| Collins Nyagaka | CEO | Dukago | Entrepreneur | |
| Joel Kurui | Director | Down Town Africa Investments LTD | Banking Services;Financial Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Irene Kamondo | Marketing and relationship Manager | GDC SACCO Society Ltd | NA | |
| Kyle Denning | Managing Director | Kentaste Products Limited | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Ketan Nagrecha | Head of sales BFSI Africa | Redian software Africa | Software or Technology Services | |
| Keith Lando | Director | Benland | NA | |
| Frank Mwiti | Eastern Africa Markets Leader | EY | Corporate Advisory;Dealmaker | |
| Joseph Gitonga | Business Development | POWERPOINT SYSTEMS E.A LTD | Project Management;Engineer | |
| Alastair Cavenagh | Chairman | Vipingo Ridge Ltd | Other | |
| Kaden Mays | Commodi voluptatem n | Mccray and Macias Traders | Business Intelligence | |
| Fred Musumba | Aspiring Entrepreneur | AD MASTERS | NA | |
| John Brinkhurst | CCO | Agrinext Ltd | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Financial Services;Consultant - General;Dealmaker;Company Executive | |
| Ida Mwango | Analyst | ARAF | Investor - Institutional | |
| Joanne Calabrese | CEO | SOKO, Inc. | Import/Export;Sales | |
| John Mbungi | Director | APS Cables & Connectors OY | NA | |
| Emmanuel Ogola | Director | Drupes International | Software or Technology Services | |
| LASZLO KELE | Owner | Kele & PARTNER | Dealmaker;Economist;Entrepreneur | |
| JaneJoan Kinyanjui | Director | Jane's & Joan's Company limited | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| kisia abok | Dr. | moldiate laboratory | Research Analyst;Health Services | |
| LEWIS NGUNYI | Founder | Soniq Player | NA | |
| EVANS TALLAM | | BEYOND ICT CENTRE | Other;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export | |
| Gichigo James | Founder/ Director | KENYA RURAL FOOD CENTRE LTD | Marketing Services;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Manuel Moses | CEO | ATIDI | Banking Services;Insurance Products;Development Finance Institution | |
| Joanne Calabrese | CEO | SOKO, Inc. | Import/Export;Sales | |
| David Tinega | Founder | Africa Palm Oil Company | NA | |
| Javan Olang | Farmer | Olang Investment Company LTD | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| John Karanja | | Johnkibo | NA | |
| Josphat Murumbuza | Finance and Business Development Executive | SEPHN Limited | NGO;Consultant - General;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Real Estate Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Francis Wanyoike | MANAGING DIRECTOR | Midenatt Investments Group Limited | Financial Services | |
| Keith Onyinkwa | | Savannah | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Sales | |
| Furry Losieku | Telecommunication company | Loco telecommunications company | Software or Technology Services;Entrepreneur;Security Services | |
| Emily Muthee | Director | Furniture Zoo Ltd | NA | |
| Lloyd Muposhi | CEO | Africinvest private credit | NA | |
| Julius Opiyo | Chairman/CEO | Gifted Farm Enterprises | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Karen Rimita | Business Development Manager | Titanium Investment Partners | NA | |
| Mark Cahill | Owner | Odyssey Safaris | Other | |
| Marion Marion | founder | AVI SPLASH | Sales | |
| james wanjohi | financial markets trader | fx blueprint | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Stock Exchange | |
| John Lubia | CEO | Rico Amor Ltd | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Company Executive | |
| Geoffrey GANGLA | Managing Director | Pontem Capital | Investment Banking;Financial Services | |
| Kirimi Marete | Director for Connectivity and Partnerships in Africa | Reloadly Inc. | Software or Technology Services | |
| Jeremiah Chunge Munyasa | Head of Alternative Channels & Technology | Genghis Capital | Investment Banking | |
| Apiyo Aloo | Managing Director | Ankara REIT - African Real Estate Investment Trust | NA | |
| Godfrey Gitonga | Transportation | Tosh transportation | Entrepreneur | |
| Evans Amenya | Founder | Utawala Smart Kids | Entrepreneur;Educationalist;Founder | |
| Antony Mwondi Mayodi Antony Mwondi Mayodi | CEO | Rafode renewable energy ltd | NA | |
| Jeremiah Ngugi | Director | Connect Global Links | Real Estate Services | |
| Brian Ademba | Director | Roman Green and Maryland Group Of Hotels | NA | |
| Katy Munday | PA to Chair | Enterprise for Development | NGO;Professional Body with Members;Investor - Personal;Development Finance Institution | |
| Kipkirui Cheruiyot | Manager | Cherry ken investment | NA | |
| Gabriel Obwaya | Director | GANSEGWO | Financial Services;Chamber of Commerce;Investor - Corporate;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Engineer | |
| Elizabeth Komora | Director | Anaelle Beauty Products | Import/Export;Sales | |
| joseph mwai | director | letshego | NA | |
| Jack Oloo | CEO | WymBee | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Jasper Moindi | Business Development Mnager | Esaiga Africa | Marketing Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Investor - Corporate | |
| Joanne Calabrese | CEO | SOKO, Inc. | Import/Export;Sales | |
| Isaac Kyalo | BUSINESSMAN | Pwani University | Import/Export | |
| Alex Nzyoki | Operations Director | Sycam Kenya Traders Limited | Marketing Services;Consultant - General;Sales | |
| Jos Mutisya | CEO | Solargwn International Ltd | NA | |
| David Kimondiu | Founder | Opportune Edulink | Analytics | |
| Manoj Changarampatt | Director, Independent Consultant | UMSL, Nairobi | Consultant - General | |
| godwin mwanzi | CEO, web developer, UI/UX designer | vyma | NA | |
| John Kariuki | Group CEO/Founder | Fincredit Limited | NA | |
| Kigathi Mutahi | Chief Executive | Enerfrik Ltd | Engineer;Founder | |
| David Githui | Head Of Marketing | Lambda Agrotech | Economist;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Justin Omwaga | Manager | Supreme cedar enterprises | Entrepreneur | |
| Ace Michel Mwashuma | Founder | A Moran: TGIAM | Marketing Services;Banking Services;NGO;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Professional Body with Members;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Software or Technology Services;Investor - Personal;Dealmaker;Fund Administration;Translation Services;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Real Estate Services;Mining and Mining Services;Project Management;Musician;Management;Entrepreneur;Educationalist;Founder;Security Services | |
| kelly Muiruri | COO | Montgolfier | NA | |
| Ambar van der Wath | Investor Relations | Baobab Network | Financial Services;Investor - Institutional;Entrepreneur | |
| Erick Mukewa | egg supplies | Eggxelence | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Aniruddh Shah | Director of Operations | Kapa Oil Refineries. Ltd. | Investor - Personal | |
| James Kitavi | C.E.O | Milestone Commodities Limited | Business Intelligence;Regional Trade Organisation;Investor - Corporate;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Management;Company Executive;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Liz Mwangangi | CEO | Free Thyself | Entrepreneur | |
| Eunice Maina | CEO | 20X entrepreneurs | Insurance Products;Entrepreneur | |
| IMELDA WANJA | | FarmMoja | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| BILL KISABULI | CEO | AGAPE MEDICAL HOSPITAL | Insurance Products;NGO;Management;Health Services | |
| John Ewesit Ebenyo | Governance and Accountability Coordinator | EKE RESOURCES | Marketing Services;Corporate Advisory;NGO;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Project Management;Entrepreneur | |
| Fredrick olando | Technical director | Gypsum Interiors | NA | |
| Fridah Gatwiri | Farmer | Frish Veggies | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| James Kanyi | Director | Ruralnet Trading Services | Marketing Services | |
| gladys maina | DIRECTOR | PRECISION GLASS & GENERAL SUPPLIES LTD | Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Benadatte Kaggwa | Founder, Creative Designer | NNUNJI ONLINE STORES | Artist;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| GERALD NGIGE | CEO | JERRY FARMER.Ke | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Jordan Rabach | Managing Director | Swiftcost Consultants Limited | NA | |
| Brian Kipkorir | Chief Executive Officer | Kenkar foundation | Marketing Services | |
| Keith Mwangi | Information Systems consultant | Gratis systems | Business Intelligence;Software or Technology Services;Analytics | |
| Joram Kirira | Director Technical Services | Growing Star Agri Ventures | Consultant - General;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Derrick Kimemia | Director of BIM & Ecommerce | the BLEA | Entrepreneur | |
| Kigathi Mutahi | Chief Executive | Enerfrik Ltd | Engineer;Founder | |
| Julius Marete | Director | DIMMOCK INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL | NGO;Financial Services;Development Finance Institution;Fund Administration;Educationalist | |
| John Muthoga Wambugu | Director | Iceberg Energy | Entrepreneur | |
| irene murimi | CHIEF EXCUTIVE OFFICER | ACUITY LINKS CAPITAL AFRICA LIMITED | Banking Services;Development Bank;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Development Finance Institution;Entrepreneur | |
| Daphine Omolo | Freelance Accounting Services | Ismotto Investment Works | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Banking Services;Financial Services;Consultant - General;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Accountant;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Development Finance Institution;Trade Finance;Fund Administration;Management;Company Executive;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| james wakai | director | akaifarm | NA | |
| Franklin Saiyialel | Director | Ozone Ethical AGtec Ltd | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Trade Association;Trade Finance;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Kinoti Gituma | Director | Kingfin Ltd | Other;Dealmaker;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Armando Massimiliano Sirolla | Chairman | Kush Bank Ltd | Banking Services;Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| John Masanda | CEO | Malfini Capital Limited | NA | |
| Jane Nasaka | Director | Omusale limited | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Kelvin Muli | Farmer | Valley fresh agriculture | NA | |
| Gabriel Sewe | Director/ Founder | Glodoh Ventures | Real Estate Services | |
| Catheleen Muthoni | CEO | MANG WEAR | Entrepreneur | |
| Brill Okoth | CEO | WEKKITECH LIMITED | Entrepreneur | |
| Collins Sirwani | | Fanaka Farms | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Aimee te Riele | Associate | Nedbank | NA | |
| Charles Otieno | Founder | Voom Hyperlocal | Software or Technology Services | |
| Jordan Rabach | Director, Founder | Swiftcost Consultants Limited | Consultant - General | |
| Fredrick Ndungu | | E-GAS KENYA LTD | Investor - Corporate;Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| Benson Ayusa | General Manager | Kenya Co-operative Coffee Exporters Limited | NA | |
| Kigathi Mutahi | Chief Executive | Enerfrik Ltd | Engineer;Founder | |
| Marc Jermin | Managing Director | Pack UG | NA | |
| clyde Muna | Director | Maxhodges Marketing Limited | Marketing Services | |
| Mark Achola | Managing Partner | Rubik Health Africa LLP | NA | |
| Cars Kenya | Car Dealer | Car Junction Kenya | Dealmaker | |
| Josep Oriol-Bosch | Founder and Managing Partner | Okavango Capital Partners | Investor - Institutional | |
| Isaac kahara | Country Head - East Africa | UK Export Finance | Financial Services;Development Finance Institution | |
| kipkorir sowek | Farmer | NA | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Ambrose Waswa | Managing Director | Across Africa Consultants Ltd | Business Intelligence | |
| Mark MUOKI | entrepreneur | AL ASFAR PASSION FARM | Marketing Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Keyul Shah | | Avolife Kenya | NA | |
| ILHAN WANJA | Director | KWASI LTD | Marketing Services;Founder;Sales | |
| Ken Musebe | Managing Director | INVESTCORP CAPITAL | Corporate Advisory;Financial Services;Business Intelligence;Investor - Institutional;Dealmaker;Real Estate Services;Company Executive;Entrepreneur | |
| Davis Kambale Tayo | Managing Partner | Africa Social Financing Centre | Corporate Advisory | |
| John Cheruiyot | Forex trading | Freedom hedge fund Capital | Financial Services;Stock Exchange;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate;Trade Finance;Entrepreneur | |
| LUCY KARUME | Director | CIANDA GROUP | Business Intelligence | |
| Jeremiah Ngugi | Director | Extreme New Urban Developers Ltd | Other | |
| Kate Macintyre | Board member | SAIDIA | NGO;Health Services;Educationalist | |
| George Kanku | Data Analyst | The Amara Sekani Group | NA | |
| GEOFFREY KEBIRO | Country Manager | Spart Freight Logistics LTD | Import/Export | |
| Jote Wakjira | Chief Executive Officer | Equinox Group | NA | |
| Kwizera Rudasumbwa | C.E.O | Seventh Armada LTD | Corporate Advisory | |
| Dickens Oluoch | C.E.O | Amidee Investments & Logistics LTD | Consultant - General | |
| Dennis Mwangi | | Thalia Psychotherapy | Health Services | |
| Isabella Gathoni | | Nelion-Peak Investments | NA | |
| Jackson Adembesa | Managing Director | Kenzam Engineering Company Limited | Engineer | |
| Boniface Igambi | CEO | Asyco And Company Limited | NA | |
| Andrew Teyie | Managing Partner | Andrew Consulting Limited | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Analytics | |
| MACHARIA NDEGWA | CEO - FOUNDER | RAGSBOND ENTERPRISES | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Accountant;Economist;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Company Executive;Founder | |
| Kiringai Kamau | Execitive Director and Founder | GODAN's Programme for Agricultural Capacity Development in Africa | NA | |
| Harrison Mutie | Director | Harmut technologies limited | NA | |
| Dipesh Shah | CEO | Dpl Festive Ltd | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| James Kanyi | Director | Ruralnet Trading Services | Marketing Services | |
| M Jibril Omar | Commercial Director | OFGEN | Other | |
| Kennedy Otachi | Projects Director | First Rate Projects | Corporate Advisory;Project Management | |
| ISAAC OKETCH | Sale/Distributor | WATH ORANGO ENTERPRISE | Trade Association;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Project Management;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Kairo Thuo | Partner | Viva Africa Consulting LLP | Other | |
| Alex Bore | Director | Aseac Point Ltd | Business Intelligence;Analytics;Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| David Meek Jah | CEO | CADAP WORLD INC. | Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Chamber of Commerce;Software or Technology Services;Trade Finance;Real Estate Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Daniel Bushebi | Director | Tellux Africa Limited | Investor - Corporate;Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| Judith Kyenze | Director | Centre for Relief &Development | NGO;Human Resources - Training;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Educationalist;Founder | |
| Lilian Ochieng | | Frelin Fresh Limited | NA | |
| Marc Voi Chiuli | Founder & Ceo | The People Edge Consulting Limited | Human Resources Services | |
| George Obote | CEO | Karach services | Founder | |
| John Ewesit Ebenyo | Governance and Accountability Coordinator | EKE RESOURCES | Marketing Services;Corporate Advisory;NGO;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Project Management;Entrepreneur | |
| Kennedy Muga | CEO | Komson Media Limited | NA | |
| Ellis Mudegu | Construction Manager | Sharpscope Ltd | NA | |
| harrison okumu | electrician | Novea Enterprises Ltd | Consultant - General;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Lydia Donald | Director | Axolotl Solutions | Investor - Personal;Dealmaker;Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Kephas Manyara | | Gurachos Farms | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Abdul Hussein | Analyst | Inspired Evolution Investment Management | NA | |
| Ethan Kay | MD | BioLite | NA | |
| Charles Ambuga | | Lorrion Wellness Resort | Health Services | |
| KENNETH MATU | MD | KENARK LIMITED | Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder;Sales | |
| Justin Omwaga | Manager | Supreme cedar enterprises | Entrepreneur | |
| Edward Rukwaro | Director | 360 | NA | |
| Jolliff Odhiambo | CEO/Founder | Lliffton Analytica Ltd | NGO;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Business Intelligence;Software or Technology Services;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Research Analyst;Analytics;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Entrepreneur | |
| Jimmy Kihara | Head of Business Development | Kihara Njuguna & Co. Advocates | Legal Services;Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Dealmaker;Real Estate Services | |
| Kevin Nzioka | Director | Skyvin limited | Entrepreneur | |
| Jorge Forester | Chief Executive Officer | firstcode corporation ltd | Software or Technology Services | |
| John Busunkwi | Director | Widetech Solutions Kenya Ltd | NA | |
| Frank Majale | Managing Director | HFK Dynasty | NA | |
| Imran Suleiman | Principal Architect, Developer | Silcreek Realtors Limited | NA | |
| John Ngatia | Project Coordinator | Eventscape | NA | |
| Kennedy Muga | MD | Brij | Dealmaker | |
| ALEX MUNGAI | Property consultants | Aeton homes | Real Estate Services | |
| Julius Marete | Director | Dimmock School | Educationalist | |
| Ataur Rahim Siddiqui | Managing Director | Flavitas Ltd | Trade Association;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Project Management;Management;Engineer;Sales | |
| Dennis Mburu | | Digital Strategy and Marketing (DSM) | NA | |
| Joanne Calabrese | CEO | SOKO, Inc. | Management;Import/Export;Sales | |
| Benard Langat | Director | Apex Elite Property Management Ltd | Real Estate Services | |
| Kennedy Mbogo | Teacher/ Marketer | STRUTS | Investor - Personal | |
| Gaurav Kakran | Resource Mobiliser | OYAWI | NGO;Consultant - ESG;Fund Administration;Educationalist | |
| Kelvin Raphael | Business development | MWEZESHE LTD | NA | |
| Eva Warigia | Associate Director | New Forests | Investor - Institutional | |
| Hetal Patel | Chief Investment Officer | 54 Collective VC | NA | |
| George Njanga | Founder | Tecwisehub | Software or Technology Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Alex Masika | Head of Business Development - Africa | ATLAS AI | Analytics | |
| Jote Wakjira | Chief Executive Officer | Equinox Group Holdings Inc. | Legal Services;Human Resources Services;Custodian and Securities Services;Fund Administration;Management | |
| Dan Alwende | Director | Wakwetu General Stores Limited | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Software or Technology Services;Real Estate Services;Sales | |
| Lewis Wanyama | CEO and President | Chrimarks LLC | NA | |
| Ashibon Kibui | Director | INSTAVEG LTD | NA | |
| George Munji | Managing Partner | Sage Media Ltd | Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications | |
| Cynthia Kemunto | Real Estate | Heri Homes | Investor - Personal;Real Estate Services | |
| Kephas Manyara | | Gurachos Farms | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Madalena Santos | Director of Operations | Kua Ventures | Investor - Corporate | |
| Anita Jebichii | Project Manager | Aqaworld Ltd | Real Estate Services | |
| Gilbert Arigi | Founder & CEO | JISTAWI POULTRY | Entrepreneur | |
| Cliff Olal | Founder & CEO | Eco-Dudu Ranch | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Founder | |
| John Maruta | Founder | Maruta Goat & Sheep Farm | Chamber of Commerce;Dealmaker;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Import/Export | |
| George Juma | CEO/ Co founder | TEFLEX LEATHER GEM AFRICA LTD | Other;Entrepreneur | |
| MACHARIA NDEGWA | CEO - FOUNDER | RAGSBOND ENTERPRISES | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Accountant;Economist;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Company Executive;Founder | |
| Joseph Poche | Managing Partner | Berkshire Consulting | Corporate Advisory | |
| James Wekesa | Technical Director | JAMAN ENGINEERING WORKS LTD | Mining and Mining Services;Project Management;Engineer | |
| Joel Mauti | CEO | HR Roulette Solutions Ltd | Human Resources Services;Software or Technology Services | |
| Karimi Ndigah | Senior Business Development Manager | Amped Innovation | NA | |
| Lewis Wanyama | CEO and President | Chrimarks LLC | NA | |
| David Ekabouma | Managing Director | HEC EMBA | NA | |
| Joanne Calabrese | CEO | SOKO, Inc. | Management;Import/Export;Sales | |
| Emmanuel Omuya | Managing Director | Manfold Holdings Group Limited | Investor - Corporate | |
| Edwin Munga | Telecommunications Engineer | Lightline Investments | Software or Technology Services;Project Management | |
| Florence Kamau | General Manager | Francis Drummond & Company | Financial Services | |
| Keyul Shah | | Avolife Kenya | NA | |
| Ilhan Abass | Chief Officer investment | Kazi Mtaani | Software or Technology Services | |
| Gumato Golo | Business Development Engineer-Solar PV | Central Electricals International Limited | Other;Business Intelligence;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Sales | |
| James Gaita | Director | The Everest Premier School | Educationalist | |
| Gabriel Muthara | Sales & Marketing Representative | Haraka Savings & Credit Corporative Society | Financial Services | |
| Gunjan Dhingra | Senior Director | Pure Software | NA | |
| Chris Thom | North American Investor Relations | Endless Africa Limited | Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications | |
| Brian J.W Muchiri | Founder, Director | Home Comforts Investments Ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| John Gakunga | Founder and Managing Trustee | Interwaste Research and Development (East Africa) Trust | Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;NGO;Consultant - General;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Investor - Personal;Research Analyst;Fund Administration;Human Resources - Training;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Management;Company Executive;Engineer;Educationalist;Founder | |
| Fred Kaati | Director | Enyvo Limited | NA | |
| Mark Achola | Managing Partner | Rubik Health Africa LLP | NA | |
| Dave Nyabuto | Engineer | Keycha construction limited | Other | |
| Kelvin Mwendwa | Associate | KCIC Consulting Limited | Consultant - General | |
| Francis Mukatai | Founder & Social Impact Manager | Ukilaf Consultancy | Consultant - ESG | |
| Judith Kyenze | Director | Centre for Relief &Development | NGO;Human Resources - Training;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Educationalist;Founder | |
| Douglas Kagai | looking for angel investment | ardent | NA | |
| eliza hogan | CEO | Future at Play | Human Resources - Training;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Jeremiah Chunge Munyasa | Head of Alternative Channels & Technology | Genghis Capital | Investment Banking | |
| Joseph Nyaboga | Director | Savonova.com | Founder | |
| John Kagwi | Property Management | Kingspride properties limited,Kenya | Real Estate Services | |
| Gichigo James | Founder/ Director | KENYA RURAL FOOD CENTRE LTD | Marketing Services;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Jaynish Shah | Coo | DPL festive ltd | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Marc Voi Chiuli | Founder & Ceo | The People Edge Consulting Limited | Human Resources Services | |
| Hellen Kimani | Director | Grassroot concepts ltd | Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| Kakenya Ntaiya | Founder and President | Kakenya's Dream | NGO | |
| Kevin Nzioka | Director | Skyvin limited | Entrepreneur | |
| Jorge Forester | Chief Executive Officer | firstcode corporation ltd | Software or Technology Services | |
| Joel Mauti | CEO | HR Roulette Solutions Ltd | Human Resources Services;Software or Technology Services | |
| Herbert Rajula | Founder | Poraeh Investments | Investment Banking;Banking Services;Financial Services;Founder | |
| Gabriel Muthara | Sales & Marketing Representative | Haraka Savings & Credit Corporative Society | Financial Services | |
| Leah Karangi | Founder | Spice Harvest Farms | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Grace Mwangi | Founder and CEO | GM Alphea ltd | NA | |
| ELVIS KIPKOSGEI | Project manager | annex trading company | Investment Banking;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce | |
| Ely Stephens | | Stephens salts ltd | NA | |
| JOSEPH WAINAINA | PORTFOLIO MANAGER | BORA CAPITAL LTD | Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory | |
| Abah Abah Mike | Trade Finance Expert | Nipon Invest Capital Group | Legal Services;Investment Banking;Banking Services;NGO;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Stock Exchange;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Trade Association;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Development Finance Institution;Trade Finance;Fund Administration;Translation Services;Real Estate Services;Mining and Mining Services;Project Management;Management;Import/Export;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Isaac Waithaka | | Ubunifu Institute | NGO | |
| Ambrose Ruri | Founding Director | Icohm Consortium | NGO;Consultant - General;Accountant;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Janet Gathii Mwangi | CEO | Habiqo Investments Ltd | Other | |
| Erastus Kainga | Director | Godven Investments limited | Consultant - General | |
| Joe Kimani | CEO | SolarGlow | Entrepreneur | |
| Faith Githua | Director | Beartas Group Ltd. | NA | |
| Gustav Ondwari | sales | karmec company limited | NA | |
| Madalena Santos | Director of Operations | Kua Ventures | Investor - Corporate | |
| Eric Mangeli | | Nova Industries Ltd | NA | |
| henry carl okonji | | genixglobal limited | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Mark Cahill | Owner | Odyssey Safaris | Other | |
| James Njau | Credit Manager | GDC SACCO Society Ltd | NA | |
| Joel Kurui | Director | Down Town Africa Investments LTD | Banking Services;Financial Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Keddy Njiru | CEO | Keddie Botanics | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Anne Ngumba | | AHB | Consultant - General;Project Management | |
| Jimmy Kihara | Head of Business Development | Kihara Njuguna & Co. Advocates | Legal Services;Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Dealmaker;Real Estate Services | |
| Anne Gaitha | C.E.O. | Regal Africa Group | Corporate Advisory | |
| Lameck Osara | I.T technician | Gate logistics | Engineer | |
| Kenneth Kinyanjui | Senior Startup and Innovation Manager | Africas Talking Limited | Dealmaker | |
| Maria Sillingi | Property Advisor | Mi Vida Homes | Real Estate Services | |
| Daniel Muguko | Director | TRIED BIOTECH SOLUTIONS LTD | Other | |
| Dalcy Chomba | CEO | Green Sprout Food Company Ltd | Import/Export | |
| Godfrey Mariri | Managing Director | Gomel Enterprises | Dealmaker | |
| Isaac Waithaka | | Ubunifu Institute | NGO | |
| Karimi Warui | Vice President, Investment Banking | Renaissance Capital | NA | |
| David ndiritu | Electrical services | CFE LTD | Real Estate Services;Entrepreneur;Engineer | |
| Jonah Adaun | | Self Employed | Economist | |
| Dan Njoroge | CEO | Garbage Dot Com Ltd | NA | |
| Maksym Tykhonov | Regional Manager | iDeals Virtual Data Rooms Solutions Limited | Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Investor - Corporate;Dealmaker | |
| Benson Maweu | Founder/CEO | Yuuji Shopping Ltd | Sales | |
| johnson kasamba | engineer | leo general technical company limited | NA | |
| John Okello | Engineer | Mondial Energy Solutions | NA | |
| Clara Li | | Persistent | NA | |
| LEWIS WAMBUGU | | | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Kafir Qassim | operations manager | MH processing | NA | |
| Ezekiel M | Chief Actuary & Managaing Director | Kenbright Holdings Limited | Insurance Products | |
| ISAAC OKETCH | Sale/Distributor | WATH ORANGO ENTERPRISE | Trade Association;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Project Management;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Lewis Kimani | Co-founder and CEO | Drollit | NA | |
| Kebaya Mwamba | | hela.money | Banking Services;Financial Services;Software or Technology Services | |
| Isaac Ndungu | CEO | Kanino Global Limited | Marketing Services;Consultant - General;Software or Technology Services;Investor - Personal;Research Analyst;Dealmaker;Real Estate Services;Project Management;Management;Company Executive;Entrepreneur;Founder;Sales | |
| isah odongo | technician | odosh networks | NA | |
| Kiplangat Edwin | Farmer | Kipsfarm | NA | |
| Emile Fulcheri | CTO | Stima Boda | Entrepreneur;Engineer | |
| Jaynish Shah | Coo | DPL festive ltd | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| James Robert | Director | Zaan Agri | Investor - Personal | |
| Gunjan Dhingra | Senior Director | Pure Software | NA | |
| Laura Lusiji | Senior Associate | JMiles & Co. | Legal Services | |
| Abner Soans | Director | Lapaz International Ltd. | Company Executive;Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| Liston Koskei | Director | Tilindi Industries Limited | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Joseph Nzomo | Creative Manager | Designtech Africa Ltd | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Other;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Engineer;Sales | |
| Danson Thuu | Business Consultant | GRID | NA | |
| Catherine Nabwile | CEO | Gen Pro Power Systems ( EA) Ltd. | Software or Technology Services | |
| Johnstone Sikulu Wanjala | Director | Sima CBO-Kenya | Legal Services;Marketing Services;Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;NGO;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Regulator;Business Intelligence;Regional Trade Organisation;Professional Body with Members;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Software or Technology Services;Investor - Corporate;Research Analyst;Dealmaker;Human Resources - Training;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Musician;Management;Company Executive;Import/Export;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Educationalist;Founder;Journalist;Sales | |
| Cyrus Kagwanja | Head of Business Growth and Strategy Planning | Medu Capital Limited | Accountant;Business Intelligence;Analytics;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Fredrick Musila | CEO | BUYSELL PROPERTY LINK | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Emmanuel Mutua | Musician | MWK MALIBO | NA | |
| GEORGE KAMAU | CEO | LIMURIA | Software or Technology Services | |
| Ann Njuguna | Ceo | Jossy enterprise | Marketing Services | |
| Daniel Wambua | GM East Africa | Axiz PTY Ltd | Software or Technology Services | |
| Ilhan Abass | Chief Officer investment | Kazi Mtaani | Software or Technology Services | |
| Joseph Ngangira | Partner | Kaplan&Stratton | Legal Services | |
| John Mbungi | Director | APS Cables & Connectors OY | NA | |
| Jacinta Ndichu | Manager | Inno Point | NA | |
| Humphrey Ndara | Director | Natural world Kenya Safaris ltd | Other | |
| KINUTHIA JACOB | Founder and CEO | Chap Pay Company Limited | NA | |
| George Seda | | Hyphen Insurance Agency | Insurance Products | |
| Francis Wanyoike | MANAGING DIRECTOR | Midenatt Investments Group Limited | Financial Services | |
| Jacinta Mwangi | Director | Mizizi njiru company limited | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Jolliff Odhiambo | CEO/Founder | Lliffton Analytica Ltd | NGO;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Business Intelligence;Software or Technology Services;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Research Analyst;Analytics;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Entrepreneur | |
| Khisa Caleb | Project Lead | Limucks International Ltd | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Fund Administration;Project Management | |
| Joseph Mathenge | Director | Career Options Africa Ltd | Human Resources Services | |
| Kyle Denning | Managing Director | Kentaste Products Limited | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| James Wekesa | Technical Director | JAMAN ENGINEERING WORKS LTD | Mining and Mining Services;Project Management;Engineer | |
| Håvar Bauck | Founder | HotelOnline | Corporate Advisory | |
| JOSEPH MOSI | DIRECTOR | NYANZA AG-ENTERPRISE LIMITED | Marketing Services;Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Corporate Advisory;NGO;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate;Dealmaker;Human Resources - Training;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Management;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Daniel Kimani | Founder | Ohospital | Insurance Products;Health Services;Entrepreneur | |
| John Lubia | CEO | Rico Amor Ltd | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Company Executive | |
| Caleb Mutie | CEO and Founder | Montgolfier | Financial Services | |
| Joshua Omondi | Project Site Architect Representative | Masanda Afrika | NA | |
| Denis Mwangi | Mining | Platinum Multi Miners | Mining and Mining Services | |
| Mark Kinuthia | | Open Capital | NA | |
| Kara Klassen | | Pumapa Capital Limited | NA | |
| Janice Waithera | Head of Strategic Operations | Qaroli Limited | Other | |
| Harrison Mutie | Director | Harmut technologies limited | NA | |
| Christine Kairu | Associate | Phatisa | NA | |
| Fred Musumba | Aspiring Entrepreneur | AD MASTERS | NA | |
| Furry Losieku | Telecommunication company | Loco telecommunications company | Software or Technology Services;Entrepreneur;Security Services | |
| Hasnain Meghji | CEO | Cuvva Insurance Agency Ltd | Insurance Products | |
| James Shoetan | Senior Associate | CBE | NA | |
| Eltigani Ahmed | Head of Trade Finance | Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa | NA | |
| Dhirendra Rana | Director | Bizvisory (EA) Limited, Nairobi | NA | |
| Godffrey Mwika | Managing Director | Grande Afrique Consulting Limited | Marketing Services;Corporate Advisory;Banking Services;Financial Services;Consultant - General;Accountant;Business Intelligence;Dealmaker;Analytics;Human Resources - Training;Management;Company Executive;Sales | |
| Kizito Wafula | Director | Princelink Ventures Ltd | Banking Services;Business Intelligence;Investor - Corporate;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Karanja Kuria | Business Development | Strathmore University | Consultant - ESG;Research Analyst;Project Management;Engineer | |
| John Kariuki | Ranch startup | Reka ranch | NA | |
| Frank Majale | Managing Director | HFK Dynasty | NA | |
| Hans Odhiambo | CEO | Duo Syndicate Investment Limited | Legal Services;Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG;Accountant;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate;Human Resources - Training;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Company Executive;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Educationalist | |
| Joseph Mathenge | Director | Career Options Africa Ltd | Human Resources Services | |
| DJ Koeman | CBDO | poa internet | Software or Technology Services | |
| James Kanyi | Director | Ruralnet Trading Services | Marketing Services | |
| John Muiruri Nyuthe | | The Monarch Hotel | NA | |
| Geophry Owiti | ACCOUNTANT II | LOGOF ENTERPRISES | Accountant;Sales | |
| Jones Musyoka | Marketing Manager | Pressure coolers | Founder | |
| Imran Suleiman | Principal Architect, Developer | Silcreek Realtors Limited | NA | |
| HASSAN AL-HUSSEINY | CEO | OMANKEN LIMITED | Consultant - General | |
| Jeremiah Ngugi | Director | Connect Global Links | Real Estate Services | |
| Joel kurui | Director | Down Town Africa Investments LTD | Financial Services | |
| Anselm Musyoka | Investment in tourism services | Yatta view investment Ltd | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Jacinta Ndichu | Manager | Inno Point | NA | |
| Mahad Afrah | | Centroid Construction & Procurement | Import/Export;Engineer | |
| Geophry Owiti | ACCOUNTANT II | LOGOF ENTERPRISES | Accountant;Sales | |
| Dr Bashir Hassan | Executive Director | AIID | Financial Services | |
| Christine Wanjiku | Head Of Credit | PKL CONSULTANTS | Consultant - ESG | |
| Abel Waweru | CEO | Buman Limites | Business Intelligence;Trade Association;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Investor - Personal;Real Estate Services;Project Management;Management;Entrepreneur | |
| Kanyingi Kagucia | Head of Sales | CIGNA | Insurance Products | |
| Ketan Nagrecha | Head of sales BFSI Africa | Redian software Africa | Software or Technology Services | |
| Arnold Alukwe | CEO | Paygrand Online Limited | Financial Services | |
| Fred Fred | sales | E-GAS KENYA LTD | NA | |
| Grace Bauer Grace Bauer | Homes for the Elderly | Grace and Mercy | NA | |
| Karen Rimita | Director | I-Tumuren | Financial Services;Consultant - General;Investor - Personal;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Management;Company Executive | |
| Jackson Adembesa | Managing Director | Kenzam Engineering Company Limited | Engineer | |
| Manoj Gohil | Consultant | Payroll Centre Limited | Accountant | |
| Janice Waithera | Head of Strategic Operations | Qaroli Limited | Other | |
| HILLARY MAGANI | DIRECTOR | MYLES & PSALMIST | Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Banking Services;Financial Services;Business Intelligence | |
| Linet Njeri | Brand and Strategy Lead | Eenovators Limited | Consultant - ESG | |
| Andrew Karanja | Director | Ancarm Global | Software or Technology Services | |
| Lawrence Kuria | CEO & Founder | B2B Africa Ltd | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Other;Business Intelligence;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Project Management | |
| George Munji | Managing Partner | Sage Media Ltd | Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications | |
| Amos Mwasi | Founder | Taita Hills Farm Fresh Products | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| John Miriti | Owner | BHLH Homes | Real Estate Services | |
| ABDIHAKIM ABDI | Director | Canaries Holdings Ltd | NA | |
| Anderson Githinji | Director | Muraimo Investment Limited | Dealmaker | |
| andrew ombongi | Director | rapid makers limited | Engineer | |
| Barnard Aseto | Managing Director | Soluvet International Limited | Other | |
| Hoffman Moka Lantum | CEO | CheckUps | Health Services;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Ben Momat | Chief Commercial Officer | SparkMeter Inc. | Software or Technology Services | |
| Janet Gathii Mwangi | CEO | Habiqo Investments Ltd | Other | |
| Kahra Cagulada | Executive Assistant | SunCulture | NA | |
| Isaac Kyalo | BUSINESSMAN | Pwani University | Import/Export | |
| John Kariuki | Group CEO/Founder | Fincredit Limited | NA | |
| Lameck Osara | I.T technician | Gate logistics | Engineer | |
| John Kariuki | Ranch startup | Reka ranch | NA | |
| ESTHER MBULA | DIRECTOR | Almond kay enterprises | NA | |
| Kieya Mwaniki | | Osiris Capital | NA | |
| Mark Kinuthia | | Open Capital | NA | |
| Jatelo Oyoo | Principal | Bizy Bee Apiary Management | NA | |
| Innocent Sirima | Analyst | Everstrong Capital | Investor - Corporate | |
| Esau Munywoki | Founder | Oxiron Investments | Entrepreneur | |
| Louis Owoko | Chief Executive Officer | Ollocom Consulting Limited | Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;NGO;Financial Services;Consultant - General;Accountant;Trade Finance;Analytics;Human Resources - Training | |
| George Wafukho | CEO | Portman Africa Limited | Other;Investor - Corporate;Founder;Sales | |
| Mao Ngamau Mukuria | CEO | Hodhi Inc | Financial Services | |
| ERICK ADUKE | Business Developer | Utility Scientific | Marketing Services;Chamber of Commerce;Entrepreneur | |
| Alec Hugo | Analyst | Africa Merchant Capital | NA | |
| Fridah Gatwiri | Farmer | Frish Veggies | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Brian Sagini | Analyst | Viktoria ventures | NA | |
| Christopher Mutuku | Business Development Officer | BOTANICAL EXTRACTS EPZ LTD | Other | |
| Kennedy Wainaina | | sokofresh | Investor - Personal | |
| George kamau | CEO | Afrigrow Kenya | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| John Oduor | Quantity Surveyor | Buildique Kenya limited | Company Executive | |
| Kimathi Kinyua | Managing Director | Gwijinet Solutions Ltd | Software or Technology Services;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| james wakai | director | akaifarm | NA | |
| Kiringai Kamau | Execitive Director and Founder | GODAN's Programme for Agricultural Capacity Development in Africa | NA | |
| kevin kimari | electrician | syntaxx 145 youth group | NA | |
| Joseph Kiragu | Construction | Lipana | Real Estate Services | |
| Isabella Gathoni | | Nelion-Peak Investments | NA | |
| JESSE LUDENYO | Lead Research Analyst | CERTIFIED INVESTMENTS FINANCIAL ANALYST STUDENT | Financial Services;Analytics | |
| John Magara | | Ceomah Pro Traders | Financial Services | |
| Dr David Amakobe, DBA | President & CEO | African Wood Inc | Banking Services;Consultant - General | |
| Jaffar Wambua | | Mzee investments | NA | |
| Kevin Barasa | Chief Consulting Officer | Pin Drop Consulting Group | Insurance Products | |
| James Maitho | CEO | Ndovu Farm | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| Fadel Ndiame | Deputy President | AGRA | NGO | |
| collins.oyuma Oyuma | Principal and Team Leader | Research Support Services | Consultant - General | |
| John Oduor | Quantity Surveyor | Buildique Kenya limited | Company Executive | |
| Karen Rimita | Business Development Manager | Titanium Investment Partners | NA | |
| Keziah Khalinditsa | Business Development Manager | Powergen Renewable Energy | NA | |
| Fred Kaati | Director | Enyvo Limited | NA | |
| Janvier OKELO | | REYA | Analytics;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| HILLARY MAGANI | DIRECTOR | MYLES & PSALMIST | Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Banking Services;Financial Services;Business Intelligence | |
| JARED OMISO | Founder | Nyangorora Banana Processors Limited | Business Accelerator or Incubator;Founder | |
| Caleb Juma | Engineering | Brilliant engineering works | Engineer | |
| Linda Bunde | PR trainee | Glass House PR | NA | |
| Julie Kinoti | Professional Writers | Julie Kinoti & Associates | NA | |
| Jehoshaphat Kimutai | | Yonder Meadows Farm | NA | |
| Kahra Cagulada | Executive Assistant | SunCulture | NA | |
| Angela Mwaniki | Co-Founder | Linda Familia Limited | Real Estate Services | |
| Kennedy Matara | | Kenan Consulting | NA | |
| fredrick ongaro | Director | Opex Africa Network Ltd | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General | |
| JOHN Mwashighadi | | UKASO CBO | Mining and Mining Services | |
| Joshua Omondi | Project Site Architect Representative | Masanda Afrika | NA | |
| Hasnain Meghji | CEO | Cuvva Insurance Agency Ltd | Insurance Products | |
| Gustav Ondwari | sales | karmec company limited | NA | |
| isah odongo | technician | odosh networks | NA | |
| Joan Mukoya | Managing Partner | Koya & Company Advocates | Legal Services | |
| John Kamara | Founder and Global Chief Executive Officer Adanian Labs | Adanian Labs | NA | |
| Geoffrey Musyoki | Investments officer- Agriculture | Oikocredit international- Kenya office | Development Finance Institution | |
| Lucas Mbugua | Head of Corporate Finance | Mi Vida Homes | Marketing Services;Financial Services;Investor - Institutional;Real Estate Services;Project Management;Sales | |
| Hasnain Meghji | CEO | Cuvva Insurance Agency Ltd | Insurance Products | |
| Leah Nyambura-Kagumba | Director | Dyer and Blair | NA | |
| D BC | CEO | CCP | NA | |
| Ken Musebe | Managing Director | INVESTCORP CAPITAL | Corporate Advisory;Financial Services;Business Intelligence;Investor - Institutional;Dealmaker;Real Estate Services;Company Executive;Entrepreneur | |
| Francis Njuru | N/a | N/a | Founder | |
| James Njau | Credit Manager | GDC SACCO Society Ltd | NA | |
| James WANDURIKA | ENGINNER | Pentacon Limited | Mining and Mining Services | |
| Kate Macintyre | Board member | SAIDIA | NGO;Health Services;Educationalist | |
| George Fudjoe | Trade Finance Officer | Trade & Development Bank | NA | |
| Barrack Manono | Managing Director | SCEA TRAVEL | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Project Management;Management;Sales | |
| Kenneth Onchwati | Director | White Resources International Ltd | Marketing Services;Mining and Mining Services;Management | |
| DAN ONDIEK | CEO | RHINELAND ENGINEERING LTD | Project Management;Engineer | |
| Eric Mukanzi | | Mukanzi's Pot Fusion | Consultant - General;Management;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Francis Mureithi | L&D Manager | Farmworks Africa | Human Resources - Training;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Collins Marita | Director | Iliax Limited | NA | |
| Juma Baraka | Direct | Corelabz Tech | Software or Technology Services | |
| Joseph Kimani | Architect | Ecoscapes Design and Construction | Investor - Corporate;Entrepreneur | |
| Jonathan Nzioka Kioko | Managing Director | Bridge Capital Investments Limited | Financial Services | |
| Abdullahi Abdullahinoor | Unemployed | No company | NA | |
| Emmanuel Otukpa | | APHRC | NA | |
| John Okello | Engineer | Mondial Energy Solutions | NA | |
| LUCY KARUME | Director | CIANDA GROUP | Business Intelligence | |
| joseph Mulupi Musuya | | REGIOTRADE | NA | |
| Mandeep Channa | COO | Rida Kenya | NA | |
| Irene Wambugu | CEO & Founder | Ubora World Kenya | Analytics;Economist;Mining and Mining Services;Entrepreneur | |
| John KOtieno | COO | MANATI AFRICA | NA | |
| Elvira Cumbrera | Business Development Analyst | Education Development Trust | NA | |
| Gregg Breward | CEO | African Agents | Marketing Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Regional Trade Organisation;Dealmaker | |
| EDWIN MUNENE | CEO | NEWMOON EAST AFRICA | NGO;Business Intelligence;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export | |
| Hetal Patel | Chief Investment Officer | 54 Collective VC | NA | |
| Joseph Muita | | I don't have one | NA | |
| henry carl okonji | | genixglobal limited | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Jorge Forester | Chief Executive Officer | firstcode corporation ltd | Software or Technology Services | |
| Grace Pharez | CEO | Phar’ez Holdings | Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate | |
| Joel kurui | Director | Down Town Africa Investments LTD | Financial Services | |
| Eunice Wambui | Head of Portfolio | Founders Factory Africa | Investor - Institutional | |
| CHARITY MUTUKU | FOUNDER | LIVING HERBAL WORLD OPERATIONS | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Health Services | |
| Innocent Sirima | Analyst | Everstrong Capital | Investor - Corporate | |
| Francis Mureithi | L&D Manager | Farmworks Africa | Human Resources - Training;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Joseph Gitonga | Business Development | POWERPOINT SYSTEMS E.A LTD | Project Management;Engineer | |
| Ketan Shah | Director | Coral Property Consultants LTD | Other | |
| Lloyd Mugambi | Founder and CEO | Floyd Line Investment Ltd | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| johnson kasamba | engineer | leo general technical company limited | NA | |
| Johnsey Kivoto | Technical Director | Votz Communications Ltd | Other | |
| Kephas Manyara | | Gurachos Farms | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| JOHN KELVIN | DIRECTOR | iDeveloper Technologies Ltd | Software or Technology Services | |
| John Magara | | Ceomah Pro Traders | Financial Services | |
| Dennis Mutuku | CEO | Vantage Point Ventures Ltd | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Project Management | |
| Elon Sisye | | | Project Management | |
| Henry Nzioka | Director | Solar Spot Africa Ltd | Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Engineer | |
| Jeremy Njonge | Project Development Officer | Njonge Consulting | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Bryant Kilonzo | Estate Agent | UTAWALA,NAIROBI KENYA. | Real Estate Services | |
| Kenneth Merengat | Managing Director | Mahalo Group of Companies Limited | NA | |
| Gerardo Segura | CEO | Storage Central | Other | |
| Jessica Pattni | Business Development | Qooltronics Ltd | Other | |
| Julie Billon BillonGrand | Project and Development Manager | Mowgli Mentoring | Human Resources Services | |
| Dinah Akinyi | Social scientist | Warwick University | Business Accelerator or Incubator;Company Executive;Health Services | |
| Hagen Maurice | | solar mabati | Entrepreneur | |
| Manuel Moses | CEO | ATIDI | Banking Services;Insurance Products;Development Finance Institution | |
| John Njaneh | Director | Rofrah trading ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Julius Opiyo | Chairman/CEO | Gifted Farm Enterprises | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Janet Kuteli | CEO | MICROFINANCE | Financial Services | |
| JOSEPH WAINAINA | PORTFOLIO MANAGER | BORA CAPITAL LTD | Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory | |
| LEVI CHEPTORA | | Doctors Explain FM | Health Services | |
| Jacques de Villiers | CEO | CREST Africa | Investor - Personal;Company Executive;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Jasper Moindi | Business Development Mnager | Esaiga Africa | Marketing Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Investor - Corporate | |
| Marcos RG Brandalise | CEO | BrazAfric Enterprises Ltd | Project Management;Company Executive;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Lewis Kimani | Co-founder and CEO | Drollit | NA | |
| James M. | General Manager | EllyDick | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Kevin Karanja | Executive director | Mac and gray trading | NA | |
| Jordan Rabach | Managing Director | Swiftcost Consultants Limited | NA | |
| Jaspal Sagoo | Director | Ashwell Africa Limited | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence | |
| Jatelo Oyoo | Principal | Bizy Bee Apiary Management | NA | |
| Kenneth Njeru | Director | Africa Afya Healthcare | NA | |
| George Njanga | Founder | Tecwisehub | Software or Technology Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Calvince Odhiambo | Advance Manager | Advance Basketball Kenya | NA | |
| Caroline Mulwa | Investments Manager, E. and S. Africa | Oikocredit | Financial Services | |
| Joseph Gitigi | Director. | Rwathia Agrofarm. | Investor - Personal | |
| Ian Kipkurui | Student | H20 Greens Elevate Hydroponics | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Gerald Hollins | CEO | HYDROLOOP Inc. | Project Management;Engineer;Founder | |
| Ian Okova | Sales & Marketing executive | Centum Group Kenya | NA | |
| Henry Kiema Mr | Executive Director | Rockland Credit Services Limited | Financial Services | |
| Idris Artan | Director | Imaj cargo limited | Import/Export | |
| Kenneth Kinyanjui | Senior Startup and Innovation Manager | Africas Talking Limited | Dealmaker | |
| Keddy Njiru | CEO | Keddie Botanics | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Kahra Cagulada | Executive Assistant | SunCulture | NA | |
| Eric Wanga Eric Wanga | Founder | The Content Management LLP | NA | |
| Joseph Kongoro | Management Consultant | Frontier Advisory Partners | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General | |
| Ashraf Musbally | Ceo - Kenya & East Africa | MUA Insurance (Kenya) Limited | NA | |
| John Karanja | | Johnkibo | NA | |
| Jote Wakjira | Chief Executive Officer | Equinox Group Holdings Inc. | Legal Services;Human Resources Services;Custodian and Securities Services;Fund Administration;Management | |
| JUNE NG'ANG'A | DIRECTOR | SEANIK ENTERPRISES LIMITED | Marketing Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Kara Klassen | | Pumapa Capital Limited | NA | |
| Linet Njeri | Brand and Strategy Lead | Eenovators Limited | Consultant - ESG | |
| Geoffrey Ruirie | | Amil Technical Training Institute | NA | |
| KENNETH MATU | MD | KENARK LIMITED | Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder;Sales | |
| James Omare | Farmer | Smartgalaxy General Enterprise | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Jackson Adembesa | Managing Director | Kenzam Engineering Company Limited | Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Import/Export | |
| Joseph Kimani | Architect | Ecoscapes Design and Construction | Investor - Corporate;Entrepreneur | |
| Eunice Gakii Muriunga | Director (Early Childhood Education Specialist) | Amanaki School | Educationalist | |
| Ida Mwango | Analyst | ARAF | Investor - Institutional | |
| David mbatia | General Manager | Pixsel Africa Ltd | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services | |
| Karen Murage | Owner | Skin | Import/Export | |
| Kevin Barasa | Chief Consulting Officer | Pin Drop Consulting Group | Insurance Products | |
| Irene Wagaki | Director & Principal Consultant | Lime Group Consulting Africa | NA | |
| John Karanja | Manager | Lokiding solar energy limited | Entrepreneur | |
| Fredrick Muteti | Director | Redmark Consultants | NA | |
| Felistus Munyao | Director | WILNEP ENTERPRISES | Entrepreneur | |
| Josphat Murumbuza | Finance and Business Development Executive | SEPHN Limited | NGO;Consultant - General;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Real Estate Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Fridah Memeu | CEO | Toplady lingerie | NA | |
| kevin kimari | electrician | syntaxx 145 youth group | NA | |
| dickson michatha | managing partner | gearx automotive.com | Investor - Personal | |
| George Jomo | Director | Solubag Africa | Investor - Personal;Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| Gerishon Mwaniki | Co-Founder, Business Development, Sales & Partnerships Lead | Saada Tech | Software or Technology Services | |
| Madleine Mwithiga | MD, AFRICA | ADAPTA Inc | Fund Administration;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Company Executive;Founder | |
| Henry Nzioka | Director | Solar Spot Africa Ltd | Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Engineer | |
| Manufacturing Africa | MA Team | Manufacturing Africa | NA | |
| John Karanja | | Johnkibo | NA | |
| Javan Olang | Farmer | Olang Investment Company LTD | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| JOSEPH WAINAINA | PORTFOLIO MANAGER | BORA CAPITAL LTD | Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory | |
| Joab Khamala | Founder & President | Joab's Capital & Equity Research | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Trade Finance | |
| Aarti Shah | Director | The Cobalt Partners | Consultant - General | |
| Jacqueline Mutune | founder | Thonge limited | Entrepreneur | |
| Evans Wesonga | Managing Director | Noblestride Capital | Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Dealmaker | |
| Jacktone Odoyo | Corporate Finance Associate | Standard Investment Bank | NA | |
| Francis Njuru | N/a | N/a | Founder | |
| Lukas Coetsee | CEO | African Earth Group | Fund Administration | |
| Lewis Kimani | Co-founder and CEO | Drollit | NA | |
| George Mwihaki | Agri farming | Mwihaki and sons | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Anne Njuguna | Manager | Penwanta limited | Sales | |
| Betty Haddasah Mahugu | Founder | Go Tell World Exposures | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Corporate Advisory;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Regional Trade Organisation;Professional Body with Members;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate;Dealmaker;Real Estate Services;Mining and Mining Services;Project Management;Company Executive;Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| Hetal Patel | Chief Investment Officer | 54 Collective VC | NA | |
| James Njau | Credit Manager | GDC SACCO Society Ltd | NA | |
| Julius Murega | Founder & CEO | Mediko Mall | Health Services | |
| Esther Kisuya | Pharmacist | Dr. Pharma Pharmaceuticals | Health Services | |
| Christopher Oluta | Director | NUMECH LTD | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| LEWIS NGUNYI | Founder | Soniq Player | NA | |
| Manoj Gohil | Consultant | Payroll Centre Limited | Accountant | |
| Irene Wambugu | CEO & Founder | Ubora World Kenya | Analytics;Economist;Mining and Mining Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Jimmy Kihara | Head of Business Development | Kihara Njuguna & Co. Advocates | Legal Services;Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Dealmaker;Real Estate Services | |
| Jessica Pattni | Business Development | Qooltronics Ltd | Other | |
| Kanyingi Kagucia | Head of Sales | CIGNA | Insurance Products | |
| asif sheikh | CEO and FOUNDER | Africa 24 media | Other | |
| Kafir Qassim | operations manager | MH processing | NA | |
| Kinoti Gituma | Director | Kingfin Ltd | Other;Dealmaker;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Kibe John | CEO | Cladfy Financial Services | Financial Services | |
| Dominic Yiankere | Conservation agent | Mara Isinya conservancy | Other;NGO;Project Management | |
| kevin OPATI | founder | maketi global | Entrepreneur | |
| Godfrey Gitonga | Transportation | Tosh transportation | Entrepreneur | |
| Justus Sune | Director | Kitui Multi Processors Limited | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Alice Ngochi | Program Coordinator | Shortlist Professionals | NA | |
| Eric Kyalo Munywoki | CEO | Barnsley Capital | NA | |
| Fredrick Musila | CEO | BUYSELL PROPERTY LINK | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Karen Rimita | Director | I-Tumuren | Financial Services;Consultant - General;Investor - Personal;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Management;Company Executive | |
| Maksym Tykhonov | Regional Manager | iDeals Virtual Data Rooms Solutions Limited | Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Investor - Corporate;Dealmaker | |
| Joseph Mwangi | Founder/Director | B2C wholesale | Chamber of Commerce | |
| joseph mwai | director | letshego | NA | |
| Isabella Gathoni | | Nelion-Peak | NA | |
| Kenneth Onchwati | | White Resources International Ltd | NA | |
| daniel muraya | managing director | Elsron Limited | Entrepreneur | |
| James WANDURIKA | ENGINNER | Pentacon Limited | Mining and Mining Services | |
| Grace Pharez | CEO | Phar’ez Holdings | Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate | |
| Dennis Njuguna | Executive Director | Red Beam Consulting Ltd | Human Resources Services;Accountant | |
| JOE MUNYI | Realtor | Wearoake Limited | Dealmaker | |
| Jason Eisen | CoFounder and Board Chair | MARAMOJA Transport | Other | |
| Mahmoud Ng'ang'a | Consultant | Self employed | Accountant | |
| Andrew Githaiga | Director | Tree Lane Capital | NA | |
| Joe Kimani | CEO | SolarGlow | Entrepreneur | |
| Francis Mureithi | L&D Manager | Farmworks Africa | Human Resources - Training;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Joel kurui | Director | Down Town Africa Investments LTD | Financial Services | |
| Jackson Machuhi | CEO | Barefoot Power | Company Executive | |
| Gerardo Segura | CEO | Storage Central | Other | |
| Jeremiah Okeng'o | Financial consultant | None | Consultant - General;Business Intelligence | |
| Bhavna Gokaldas | Operations Director | Gokals Limited | Sales | |
| Jorgs Mbugua | CEO | Ebikes Africa | Financial Services;Software or Technology Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Enock Musyoka | East Africa Business Development Manager | Equalize Health | Business Intelligence | |
| Dancan Shear | founder | Plasticity | Other | |
| Kevin Barasa | Chief Consulting Officer | Pin Drop Consulting Group | Insurance Products | |
| Julie Billon BillonGrand | Project and Development Manager | Mowgli Mentoring | Human Resources Services | |
| Gidraph Gathuku | C.E.O | G.GATHUKU CONSULTING SERVICES | NA | |
| Ernest Kinambedi | Health Fitness Trainer | Zani Fitness Centre | Health Services | |
| Kennedy Wainaina | | sokofresh | Investor - Personal | |
| Jacques de Villiers | CEO | CREST Africa | Investor - Personal;Company Executive;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Hussein Hassan | Trade Officer | Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) | NA | |
| abubakar mumin | entrepreneur | predriving | NA | |
| Ken Musebe | Managing Director | INVESTCORP CAPITAL | Corporate Advisory;Financial Services;Business Intelligence;Investor - Institutional;Dealmaker;Real Estate Services;Company Executive;Entrepreneur | |
| Elizabeth Oloo | | Famadon | NA | |
| Frederick Owila | CEO | MOWLEM FISH AND ALLIED PRODUCTS LTD | Other | |
| Joseph Poche | Managing Partner | Berkshire Consulting | Corporate Advisory | |
| Joseph Ngangira | Partner | Kaplan&Stratton | Legal Services | |
| Chris Klintworth | Co-Founder and Project Development Lead | Savo Project Developers | Other | |
| Cynthia Mwadime | | Zion Aloevera Farm | NA | |
| Leonard Zighe | Mining peridot gemstone | Baraka mining | NA | |
| James Shoetan | Senior Associate | CBE | NA | |
| Lorenzo Boncompagni | Chief Executive Officer | CAPTURE SOLUTIONS | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Software or Technology Services | |
| Kennedy Nyamunga | Chairman | Family | Real Estate Services | |
| Leonard Kiprono | Senior Financial Advisor / Wealth investments Manager | Standard investments Bank | Corporate Advisory;Financial Services | |
| Hasnain Meghji | Director | MENA Business Consultancy Ltd | Legal Services;Corporate Advisory;Financial Services | |
| alice simbah | founder | black forest house | Founder | |
| JaneJoan Kinyanjui | Director | Jane's & Joan's Company limited | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Joe Mbogo | Managing Principal | Growth Capital Kenya | Financial Services | |
| ILHAN WANJA | Director | KWASI LTD | Marketing Services;Founder;Sales | |
| Grace Mwangi | Founder and CEO | GM Alphea ltd | NA | |
| Leonard Zighe | Mining peridot gemstone | Baraka mining | NA | |
| James Wakaba | Director - East Africa | CLASP | NA | |
| Jonah Adaun | | Self Employed | Economist | |
| Allan Okoth | General ManagerAqua | Aqua Rossa Ltd | Other | |
| Lekishon Leonard | Investment Analyst | Sterling Capital | Stockbroker | |
| HARRISON OGANYO | Dir | Mayday marketing Ltd | Marketing Services;Consultant - General | |
| Kibe John | CEO | Cladfy Financial Services | Financial Services | |
| John Gakunga | Founder and Managing Trustee | Interwaste Research and Development (East Africa) Trust | Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;NGO;Consultant - General;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Investor - Personal;Research Analyst;Fund Administration;Human Resources - Training;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Management;Company Executive;Engineer;Educationalist;Founder | |
| Joseph Njane | | Milespace Group Ltd | NA | |
| Eric Wainaina | Business Consultant | Advance Consulting | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Dealmaker | |
| Irene Kamondo | Marketing and relationship Manager | GDC SACCO Society Ltd | NA | |
| Kenneth Merengat | Managing Director | Mahalo Group of Companies Limited | NA | |
| Mark Kinuthia | | Open Capital | NA | |
| Hasnain Meghji | CEO | Cuvva Insurance Agency Ltd | Insurance Products | |
| Madleine Mwithiga | MD, AFRICA | ADAPTA Inc | Fund Administration;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Company Executive;Founder | |
| Jelle Pentinga | | DEG | NA | |
| George Seda | | Hyphen Insurance Agency | Insurance Products | |
| Consolata Ndungu | CEO | Eshcol Ventures Limited | NA | |
| Claudine Gakundi | Country Manager | Lipa Later | Financial Services;Sales | |
| Fredrick Kathembe | CEO | TRUFEET | Health Services | |
| IMELDA WANJA | | FarmMoja | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| John Cheruiyot | Forex trading | Freedom hedge fund Capital | Financial Services;Stock Exchange;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate;Trade Finance;Entrepreneur | |
| Gathoni Maitai | CEO | Xplo Enterprises | Entrepreneur | |
| Beautah Suba | Director | Beaurick general suppliers ltd | NA | |
| Henry Kiema Mr | Executive Director | Rockland Credit Services Limited | Financial Services | |
| Joe Mbogo | Managing Principal | Growth Capital Kenya | Financial Services | |
| Grace Mwangi | Founder and CEO | GM Alphea ltd | NA | |
| Janet Kuteli | CEO | MICROFINANCE | Financial Services | |
| Charles Okwany Joseph | Production Manager | CBJ Corn Products Ltd | Investor - Corporate | |
| Craig Hardie | Partner | Longevity Development | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG;Dealmaker;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Jonah Adaun | | Self Employed | Economist | |
| Mark MUOKI | entrepreneur | AL ASFAR PASSION FARM | Marketing Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Hodan Abdillahi | Founder & CEO | AFENI ENERGY AND GLOBAL TRADING LIMITED | Business Accelerator or Incubator;Company Executive;Import/Export;Founder | |
| Gumato Golo | Business Development Engineer-Solar PV | Central Electricals International Limited | Other;Business Intelligence;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Sales | |
| Lucas Mbugua | Head of Corporate Finance | Mi Vida Homes | Marketing Services;Financial Services;Investor - Institutional;Real Estate Services;Project Management;Sales | |
| JaneJoan Kinyanjui | Director | Jane's & Joan's Company limited | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Esmond Kiptoo | Cyber security | Space technologies | Software or Technology Services | |
| John Muiruri Nyuthe | | The Monarch Hotel | NA | |
| Joshua Omondi | Project Site Architect Representative | Masanda Afrika | NA | |
| Keith Lando | Director | Benland | NA | |
| Kirimi Marete | Director for Connectivity and Partnerships in Africa | Reloadly Inc. | Software or Technology Services | |
| Luke muriungi Makathimo | Hotel Business/ Real Estate | Solutions properties and agency | Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Loice Shiguri | Brand Marketing and Communication Specialist | Private consulting | Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications | |
| Kinoti Gituma | Director | Kingfin Ltd | Other;Dealmaker;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Gilbert Korir | Farming | SONG ENTERPRISE | NA | |
| Dinese Hannewald | CEO | Grace Impact gGmbH | NGO | |
| John Masanda | CEO | Malfini Capital Limited | NA | |
| CPA James Murithi | Finance Lead | James Murithi | Financial Services | |
| Angela Juliana Odero | CEO | Rio Fish Ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Julius Murega | Founder & CEO | Mediko Mall | Health Services | |
| Antony Ngatia | Business and Development Manager | Adept Technologies | Software or Technology Services | |
| Alex Masika | Head of Business Development - Africa | Atlas AI | Business Intelligence;Analytics | |
| Jean Wandimi | Business Analyst | africon GmbH | Consultant - General | |
| Jessica Pattni | Business Development | Qooltronics Ltd | Other | |
| James Gaita | Director | The Everest Premier School | Educationalist | |
| Justus Barasa | Operations Manager | Control Risks | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG;Business Intelligence;Project Management;Management;Security Services | |
| Jatelo Oyoo | Principal | Bizy Bee Apiary Management | NA | |
| ISAAC OKETCH | Sale/Distributor | WATH ORANGO ENTERPRISE | Trade Association;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Project Management;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| John Brinkhurst | CCO | Agrinext Ltd | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Financial Services;Consultant - General;Dealmaker;Company Executive | |
| Hez Gikang'a | Co-Founder & East Africa Managing Director | KEAMSCO | Business Intelligence;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Dealmaker;Founder | |
| Kaden Mays | Commodi voluptatem n | Mccray and Macias Traders | Business Intelligence | |
| Laura Lusiji | Senior Associate | JMiles & Co. | Legal Services | |
| Eugene Weewee | MES Consultant | BRW-Automation Limited | Business Intelligence;Software or Technology Services;Engineer | |
| Ian Kahara | MD | Kinet Properties Co. Ltd | NA | |
| Henry Clarke | Chief Financial Officer | SunCulture | Company Executive | |
| LEWIS NGUNYI | Founder | Soniq Player | NA | |
| Agostine Ndungu | Entrepreneur Selection Manager | Endeavor | Consultant - ESG | |
| Hudson Bwamu | Managing Director | Milla concrate ltd | Other | |
| Francis Mukatai | Founder & Social Impact Manager | Ukilaf Consultancy | Consultant - ESG | |
| Belard Ngabirano | Investment Professional | Shelter Afrique | NA | |
| Lydia-Claire Halliday | Director & Owner | LCH Consultancy Ltd | Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications | |
| ILHAN WANJA | Director | KWASI LTD | Marketing Services;Founder;Sales | |
| Humphrey Ndara | Director | Natural world Kenya Safaris ltd | Other | |
| Hudheifa Omar Sharif Hudheifa Omar Sharif | Construction Supervisor | Owsha Company Limited | NA | |
| Ida Mwango | Analyst | ARAF | Investor - Institutional | |
| Arthur Njenga | Resolution manager | BG | NA | |
| Joel Mauti | CEO | HR Roulette Solutions Ltd | Human Resources Services;Software or Technology Services | |
| Joy Muchiri | Founder / Director | Wild Petals Tour Company Ltd. | Founder | |
| Lameck Osara | I.T technician | Gate logistics | Engineer | |
| Evanson Kariuki | | Garden Light Investments Ltd | NA | |
| Mahad Afrah | | Centroid Construction & Procurement | Import/Export;Engineer | |
| Andrew Kasaine | Principal | Firma Africa Investment Consulting Ltd | Investment Banking | |
| joshua KOWUOCHE | Investment Officer | Business Partners International | Development Finance Institution | |
| Daniel Onyango Odhiambo | Director | Neez Agricultural Services ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Joan Ndolo | Business | Dabrutty's malimali | Sales | |
| Dominic Gikaria | co-founder& partner | Skifun Training Center Limited | NA | |
| David Muthui | Founder | Dynasty Realty Agency | NA | |
| Inzillia Sasi | Agri-Business Financial Consultant | Agri Frontier | Consultant - General;Analytics | |
| James M. | General Manager | EllyDick | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Calvin Oyuga odhiambo | Mr | Jambo cruise adventures | Other;Entrepreneur | |
| Jorgs Mbugua | CEO | Ebikes Africa | Financial Services;Software or Technology Services;Entrepreneur | |
| kevin OPATI | founder | maketi global | Entrepreneur | |
| Anthony Kuria | Director | Aurum Consultants Ltd | Human Resources Services | |
| Jacinta Kamau | Founder | Nium Enterprises | Import/Export | |
| John Muthoga Wambugu | Director | Iceberg Energy | Entrepreneur | |
| LEE GACHOMBA | Managing Director | The SME Warehouse Limited | Financial Services;Consultant - General;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| ian kimutai | criminologist | kaa | NA | |
| Joseph Nzomo | Creative Manager | Designtech Africa Ltd | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Other;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Engineer;Sales | |
| IBRAHIM ADAN | Director | ADIL TRANSPORTERS LIMITED | Regional Trade Organisation;Project Management | |
| Laura Lusiji | Senior Associate | JMiles & Co. | Legal Services | |
| COLLINS ASWAN | executive director | LIMAFRICA AND AGRISOLUTIONS LIMITED | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Abraham Kamau | Cheif Executive Officer | Miradi Capital | Corporate Advisory;Financial Services;Dealmaker;Trade Finance;Economist | |
| Grace Waringa | Director | Angaza Foods Limited | NA | |
| Hans Odhiambo | CEO | Duo Syndicate Investment Limited | Legal Services;Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG;Accountant;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate;Human Resources - Training;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Company Executive;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Educationalist | |
| Kelvin Muli | Farmer | Valley fresh agriculture | NA | |
| James Maitho | CEO | Ndovu Farm | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| Karimi Mithika | Principal Officer | Rosen InsuranceAgencies | Insurance Products | |
| Cynthia Jotham | Administration & Records Assistant | Lutheran World Federation | Legal Services;Marketing Services;Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Other;Banking Services;Insurance Products;NGO;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Development Bank;Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG;Regulator;Government Official;Stock Exchange;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Accountant;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Regional Trade Organisation;Custodian and Securities Services;Trade Association;Professional Body with Members;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Software or Technology Services;Government Minister;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Research Analyst;Dealmaker;Development Finance Institution;Trade Finance;Fund Administration;Translation Services;Analytics;Human Resources - Training;Economist;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Real Estate Services;Veterinarian;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Project Management;Musician;Artist;Management;Company Executive;Import/Export;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Engineer;Educationalist;Founder;Journalist;Security Services;Sales | |
| Justus Sune | Director | Kitui Multi Processors Limited | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Beatrice Muru | Sales Manager Africa | Skaleet | Banking Services;Software or Technology Services | |
| Catherine Abira | Managing Director | Darby Poultry Farm | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Andrew Gremley | Director | Pharos Architects | Consultant - General | |
| Malone Mawere | Director | RESINTON PLUS KENYA | NA | |
| Edith K | Director | Elk Valley School | Other | |
| Hemant Patel | Founder | CEO | Maxpro Infotech Limited | Software or Technology Services | |
| Kennedy Muga | CEO | Komson Media Limited | NA | |
| Kevin Akama | Cofounder | Kiu Technologies Ltd | Financial Services | |
| GERALD NGIGE | CEO | JERRY FARMER.Ke | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Gayo Tumbani | Co Founder / Project Director | Vistride Technologies | Software or Technology Services | |
| James Wakaba | Director - East Africa | CLASP | NA | |
| Dorothy Okello | Sales Consultant | Cheaper Mart Company | Development Finance Institution;Management | |
| Lily Kwaka | MD | MDV Global Consulting Limited | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Entrepreneur | |
| Kenneth Merengat | Managing Director | Mahalo Group of Companies Limited | NA | |
| Marion Cindy | CEO | wedgetechflash | Marketing Services;Consultant - General;Accountant;Software or Technology Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Brian Njau | Founder | Bright Minds Of The Future | NA | |
| Kara Klassen | | Pumapa Capital Limited | NA | |
| FRANCIS FRANCIS | News Producer | RT International News Network | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Journalist;Sales | |
| Grace Ndegwa | Associate, Investments | Kenya Innovative Finance For Water(KIFFWA) | Financial Services | |
| John Kariuki | Ranch startup | Reka ranch | NA | |
| John Muthoga Wambugu | Director | Iceberg Energy | Entrepreneur | |
| Jean Wandimi | Business Analyst | africon GmbH | Consultant - General | |
| Joe Mbogo | Managing Principal | Growth Capital Kenya | Financial Services | |
| Jack Oloo | CEO | WymBee | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| John Okello | Engineer | Mondial Energy Solutions | NA | |
| Gustav Ondwari | sales | karmec company limited | NA | |
| Hasnain Meghji | Director | MENA Business Consultancy Ltd | Legal Services;Corporate Advisory;Financial Services | |
| John Muchiri | Founder | G-funze | Educationalist | |
| Lydia Donald | Director | Axolotl Solutions | Investor - Personal;Dealmaker;Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Julius Wako | Partner Law Firm | CMS Daly Inamdar Advocates | Legal Services | |
| Loice Ndiwa | Business Owner | Parano House | NA | |
| Dr.Hudson Aluvanze | CEO | Panafrican Centre for Strategic Development | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General | |
| Leonard Kisuu | Managing Partner | Kieti Law LLP | Legal Services | |
| dedupe+Daniel Mwangi | Investments Director | Eshcol Ventures Limited | NA | |
| Grace Waringa | Director | Angaza Foods Limited | NA | |
| Amoroso Gombe | Co-founder and director | ChatWorks | NA | |
| john kimutai | AUTOMOTIVE engineering | HIDEO LLC | Other | |
| Bojan Crnologar | ceo | CTC GROUP Ltd | Regional Trade Organisation;Real Estate Services;Management | |
| Eric Kiplangat | Founder | Martial Technologies | Software or Technology Services;Project Management;Educationalist | |
| Beth Mwangi | CEO | Mywagepay | Banking Services;Financial Services | |
| joseph mwai | director | letshego | NA | |
| David Thuku | Executive Coach | Leadership Presence Ltd | Human Resources - Training;Management | |
| Francis Wanyoike | MANAGING DIRECTOR | Midenatt Investments Group Limited | Financial Services | |
| Lily Kwaka | MD | MDV Global Consulting Limited | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Entrepreneur | |
| aatish patel | | mintinvestor ltd | NA | |
| Julius Wako | Partner Law Firm | CMS Daly Inamdar Advocates | Legal Services | |
| Linet Njeri | Brand and Strategy Lead | Eenovators Limited | Consultant - ESG | |
| James Wekesa | Technical Director | JAMAN ENGINEERING WORKS LTD | Mining and Mining Services;Project Management;Engineer | |
| Leonard Apungu | CEO & Founder | The Franchise | Legal Services;Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Banking Services;Insurance Products;NGO;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Development Bank;Government Official;Stock Exchange;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Accountant;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Regional Trade Organisation;Trade Association;Professional Body with Members;Government Minister;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Development Finance Institution;Trade Finance;Fund Administration;Translation Services;Economist;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Real Estate Services;Musician;Artist;Company Executive;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder;Journalist;Sales | |
| IBRAHIM ADAN | Director | ADIL TRANSPORTERS LIMITED | Regional Trade Organisation;Project Management | |
| JAMES WANENE | Owner | Kewfarm | NA | |
| Charles Okwany Joseph | Director | CBJ Corn Products Ltd | Other | |
| James Magoti | Petrol staion | EXTON ENERGY | NA | |
| Clynice Chemutai | Founder | Soman Leboit | Chamber of Commerce;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| John Kagwi | Property Management | Kingspride properties limited,Kenya | Real Estate Services | |
| Angela Ndereyerio | Director | Mavuno Seed | Consultant - General | |
| James Kang'ethe | Back operations | Unaitas sacco limited | Banking Services | |
| Hodan Abdillahi | Founder & CEO | AFENI ENERGY AND GLOBAL TRADING LIMITED | Business Accelerator or Incubator;Company Executive;Import/Export;Founder | |
| John Miriti | Owner | BHLH Homes | Real Estate Services | |
| Charles Kyalo | Director | Lucky Tech Solutions Limited | NA | |
| George Juma | CEO/ Co founder | TEFLEX LEATHER GEM AFRICA LTD | Other;Entrepreneur | |
| Marion Cindy | CEO | wedgetechflash | Marketing Services;Consultant - General;Accountant;Software or Technology Services;Entrepreneur | |
| John Muchiri | Founder | G-funze | Educationalist | |
| Ann Wahito | Director | Eliana Enterprises Ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Carlos Chemutt | Founder | JEIFIVE COMPANY LTD | Financial Services | |
| Jacques de Villiers | CEO | CREST Africa | Investor - Personal;Company Executive;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| John Lubia | CEO | Rico Amor Ltd | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Company Executive | |
| Chomba Chuma | Managing Director | Viwanda | NA | |
| JESSE LUDENYO | Lead Research Analyst | CERTIFIED INVESTMENTS FINANCIAL ANALYST STUDENT | Financial Services;Analytics | |
| Joe Sanna | Director | Wasafiri Destinations | Other | |
| Javan Olang | Farmer | Olang Investment Company LTD | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| John Kamara | Founder and Global Chief Executive Officer Adanian Labs | Adanian Labs | NA | |
| Isabella Gathoni | | Nelion-Peak | NA | |
| Gaurav Kakran | Resource Mobiliser | OYAWI | NGO;Consultant - ESG;Fund Administration;Educationalist | |
| Christine Bilha | Customer service representative | CCIKenya | Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate;Real Estate Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Diana Gichaga | Managing Partner | Private Equity Support | Corporate Advisory | |
| Kevin Karanja | Executive director | Mac and gray trading | NA | |
| Eric Kibuthu | Linkages and External Relations | Research Beeline Ltd | Marketing and Public Relations Services | |
| Daniel Indetie | Director | Hoover Classic | NA | |
| James Shoetan | Senior Associate | CBE | NA | |
| Gitau Kinyanjui | Technical Director | Polaris Scientific | Founder | |
| Gitau Kinyanjui | Technical Director | Polaris Scientific | Founder | |
| Hamilton Conford | Chief Technology Officer | Buntu Labs Technologies | Software or Technology Services | |
| Fredrick olando | Technical director | Gypsum Interiors | NA | |
| Margit Cleveland | Managing Director | Infinite Insight Limited | Research Analyst | |
| Evangeline karimi | | Foresight Housing Group | Real Estate Services;Entrepreneur | |
| BENARD MWIKYA | Analyst | Raisin Capital & Investments | Corporate Advisory | |
| JOSEPH KARANJA | C.T.O | SPAPP | Software or Technology Services | |
| LUCY KARUME | Director | CIANDA GROUP | Business Intelligence | |
| Karen Murage | Owner | Skin | Import/Export | |
| Esborn Olunga | Registered Nursing Officer | Health Care | Health Services | |
| Karanja Kuria | Business Development | Strathmore University | Consultant - ESG;Research Analyst;Project Management;Engineer | |
| Dickson Andati | Chief Technology Officer | Accentric Business Solutions | Software or Technology Services | |
| Hamilton Conford | Chief Technology Officer | Buntu Labs Technologies | Software or Technology Services | |
| Gidraph Gathuku | C.E.O | G.GATHUKU CONSULTING SERVICES | NA | |
| James Kang'ethe | Back operations | Unaitas sacco limited | Banking Services | |
| Kennedy Muga | CEO | Komson Media Limited | NA | |
| Anne Gaitha | CEO | Regal Africa Properties | Real Estate Services | |
| George Njanga | Founder | Tecwisehub | Software or Technology Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Jeremy Riro | Managing Partner | Fie-Consult LLP | NA | |
| Jote Wakjira | Chief Executive Officer | Equinox Group Holdings Inc. | Legal Services;Human Resources Services;Custodian and Securities Services;Fund Administration;Management | |
| Daniel Kagacha | Quantity Surveyor | Linear Projects Ltd | Consultant - General;Project Management | |
| Josep Oriol-Bosch | Founder and Managing Partner | Okavango Capital Partners | Investor - Institutional | |
| Brandon Gitau | CEO | DaystayBnB | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Software or Technology Services;Sales | |
| Charles Keter | Director | Brighter Inter Const & Gen Supplies Ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Loice Ndiwa | Business Owner | Parano House | NA | |
| Joseph Ngangira | Partner | Kaplan&Stratton | Legal Services | |
| Edwin Kimani | Managing Director | African Development & Financial Consultancy Ltd | Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Idris Artan | Director | Imaj cargo limited | Import/Export | |
| Ida Ng'ang'a | CEO / Global President, Innovation | RCD Africa / Global Council for the Promotion of International Trade (GCPIT) | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Regional Trade Organisation;Dealmaker | |
| Charles Thuo | Founder & CEO | Apexloads | Financial Services;Software or Technology Services | |
| Jackson Njogu | CEO | Echo properties limited | Legal Services;Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investment Banking;Banking Services;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Development Bank;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Regional Trade Organisation;Trade Association;Professional Body with Members;Government Minister;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Research Analyst;Development Finance Institution;Trade Finance;Fund Administration;Analytics;Economist;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Project Management;Management;Company Executive;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Engineer;Educationalist;Sales | |
| Lily Kwaka | MD | MDV Global Consulting Limited | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Entrepreneur | |
| EDWARD MAJOR | DIRECTOR | DAKAR INTERNATIONAL | Real Estate Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Emmanuella Ngororano | Founder - CEO | EmergeImpact Communications | NA | |
| Johnsey Kivoto | Technical Director | Votz Communications Ltd | Other | |
| Jerome Sifuna | Director/shareholder | Treelife limited | Other;Entrepreneur | |
| Dr Neeraj Kumar | GM PEOPLE EXPERIENCE | Africare Business Management & Ventures Ltd. | Human Resources Services;Insurance Products;Health Services | |
| Edwin karugu | Farmer/entrepreneur | Ed_classy farms | Analytics;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Joseph Muita | | I don't have one | NA | |
| Mahlon Walo | C.E.O. | Afrinet Carbon | Consultant - ESG;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Founder | |
| Leonard Kisuu | Managing Partner | Kieti Law LLP | Legal Services | |
| Kevin Gitau | CEO | KT Owens group limited | NA | |
| Margit Cleveland | Managing Director | Infinite Insight Limited | Research Analyst | |
| john kimutai | AUTOMOTIVE engineering | HIDEO LLC | Other | |
| laurel amida | operation director | intrapreneur Solution Resource Limited | Corporate Advisory;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Real Estate Services;Mining and Mining Services;Management;Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| Greg Cox | | XX | NA | |
| Jonson Mwangi | Projects Director | Paradigm Projects | Investment Banking;Software or Technology Services;Real Estate Services | |
| JOHN Mwashighadi | | UKASO CBO | Mining and Mining Services | |
| JOE MUNYI | Realtor | Wearoake Limited | Dealmaker | |
| Irene Mwangi | | The Tranquil Realtors - Apartments and Hotels and hortitourismindustry | Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| ARNOLD CHARO | | Midas Tyche Investment limited | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investment Banking;Banking Services;Financial Services;Development Bank;Consultant - General;Government Official;Stock Exchange;Business Intelligence;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Research Analyst;Dealmaker;Trade Finance;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Management;Company Executive;Entrepreneur;Security Services;Sales | |
| Herbert Kinoti | Head of Operations | Operations Manager | NA | |
| Mahlon Walo | C.E.O. | Afrinet Carbon | Consultant - ESG;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Founder | |
| Julius Marete | Director | Dimmock School | Educationalist | |
| Jacinta Kamau | Founder | Nium Enterprises | Import/Export | |
| Gilbert Korir | Farming | SONG ENTERPRISE | NA | |
| kevin OPATI | founder | maketi global | Entrepreneur | |
| Marc Voi Chiuli | Founder & Ceo | The People Edge Consulting Limited | Human Resources Services | |
| Geoffrey Musyoki | Investments officer- Agriculture | Oikocredit international- Kenya office | Development Finance Institution | |
| M Jibril Omar | Commercial Director | OFGEN | Other | |
| Joanne Calabrese | CEO | SOKO, Inc. | Management;Import/Export;Sales | |
| Greer Ballantine | Director | Noble Realty | Investor - Personal;Real Estate Services;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| DR TSOFA MWENI | Executive Director | FADHILI MICROENTERPRISES LTD | Financial Services | |
| Annabel Monthe | Global HR and business development consultant | Novelty Ventures | NA | |
| Joseph Kuria | CEO | Kenpack Limited | Entrepreneur | |
| Denis Ndavi | Director | Muema Communications Limited | Marketing and Public Relations Services | |
| Inzillia Sasi | Agri-Business Financial Consultant | Agri Frontier | Consultant - General;Analytics | |
| James Nyagah | Project engineer | HAQ enterprises ltd | NA | |
| Francis Njeru | CEO | The Sales House | Consultant - General | |
| Leonard Mathu | Managing Director | Lion's Head Global Partners | NA | |
| Kiptoo Chesire | Director | Midland Holdings ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Manufacturing Africa | MA Team | Manufacturing Africa | NA | |
| John Muiruri Nyuthe | | The Monarch Hotel | NA | |
| James Nyagah | Project engineer | HAQ enterprises ltd | NA | |
| Jack Bweya | Founder | Epitex | Educationalist | |
| Antony Nguri | | Garden Serf | NA | |
| Fredrick Kathembe | CEO | TRUFEET | Health Services | |
| Eric Kinuthia | Fund Manager | MetaQuad Capital | NA | |
| kelly Muiruri | COO | Montgolfier | NA | |
| Jeremy Riro | Managing Partner | Fie-Consult LLP | NA | |
| Kakenya Ntaiya | Founder and President | Kakenya's Dream | NGO | |
| Bethwel Amaumo | Livestock and Poultry Farmer | Whispering Green | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Ida Ng'ang'a | CEO / Global President, Innovation | RCD Africa / Global Council for the Promotion of International Trade (GCPIT) | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Regional Trade Organisation;Dealmaker | |
| Innocent Sirima | Analyst | Everstrong Capital | Investor - Corporate | |
| James Kitavi | C.E.O | Milestone Commodities Limited | Business Intelligence;Regional Trade Organisation;Investor - Corporate;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Management;Company Executive;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Eddah Bunei | Business Development Manager - Africa | Sunoida Solutions DMCC | NA | |
| JOSEPH MOSI | DIRECTOR | NYANZA AG-ENTERPRISE LIMITED | Marketing Services;Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Corporate Advisory;NGO;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate;Dealmaker;Human Resources - Training;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Management;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Keziah Khalinditsa | Business Development Manager | Powergen Renewable Energy | NA | |
| Elisha Omega | Director | Lishama Agencies Ltd | Entrepreneur;Engineer | |
| Jackson Njogu | CEO | Echo properties limited | Legal Services;Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investment Banking;Banking Services;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Development Bank;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Regional Trade Organisation;Trade Association;Professional Body with Members;Government Minister;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Research Analyst;Development Finance Institution;Trade Finance;Fund Administration;Analytics;Economist;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Project Management;Management;Company Executive;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Engineer;Educationalist;Sales | |
| JIM Njagi | | Eclotymer enterprises | Consultant - General;Accountant;Investor - Personal;Analytics;Entrepreneur | |
| Catherine Whetstone | Director, Investor Relations | Sanergy | NA | |
| Jacqueline Musyoka | | FEIVEL ENTERPRISES LTD. | NA | |
| Abraham Mutwiri | Accounts Manager | Keilot Kenya | Other | |
| joseph wambugu | Technologist | Cartnshop LLC | Business Intelligence;Software or Technology Services;Analytics | |
| Cynthia Wangari | | CrossBoundary | NA | |
| KINUTHIA JACOB | Founder and CEO | Chap Pay Company Limited | NA | |
| Kiplangat Edwin | Farmer | Kipsfarm | NA | |
| Jesse Ngarachu | | mieux projects | Project Management;Entrepreneur;Engineer | |
| Gidraph Gathuku | C.E.O | G.GATHUKU CONSULTING SERVICES | NA | |
| ian kimutai | criminologist | kaa | NA | |
| Leonard Apungu | CEO & Founder | The Franchise | Legal Services;Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Banking Services;Insurance Products;NGO;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Development Bank;Government Official;Stock Exchange;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Accountant;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Regional Trade Organisation;Trade Association;Professional Body with Members;Government Minister;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Development Finance Institution;Trade Finance;Fund Administration;Translation Services;Economist;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Real Estate Services;Musician;Artist;Company Executive;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder;Journalist;Sales | |
| Jaspal Sagoo | Director | Ashwell Africa Limited | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence | |
| Bernard Ariro | Founder | REFUEL | Software or Technology Services | |
| Kennedy Otachi | Projects Director | First Rate Projects | Corporate Advisory;Project Management | |
| Geoffrey GANGLA | Managing Director | Pontem Capital | Investment Banking;Financial Services | |
| Francis Nasyomba | Principal | Raisin Capital | Corporate Advisory | |
| George Wafukho | CEO | Portman Africa Limited | Other;Investor - Corporate;Founder;Sales | |
| Jeremy Riro | Managing Partner | Fie-Consult LLP | NA | |
| Daniel Chuma | Director | Fortune Dee Agency | Real Estate Services | |
| Leonard Mathu | Managing Director | Lion's Head Global Partners | NA | |
| Elgon Motondi | CEO | Motondi group | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Fridah Gatwiri | Farmer | Frish Veggies | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Justus Sune | Director | Kitui Multi Processors Limited | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Keziah Gakahu | Business Development Manager | Horizons Haven Ltd | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Joseph Mwangi | Founder/Director | B2C wholesale | Chamber of Commerce | |
| Joseph Kongoro | Management Consultant | Frontier Advisory Partners | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General | |
| Ian Mati | Chief of Staff | iProcure | NA | |
| John KOtieno | COO | MANATI AFRICA | NA | |
| kelly Muiruri | COO | Montgolfier | NA | |
| MANASES MAINA | CEO | GLOBAL SHIMBE LIMITED | Banking Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Johnstone Sikulu Wanjala | Director | Sima CBO-Kenya | Legal Services;Marketing Services;Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;NGO;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Regulator;Business Intelligence;Regional Trade Organisation;Professional Body with Members;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Software or Technology Services;Investor - Corporate;Research Analyst;Dealmaker;Human Resources - Training;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Musician;Management;Company Executive;Import/Export;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Educationalist;Founder;Journalist;Sales | |
| Lynette Kabuga | Founder | Mark Tuk Global Company Ltd | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Keli Nikolas | Entrepreneur | Foresight | Other | |
| David Kadu | Co-founder | RJK Supplies | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| ketan shah | director | coral property consultants ltd | Real Estate Services | |
| Hudheifa Omar Sharif Hudheifa Omar Sharif | Construction Supervisor | Owsha Company Limited | NA | |
| Lukas Coetsee | CEO | African Earth Group | Fund Administration | |
| Malone Mawere | Director | RESINTON PLUS KENYA | NA | |
| Baiju Shah | CEO | EBiashara Africa Ltd | Consultant - ESG;Software or Technology Services;Trade Finance;Company Executive;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Janvier OKELO | | REYA | Analytics;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Benjamin Ndegwa | Director Sales and Marketing | Mwande Engineering Works | Consultant - General;Engineer | |
| Ephraim Mwangi | Head of Growth Marketing | MyHealth Africa | Health Services | |
| Daudi Duncan | Director | Dungera Empowering Solutions | Project Management | |
| Joseph Okech | Head Of Product Development | Kylix Technologies Ltd | Business Intelligence;Management;Entrepreneur | |
| George Wandera | Ceo | Peddle Gifts Ltd | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| kipkorir sowek | Farmer | NA | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| GEOFFREY KEBIRO | Country Manager | Spart Freight Logistics LTD | Import/Export | |
| Karimi Ndigah | Senior Business Development Manager | Amped Innovation | NA | |
| JOSEPH KARANJA | C.T.O | SPAPP | Software or Technology Services | |
| JIM Njagi | | Eclotymer enterprises | Consultant - General;Accountant;Investor - Personal;Analytics;Entrepreneur | |
| John Maruta | Founder | Maruta Goat & Sheep Farm | Chamber of Commerce;Dealmaker;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Import/Export | |
| Kevin Irungu | | Masti Ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Baiju Shah | CEO | eBiashara Africa Ltd | Marketing Services;Trade Finance | |
| Lilian Ochieng | | Frelin Fresh Limited | NA | |
| Andrew Kihiko | owner/operator | Phinyte investments | Entrepreneur | |
| Imran Suleiman | Principal Architect, Developer | Silcreek Realtors Limited | NA | |
| Charles Komolleh | Corporate Partner | Selikom Safent Security Company | Security Services | |
| Faith Ondieki | CEO/ Co-founder | Study Buddy | Entrepreneur;Educationalist;Founder | |
| Dennis Gitonga | Automotive | Lokomotive center | Engineer | |
| George Wanyoike | Chief Finance Officer (CFO) | Homegrown Millers Ltd | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Leonard Apungu | CEO & Founder | The Franchise | Legal Services;Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Banking Services;Insurance Products;NGO;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Development Bank;Government Official;Stock Exchange;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Accountant;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Regional Trade Organisation;Trade Association;Professional Body with Members;Government Minister;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Development Finance Institution;Trade Finance;Fund Administration;Translation Services;Economist;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Real Estate Services;Musician;Artist;Company Executive;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder;Journalist;Sales | |
| John Kagwi | Property Management | Kingspride properties limited,Kenya | Real Estate Services | |
| Humphrey Ndara | Director | Natural world Kenya Safaris ltd | Other | |
| Lorenzo Boncompagni | Chief Executive Officer | CAPTURE SOLUTIONS | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Software or Technology Services | |
| Brian Munyua | Project Manager | A FOUNT-18 CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED | NA | |
| Grace Ndegwa | Associate, Investments | Kenya Innovative Finance For Water(KIFFWA) | Financial Services | |
| Julius Marete | Director | Dimmock School | Educationalist | |
| Janet Gathii Mwangi | CEO | Habiqo Investments Ltd | Other | |
| Fredrick Muteti | Director | Redmark Consultants | NA | |
| John Ewesit Ebenyo | Governance and Accountability Coordinator | EKE RESOURCES | Marketing Services;Corporate Advisory;NGO;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Project Management;Entrepreneur | |
| Elisha Oduor | | merford Consulting | Insurance Products;Financial Services;Consultant - General;Accountant;Software or Technology Services;Dealmaker;Trade Finance;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Project Management;Import/Export | |
| Kiringai Kamau | Execitive Director and Founder | GODAN's Programme for Agricultural Capacity Development in Africa | NA | |
| Jessie Kamau | Regional Business Line Manager | Atlas Copco Eastern Africa Ltd | NA | |
| LUCY KARUME | DIRECTOR | KEPSA | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Godffrey Mwika | Managing Director | Grande Afrique Consulting Limited | Marketing Services;Corporate Advisory;Banking Services;Financial Services;Consultant - General;Accountant;Business Intelligence;Dealmaker;Analytics;Human Resources - Training;Management;Company Executive;Sales | |
| John Ngatia | Project Coordinator | Eventscape | NA | |
| lucas mboya | trustee | Ruma Wildlife and Conservation Trust | Entrepreneur | |
| George Seda | | Hyphen Insurance Agency | Insurance Products | |
| Cecilia Rague | Chief Executive Officer | Underwriting Africa Limited | Insurance Products | |
| Kenneth Njeru | Director | Africa Afya Healthcare | NA | |
| Ketan Nagrecha | Head of sales BFSI Africa | Redian software Africa | Software or Technology Services | |
| Jelena Savic | Principal | CGE Ltd | NA | |
| JENNIFER WANZINA | FOUNDER | FIDEX FARM | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Antony Olali | Co-Founder, Director | Mercedes Hub Ltd | NA | |
| Irene Wagaki | Director & Principal Consultant | Lime Group Consulting Africa | NA | |
| Leonard Kisuu | Managing Partner | Kieti Law LLP | Legal Services | |
| George Jomo | Director | Solubag Africa | Investor - Personal;Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| KENNETH MATU | MD | KENARK LIMITED | Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder;Sales | |
| C James | | ThinkPlace | Consultant - General | |
| Manoj Changarampatt | Director, Independent Consultant | UMSL, Nairobi | Consultant - General | |
| lucas mboya | trustee | Ruma Wildlife and Conservation Trust | Entrepreneur | |
| Ameet Shah | CEO | Astonfield Solar | Other | |
| Kelvin Isalamba | Director | Diaspora Security Limited Company | Security Services | |
| Kenneth Onchwati | | White Resources International Ltd | NA | |
| Gerald Kommo | Managing Director | Koge Enterprises | Marketing Services;Insurance Products;Dealmaker;Real Estate Services | |
| Hellen Kimani | Director | Grassroot concepts ltd | Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| Herbert Rajula | Founder | Poraeh Investments | Investment Banking;Banking Services;Financial Services;Founder | |
| Gichigo James | Founder/ Director | KENYA RURAL FOOD CENTRE LTD | Marketing Services;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| James Njau | Head of Credit | GDC SACCO | Banking Services | |
| Isaac Kyalo | BUSINESSMAN | Pwani University | Import/Export | |
| George Ochieng | Business Development | Centum Real Estate | Investor - Corporate | |
| FRANCIS OMALA | FOUNDER | WAKE VOCATIONAL CENTER | Consultant - General;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Jote Wakjira | Chief Executive Officer | Equinox Group | NA | |
| Isaac kahara | Country Head - East Africa | UK Export Finance | Financial Services;Development Finance Institution | |
| Justus Barasa | Operations Manager | Control Risks | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG;Business Intelligence;Project Management;Management;Security Services | |
| Jonathan Mukoro | Investment Analyst | AgdevCo Limited | Investor - Institutional | |
| Fides Metha | Director | Metha Collections | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| Dishon Ombewa | BOARD MEMBER | KABOBO FARM | Mining and Mining Services | |
| George kamau | CEO | Afrigrow Kenya | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Kabutha Nduati | Chief Executive Officer | Teleeza Africa Ltd | NA | |
| Hasnain Meghji | CEO | Cuvva Insurance Agency Ltd | Insurance Products | |
| Jacktone Odoyo | Corporate Finance Associate | Standard Investment Bank | NA | |
| Grace Waringa | Director | Angaza Foods Limited | NA | |
| Ketan Nagrecha | Head of sales BFSI Africa | Redian software Africa | Software or Technology Services | |
| Farida Suleiman | Senior Investment Manager | IFU | NA | |
| ALBERT ONGECHI | Lead Consultant | MCH Advisory Hub | NA | |
| Jesse Ngarachu | | mieux projects | Project Management;Entrepreneur;Engineer | |
| Brian Rono | Associate | KN Law LLP | Legal Services | |
| Hasnain Meghji | Director | MENA Business Consultancy Ltd | Legal Services;Corporate Advisory;Financial Services | |
| Antonio Dulo | Farm owner | Dulo investments | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| MACHARIA NDEGWA | CEO - FOUNDER | RAGSBOND ENTERPRISES | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Accountant;Economist;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Company Executive;Founder | |
| Benard Odira | Business Development | Feskana suppliers limited | Sales | |
| LUCY KARUME | DIRECTOR | KEPSA | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| GEORGE KAMAU | CEO | LIMURIA | Software or Technology Services | |
| Kennedy Matara | | Kenan Consulting | NA | |
| Joseph Okech | Head Of Product Development | Kylix Technologies Ltd | Business Intelligence;Management;Entrepreneur | |
| Dennis Njuguna | | Ecobrick recyclers limited | NA | |
| Faith Ondieki | CEO/ Founder | Eduteach Technology | Educationalist;Founder | |
| Laura Lubisia | Founder/Director | Viakwetu Limited | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export | |
| Daniel Mwangi | Co-Founder and CEO | TRANS BODA LIMITED | Dealmaker | |
| Hudson Bwamu | Managing Director | Milla concrate ltd | Other | |
| Lawrence Kuria | CEO & Founder | B2B Africa Ltd | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Other;Business Intelligence;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Project Management | |
| JOHN OGACHI ONDERI | CHAIRMAN-CEO-MANAGING DIRECTOR | MOSES MATI'S ORPHANS FOUNDATION AFRICAI DEVELOPMENT LIMITED | Marketing Services;Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Other;Banking Services;NGO;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Development Bank;Consultant - General;Government Official;Stock Exchange;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Business Intelligence;Regional Trade Organisation;Custodian and Securities Services;Trade Association;Professional Body with Members;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Software or Technology Services;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Research Analyst;Development Finance Institution;Trade Finance;Fund Administration;Translation Services;Analytics;Human Resources - Training;Real Estate Services;Veterinarian;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Artist;Management;Company Executive;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Educationalist;Founder;Journalist;Security Services;Sales | |
| Bonface Muthamia | Director | Main hill farm | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Dorcas Rottok | Business Development Executive | Farmia Ltd | NA | |
| Mark Muema | | Selfund Ltd | NA | |
| Francis Njeru | CEO | The Sales House | Consultant - General | |
| Eliud Mungai | Kenya Country Lead | Startup Wise Guys | NA | |
| Florence Muhuhu | | ICC | Consultant - General;Entrepreneur;Educationalist | |
| Jane Nasaka | Director | Omusale limited | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| JAMES WANENE | Owner | Kewfarm | NA | |
| James Kinuthia | Director Tech & Innovation | E'lever Interactive | Marketing Services | |
| FRANCIS OMALA | FOUNDER | WAKE VOCATIONAL CENTER | Consultant - General;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Lewis Wanyama | CEO and President | Chrimarks LLC | NA | |
| Humphrey Gathungu | CEO | Jubilee Financial Services | NA | |
| GEORGE KAMAU | CEO | LIMURIA | Software or Technology Services | |
| JOHN OGACHI ONDERI | CHAIRMAN-CEO-MANAGING DIRECTOR | MOSES MATI'S ORPHANS FOUNDATION AFRICAI DEVELOPMENT LIMITED | Marketing Services;Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Other;Banking Services;NGO;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Development Bank;Consultant - General;Government Official;Stock Exchange;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Business Intelligence;Regional Trade Organisation;Custodian and Securities Services;Trade Association;Professional Body with Members;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Software or Technology Services;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Research Analyst;Development Finance Institution;Trade Finance;Fund Administration;Translation Services;Analytics;Human Resources - Training;Real Estate Services;Veterinarian;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Artist;Management;Company Executive;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Educationalist;Founder;Journalist;Security Services;Sales | |
| George Mwihaki | Agri farming | Mwihaki and sons | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| James Omare | Farmer | Smartgalaxy General Enterprise | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Jordan Rabach | Director, Founder | Swiftcost Consultants Limited | Consultant - General | |
| Charles Mbugua | Strategic Business Head | Stima DT Sacco Society Ltd | Banking Services;Development Bank;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Trade Finance;Fund Administration;Management | |
| ian kimutai | criminologist | kaa | NA | |
| Lydia-Claire Halliday | Director & Owner | LCH Consultancy Ltd | Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications | |
| Joseph Mwangi | Founder/Director | B2C wholesale | Chamber of Commerce | |
| Kelvin Mwendwa | Associate | KCIC Consulting Limited | Consultant - General | |
| Aggrey Oketch | Dj, Producer, Musician | Aluochris Entertainment | Marketing Services | |
| Fredrick Maritim | Sales Manager | Karra Engineering Ltd | Consultant - General;Engineer | |
| Freyda Owino | Associate Consultant, Compliance, Forensics and Intelligence | Control Risks | NA | |
| Joseph Kiragu | Construction | Lipana | Real Estate Services | |
| Joseph Ngeene | CEO | VECOPTICS | NA | |
| Ben Ben Ochieng | Obemi | Obemi tent furniture and fabrication enterprises | Marketing Services;Other;Investor - Personal;Entrepreneur;Founder;Sales | |
| Irene Wambugu | CEO & Founder | Ubora World Kenya | Analytics;Economist;Mining and Mining Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Jeremiah Ngugi | Director | Connect Global Links | Real Estate Services | |
| Lynette Kabuga | Founder | Mark Tuk Global Company Ltd | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Ashley Kamau | Events and Brand Assets Executive | Zuri Health | Health Services | |
| Eva Warigia | Executive Director | East Africa Private Equity and Venture Capital Association | Professional Body with Members | |
| Cynthia Winki | | Tindi | NA | |
| Antony Gacheru | Founder | Environment Two Five Four Group | Entrepreneur | |
| Joseph Munyao | Director | Townview Investments | NA | |
| Loreen Gitonga | Corporate Finance Analyst | BDO East Africa | NA | |
| Lloyd Gaetano | Blogger | Semasocial Platforms | Human Resources Services;Other | |
| henry carl okonji | | genixglobal limited | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Kanyingi Kagucia | Head of Sales | CIGNA | Insurance Products | |
| Hudheifa Omar Sharif Hudheifa Omar Sharif | Construction Supervisor | Owsha Company Limited | NA | |
| Joan Ndolo | Business | Dabrutty's malimali | Sales | |
| Laura Lubisia | Founder/Director | Viakwetu Limited | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export | |
| Kangai Samwel | Database administrator | Developers Computers | NGO | |
| Jacob Ngetich | Business man | SUN TRUST HOLDINGS LTD | Marketing Services;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Stock Exchange;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate | |
| DANIEL GATHANWA Mwangi | Business Development | FIRST ASSURANCE | Entrepreneur | |
| James Kitheka | Founder & CEO | Kaith Consultants | Financial Services | |
| Graham Balcombe | Founder/Director | Simplifi Networks | Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Lekishon Leonard | Investment Analyst | Sterling Capital | Stockbroker | |
| Hephzibah Mutheki | Real estates and documentation | Alphest | Real Estate Services | |
| Gabriel Sewe | Director/ Founder | Glodoh Ventures | Real Estate Services | |
| Frank Mwiti | Eastern Africa Markets Leader | EY | Corporate Advisory;Dealmaker | |
| Keli Nikolas | Entrepreneur | Foresight | Other | |
| Christine Muriuki | Founder/CEO | Zuphifarm | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Khisa Caleb | Project Lead | Limucks International Ltd | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Fund Administration;Project Management | |
| Emmanuel Etori | Real Estate Manager | A2Z Properties | Real Estate Services | |
| Joseph Poche | Managing Partner | Berkshire Consulting | Corporate Advisory | |
| HILLARY MAGANI | DIRECTOR | MYLES & PSALMIST | Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Banking Services;Financial Services;Business Intelligence | |
| David Okoth Okumu | Director | BENNU CAPITAL | Corporate Advisory;Financial Services;Analytics | |
| Jane Nasaka | Director | Omusale limited | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Kate Macintyre | Board member | SAIDIA | NGO;Health Services;Educationalist | |
| Jeremy Njonge | Project Development Officer | Njonge Consulting | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Kate Krukiel | Managing Director | Sera Afrika | Consultant - General | |
| Khisa Caleb | Project Lead | Limucks International Ltd | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Fund Administration;Project Management | |
| LASZLO KELE | Owner | Kele & PARTNER | Dealmaker;Economist;Entrepreneur | |
| Brian Ouma | Founder | Sun Foods | NA | |
| Alex Aluvisia | Director | EUJCO TREND SOLUTIONS | NA | |
| Julius Opiyo | Chairman/CEO | Gifted Farm Enterprises | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Cyrus Kang'ethe | Co- Founder | Kube Real Estate | NA | |
| Liston Koskei | Director | Tilindi Industries Limited | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Lloyd Muposhi | CEO | Africinvest private credit | NA | |
| George Mwihaki | Agri farming | Mwihaki and sons | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Kevin Akama | Cofounder | Kiu Technologies Ltd | Financial Services | |
| George Wafukho | CEO | Portman Africa Limited | Other;Investor - Corporate;Founder;Sales | |
| Benedict Mbuvi | DIRECTOR | tedora | NA | |
| Esther Wanjiru | | Finaltus | NA | |
| James Kitavi | C.E.O | Milestone Commodities Limited | Business Intelligence;Regional Trade Organisation;Investor - Corporate;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Management;Company Executive;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Kevin Irungu | | Masti Ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| David Polycarp | Director | DALISHA VENTURES LTD | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Financial Services;Development Bank;Regional Trade Organisation;Trade Association;Government Minister;Dealmaker;Development Finance Institution;Fund Administration;Real Estate Services;Mining and Mining Services;Company Executive;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Engineer;Sales | |
| Jackson Machuhi | CEO | Barefoot Power | Company Executive | |
| JENNIFER WANZINA | FOUNDER | FIDEX FARM | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Dancan Imbigura | Manager | Efex | Marketing Services | |
| Lydia Anyangu | Executive Director | Molyn Credit | Banking Services;Development Bank;Accountant;Fund Administration;Economist | |
| Gabriel Muthara | Sales & Marketing Representative | Haraka Savings & Credit Corporative Society | Financial Services | |
| Jacinta Mwangi | Director | Mizizi njiru company limited | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Kennedy Otogo | Business Development | Ink Concepts Business Consultancy | NA | |
| Jonson Mwangi | Projects Director | Paradigm Projects | Investment Banking;Software or Technology Services;Real Estate Services | |
| Linda Davis | CEO | Giraffe Bioenergy | Other | |
| Idris Artan | Director | Imaj cargo limited | Import/Export | |
| Jacqueline Mutune | founder | Thonge limited | Entrepreneur | |
| Amos Kochiyo | Director | Damar Sulwe consultants | NA | |
| John Busunkwi | Director | Widetech Solutions Kenya Ltd | NA | |
| fredrick ongaro | Director | Opex Africa Network Ltd | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General | |
| Kairo Thuo | Partner | Viva Africa Consulting LLP | Other | |
| Felix Mulei | Director | Felmu Associates | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General | |
| Denis Kuria | | Billions | NA | |
| Manoj Changarampatt | Director, Independent Consultant | UMSL, Nairobi | Consultant - General | |
| M Jibril Omar | Commercial Director | OFGEN | Other | |
| Eelko Bronkhorst | CEO | LendXS | Banking Services;Financial Services;Software or Technology Services | |
| Mark MUOKI | entrepreneur | AL ASFAR PASSION FARM | Marketing Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Lekishon Leonard | Investment Analyst | Sterling Capital | Stockbroker | |
| Jonathan Eric MBEDO | Business opportunity | MAC FARLEN DIFFUSION | Import/Export | |
| BENARD ONSONGO | Director/CEO | AMAZON CAPITAL VENTURES LIMITED | Stock Exchange;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate;Stockbroker;Real Estate Services | |
| James Robert | Director | Zaan Agri | Investor - Personal | |
| Lydia Donald | Director | Axolotl Solutions | Investor - Personal;Dealmaker;Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Keziah Gakahu | Business Development Manager | Horizons Haven Ltd | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Grace Bauer Grace Bauer | Homes for the Elderly | Grace and Mercy | NA | |
| Joaquim Fernandes | Manager | open | Management | |
| Hemant Patel | Founder | CEO | Maxpro Infotech Limited | Software or Technology Services | |
| KINUTHIA JACOB | Founder and CEO | Chap Pay Company Limited | NA | |
| Marco Laboso | Government relations Consultant | Planbee LLC | NA | |
| Marc Jermin | Managing Director | Pack UG | NA | |
| Angelina Angelina Ngunje | Founder | Unicorn Valley Technologies | Consultant - General;Artist;Entrepreneur;Educationalist;Founder | |
| Joyce Mugun | Proprietor | Joyce Mugun Mega farms Ltd | NA | |
| Caroline Karanja | Admin Associate | BIXTRON SAFETY HANDLERS LIMITED | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Dealmaker;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Sales | |
| Kaden Mays | Commodi voluptatem n | Mccray and Macias Traders | Business Intelligence | |
| LUCY KARUME | DIRECTOR | KEPSA | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Jolliff Odhiambo | CEO/Founder | Lliffton Analytica Ltd | NGO;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Business Intelligence;Software or Technology Services;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Research Analyst;Analytics;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Entrepreneur | |
| Margaret Gichuhi | | Kanyundo Ventures | NA | |
| Julia Moffett | Co-founder and Managing Partner | Future of Learning Fund I | NA | |
| albert tangui | DIRECTOR & PROJECT MANAGER | Eduservices Oy, Finland | Project Management | |
| Jonathan Nzioka Kioko | Managing Director | Bridge Capital Investments Limited | Financial Services | |
| Juma Baraka | Direct | Corelabz Tech | Software or Technology Services | |
| Keith Mwangi | Information Systems consultant | Gratis systems | Business Intelligence;Software or Technology Services;Analytics | |
| Ketan Nagrecha | Head of sales BFSI Africa | Redian software Africa | Software or Technology Services | |
| Gathoni Maitai | CEO | Xplo Enterprises | Entrepreneur | |
| Abdirizack Abdirahman | Director | Turfken Ltd | Trade Association | |
| Gathoni Maitai | CEO | Xplo Enterprises | Entrepreneur | |
| ketan shah | director | coral property consultants ltd | Real Estate Services | |
| kevin kimari | electrician | syntaxx 145 youth group | NA | |
| Frank Mwiti | Eastern Africa Markets Leader | EY | Corporate Advisory;Dealmaker | |
| Joyce Mugun | Proprietor | Joyce Mugun Mega farms Ltd | NA | |
| Camille Rebelo | Chief Operating Officer | EcoPlanet Bamboo | Other | |
| Louis Owoko | Chief Executive Officer | Ollocom Consulting Limited | Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;NGO;Financial Services;Consultant - General;Accountant;Trade Finance;Analytics;Human Resources - Training | |
| Leonard Zighe | Mining peridot gemstone | Baraka mining | NA | |
| Charles Kirii | Founder | Sacco Hisa Market | Dealmaker | |
| ERIC OLWENY | Marketing, Events and Branding expert | Royalty Communication | Consultant - General | |
| Gumato Golo | Business Development Engineer-Solar PV | Central Electricals International Limited | Other;Business Intelligence;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Sales | |
| Kinyua Daphine | consultant | BCG | NA | |
| Mark Achola | Managing Partner | Rubik Health Africa LLP | NA | |
| Jack Bweya | Founder | Epitex | Educationalist | |
| Josep Oriol-Bosch | Founder and Managing Partner | Okavango Capital Partners | Investor - Institutional | |
| Elijah Njau | Cardiologist | Primecare Heart Clinic | Health Services | |
| Kabutha Nduati | Chief Executive Officer | Teleeza Africa Ltd | NA | |
| Gerardo Segura | CEO | Storage Central | Other | |
| Fredrick olando | Technical director | Gypsum Interiors | NA | |
| Benedict Kariuki | Strategy Consultant | AK Strategy & Consulting | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Regional Trade Organisation;Project Management;Import/Export | |
| Greg Cox | | XX | NA | |
| Francis Kimani | Director | RadTech East Africa Co. Limited | NA | |
| Kate Bohnert | Investor Relations Manager | Sanivation | NA | |
| Herbert Kinoti | Head of Operations | Operations Manager | NA | |
| Kate Bohnert | Investor Relations Manager | Sanivation | NA | |
| john kimutai | AUTOMOTIVE engineering | HIDEO LLC | Other | |
| Gayo Tumbani | Co Founder / Project Director | Vistride Technologies | Software or Technology Services | |
| Elisha Onyango | Self Sponsored | Graca Emporium | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Business Intelligence;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Mahmoud Ng'ang'a | Consultant | Self employed | Accountant | |
| Eva Yazhari | Managing Partner | Beyond Capital Ventures | NA | |
| Attiya Tariq | Managing Director | Unipro Enterprises Ltd | Investor - Personal;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Kelvin Muli | Farmer | Valley fresh agriculture | NA | |
| Ken Osano | Businessman | Deci Consultants | Consultant - General;Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Kwizera Rudasumbwa | C.E.O | Seventh Armada LTD | Corporate Advisory | |
| Joy Muchiri | Founder / Director | Wild Petals Tour Company Ltd. | Founder | |
| Jacinta Ndichu | Manager | Inno Point | NA | |
| Karanja Kuria | Business Development | Strathmore University | Consultant - ESG;Research Analyst;Project Management;Engineer | |
| Kennedy Mutahi | | Asoko Insight | NA | |
| Fred Fred | sales | E-GAS KENYA LTD | NA | |
| George Kanku | Data Analyst | The Amara Sekani Group | NA | |
| Lloyd Muposhi | CEO | Africinvest private credit | NA | |
| Kieya Mwaniki | | Osiris Capital | NA | |
| Joaquim Fernandes | Manager | open | Management | |
| Kizito Wafula | Director | Princelink Ventures Ltd | Banking Services;Business Intelligence;Investor - Corporate;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Julie Kinoti | Professional Writers | Julie Kinoti & Associates | NA | |
| James WANDURIKA | ENGINNER | Pentacon Limited | Mining and Mining Services | |
| harrison okumu | electrician | Novea Enterprises Ltd | Consultant - General;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Inzillia Sasi | Agri-Business Financial Consultant | Agri Frontier | Consultant - General;Analytics | |
| JOSEPH MOSI | DIRECTOR | NYANZA AG-ENTERPRISE LIMITED | Marketing Services;Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Corporate Advisory;NGO;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate;Dealmaker;Human Resources - Training;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Management;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Founder | |