| Ali Ahmed | Chief Executive Officer | Alif Energy | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| Integrated Business Services | Business Development Coordinator | INTEGRATED BUSINESS SERVICES | Marketing Services;Business Intelligence;Trade Association;Professional Body with Members;Investor - Corporate;Trade Finance;Analytics;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder;Sales | |
| Endalkachew Mihretu | CEO | Align Ethiopia Consult | Consultant - General | |
| Valerie Bowden | Investment Advisor | The African Beat, LLC | Consultant - General | |
| Kebede Tesfaye Yada | Sales Representative | Kerchanshe Trading PLC | Sales | |
| Bekele Negussie Kebede | President of the Baord | Ethio Root | Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| ኤልሳቤት ሁናቸዉ | Assistant Environmental researcher | CCIIRDC | Consultant - General | |
| Takele Fikre Mariam | IT Senior Enginieer | Lemlem Poultry Farm | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Sirak Wondimu | CEO | Partain Technology (Under formation) | Consultant - General | |
| Yohannes M. Shanka | | Financial sector | NA | |
| semeter hassen | CEO | samji | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Business Intelligence;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Entrepreneur;Engineer;Founder | |
| Eyob Fikadu | Coffee farmer and civil engineer | EF coffee farm | Analytics;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Engineer | |
| Faris Mubarek | Founder, Managing Director | Zsecuredtech | Software or Technology Services;Project Management;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Security Services | |
| MAHIR MOHAMMED | OWNER | FAST FORWARDERS PLC | Marketing Services;Corporate Advisory;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Import/Export | |
| Hawaz Merawi | Partner | Hawaz, Shimeles & Partners Law Office | NA | |
| Bezawit Girmay | Student | New generation | NA | |
| Abebaw Belay | senior | Ethswitch | Software or Technology Services | |
| Jibril Detemo | Importer and manufacturer | Jibril detemo importer | NA | |
| Abdiaziz Hassen Muhumed | Chief Executive Officer | Rays Microfinance Institution S.C. / Hud Hud Express | NA | |
| Yonas Mohammed | Technical Manager | Yabikahiyo trading PLC | Professional Body with Members | |
| Samuel zewge | The miracle mop | The miracle mop industry | Marketing Services | |
| dega di | crm | bank | Banking Services | |
| Misale Hailu | General May | HATERSATA MANUFACTURING &TRADING PLC | NA | |
| Elias Shashati | General Manager | EYZ Solutions | Consultant - General | |
| Chafi BAKARI | CEO/Founder | African Commodities LLC | Legal Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Business Intelligence;Trade Association;Professional Body with Members;Investor - Institutional;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Company Executive;Founder | |
| Aklile Belete Dessie | Managing Director | ATP TRADING PLC | Marketing Services;Corporate Advisory;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Company Executive;Import/Export | |
| Hilina Legesse | Country Manager | Info Mind Solutions Plc (Ethiojobs) | Human Resources Services | |
| Mahamed Birikan | Business | Birkaan | Educationalist | |
| Bezalem Baye | Senior Marketing Expert | IPDC | NA | |
| Abdi Erena | Medical Technology | Abbott Laboratories | Investor - Institutional;Human Resources - Training;Health Services;Educationalist | |
| Nurfeta Legesse | Director | AB | Banking Services;Financial Services;Business Intelligence;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Solomon Wakjira | Mr | Zemen | NA | |
| Dawit Haileyesus Denegetu Mr | PhD candidate/Researcher | Institute for African studies | NA | |
| Yamlak Kassa | Civil engineer | Gonfa Farm Technologies | NA | |
| Anwar Humed | Business owner | VISION SECURE DOORS | Other;Import/Export | |
| Getnet Yawkal Mebratu | Principal Attorney | Getnet Yawkal Law Office | Legal Services;Founder | |
| Rahel Alemayehu | lawyer | Rahel Alemayehu Law Office | Corporate Advisory | |
| Yohannes Zeleke | Strategiest | Awash plc | NA | |
| Shibeshi Ephrem | Agreecaltur | New | Business Intelligence | |
| Dr Aynalem Abayneh Mamo | Founding-Owner-Manager | GOLDIE Management Consultancy Service | Consultant - General | |
| Workineh Simachew | Head of Department | Debark University | Educationalist | |
| Dawit Tefera | Managing Partner | DABLO LAW FIRM LLP | Legal Services | |
| Dr Zekarias Dutebo Duresa | Certified Accountant/Trainer/Investor | Accountancy service sector | Financial Services;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export | |
| DEJENE TADESSE | Tax advisor | Kirakos Consulting, management and Business PLC | Accountant | |
| Haregewoin Kifle | Member Support Executive | Orbitt Capital | NA | |
| HUSSEIN HAJI ALEMU | MANAGER | HUSSEIN HAJI ALEMU | Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| samson tesfa | farming | sami dagi farm | Engineer | |
| Ahmed Mohammed | | Personal | NA | |
| Abel Teshome | Founder | Limitless Agri solutions | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Mahlet Mesgaanaw Getu | Advocate and Attorney-at-Law | Dagnachew and Mahlet Law Firm LLC | Legal Services | |
| Didimos Getachew Eshete | Investment Associate | Ethiopian Investment Holdings | Investor - Corporate;Analytics | |
| Allen McInnes | Managing Director | BetKing | Consultant - General | |
| Tigist G. Araya | CEO & Co-Founder | ARAYA Venture Lab | Business Intelligence;Investor - Personal;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Tewodros Bekele | Manager | Diligence Trading | Software or Technology Services | |
| Takele Bitew | Business Developer Consultant | Private Consultant | Banking Services;Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG;Mining and Mining Services;Project Management | |
| Nesra Seid | General Manager | Rimani Corporate Services & Trading PLC | Management | |
| Ashenafi Alemu | Resource Mobilization Section Head | Yegna Microfinance | Banking Services | |
| Dawit Eshete | mining | DST | NA | |
| Kalkidan Duguma | Marketing Manager | EATH | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investment Banking;Banking Services;Financial Services;Development Bank;Government Minister;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Analytics;Economist;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Company Executive;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Ermias Mulugeta | Architect | Arcline Architecture & Engineering plc | Consultant - General;Real Estate Services;Project Management;Engineer | |
| Ashenafi Ukumo | Attorney | Debub Global Bank S.C and Euro Exim Bank. | Corporate Advisory | |
| Abdurehman Mohammed Hussen | Investment Expert | Ethiopian Investment Commission | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency | |
| Abenezer Yami | Invester | Abenezer investment group | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export | |
| Mamo Nakuma Legesse | Training program manager | National Bank of Ethiopia | Banking Services | |
| Ararsa Abdeta | General Manager | Ararsa Abdeta Farming | NA | |
| Abebe Elema | Agricultural investment | Boru Agro Industry | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Klaus Lehrke | Director | Techive | Marketing Services;Investment Banking;Banking Services;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Development Bank;Consultant - General;Chamber of Commerce;Regional Trade Organisation;Development Finance Institution;Human Resources - Training;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Veterinarian;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Company Executive | |
| Mesfin Zewude | Investors | Meafin Zewude plc | Development Finance Institution;Fund Administration | |
| Magdi Ibrahim | Director | Wait Twa | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Engineer | |
| Temesgen Jote | Solar product marketing | Wowtiger solar manufacturing PLC | Marketing Services | |
| Ashenafi Merid | General Manager | Ethiopian beverage Manufacturing Industries Association | NA | |
| Andualem Hailu | Chief Trade Finance Officer | United Bank S.C. | Banking Services | |
| yafet alula | product analyst | BIo. SoilZ | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Yadesa Hunde Fule | Manager | Liben trading plc | Financial Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Kersima Muzeyen | Manager | YCF Consult and Training plc | Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export | |
| Yitbarek Ambaw | Accountant/ GM | Yitbarek Ambaw Authorized Accounting Firm | Accountant | |
| Nathnael Abebe | Marketing manager | Gutenberg printing press plc | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Melaku Yirdaw | General Manager | Meltex Textile and Apparel Manufacturing | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Entrepreneur | |
| Eyerusalem Regassa | Business Development and Private Sector Advisor | SNV | NA | |
| Bezawit Yosef | tutor | ET-study | Educationalist | |
| Yohannes Tesfaye | Vice | Africon Investment Development & Agricultural Consultancy | NA | |
| Maheder Adimassu | | Maheder Foods | Project Management;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Lemi Assefa | Business development head | Sinopia Import &Export PLC | Marketing Services;Regional Trade Organisation;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export;Health Services | |
| Asefa Abba | MSME Finance/Financial Inclusion Experts | First Consult | Consultant - General | |
| Abiye Weldea | | Mylugeta tilaye mining | NA | |
| Ameha Tessema | Lecturer and banker | CBE or leadstar college | Banking Services;Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Fisseha Habtermaiam | CEO | PurposeBlack Ethiopia | NA | |
| Darrell Boyd | CEO | Tulu Moye Geothermal | Investor - Institutional | |
| Martha Andualem | Manager | MArtha Andualem Authorized Accounting Firm | NA | |
| Tirusew Geresu | Co founder | Eloha Communications | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Analytics;Import/Export | |
| Dinakaran Subburaj | CCO | Kanoria Africa Textiles PLC | NA | |
| HASSEN Hassen | COE | Xayat Furniture Trading .td | Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Investor - Personal | |
| Lidia Teshome | Healthcare Professional | Solar Panels | NA | |
| Assefa Hailu | | NILE EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL | Development Finance Institution;Real Estate Services | |
| Henock Molla | Co-Founder | Koy Integrated Farm | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export | |
| Amir Dawud | General Manager | ALIF Consultancy Firm | Marketing Services;Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Consultant - General;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Human Resources - Training;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Import/Export;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Educationalist;Founder | |
| Samuel Kebede | CEO | ATECSO e.m | NA | |
| Winta Lebelo | Entrepreneur | Winta lebelo poultry garm and mushroom cultivation in Tigray | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Lauriel Reid | Treasurer | Ethiopia World Federation Addis Abeba | NGO | |
| Iyasu Teketel Alemayehu | Senior Legal Associate | DABLO Law Firm | NA | |
| Ermias Wodajo Azmach | corporate legal service | Ermias Wodajo Associates | Corporate Advisory | |
| Birhanu Tesfahun Demeke | Mechanical Engineer | Zamra Integrated Farmi4 | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Engineer | |
| Bezaget Demissie | store management officer | Nx | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Feven Mekere Damte | Client Relationship Manager | Axis International PLC | Real Estate Services;Company Executive;Import/Export | |
| Mr. Asnake Hailemichael | Chief Technical Operation Officer | Purposeblack ETH Share company | Banking Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| aditya lodha | | kam polymers manufacturing plc | Company Executive | |
| Dagne Amdetsion Urgessa | Cofounder and CEO | DGN Farms | Investor - Personal;Fund Administration;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Health Services | |
| Kalkidan Fenta | | MAV Mall | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Import/Export;Sales | |
| Kirubel Amaha | Entrepreneur | Amun Ra | Dealmaker | |
| Tadesse Asseife | Manager | Kuza Trading | Investment Banking;Financial Services;Consultant - ESG;Business Intelligence;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Human Resources - Training;Economist;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Management;Educationalist;Founder | |
| Dawit Abate | Technical Advisor | Africa Mushroom Company | Investor - Personal | |
| Emebet Woldeher | mamger | Burgerizza | Entrepreneur | |
| TSEGA MENGISTE DEBABE | Marketing Manger | Modify Electromechanical Systems and Solutions PLC | Import/Export;Sales | |
| Nuria Mohammed Sayed | Business Development Manager | Sumitomo Corporation | NA | |
| Ermiyas Abay | Manager | Ermi PLC | NA | |
| Estifanos Daniel | Entrepreneur | Estifanos and associates | NA | |
| Bezabih Tolla (Dr.) | Managing Director | Fortune Management Consult | Consultant - General | |
| Gudina Ebisa | delegate | wucr | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Bethel Estifanos | Marketing Manager | Continental Engineering and Trade Co. | Engineer | |
| Abebe Executive | Marketing & Sales Manager | Addis international Catering Plc | Other | |
| Peter morris | Managing Director | Strategy Innovations | NA | |
| Makeda Tsegaye | Founder/CEO | weVenture Hub | Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Zenebe Tilahun | Engineer | Debre Berhan Pre-Engineered Solution S.C | Engineer | |
| Eyassu Dagnew | Manager | Marvelous Ethiopia Tours (plc) | Founder | |
| Tesfaye Weldegebriel | Founder&Manager | Tesfaye Honey processing Enterprise | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Daniel Belachew | Senior Investor Relations and Investment Advisor | Dashen Bank S.C. | Banking Services;Financial Services;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate | |
| Sirak Aynalem Argaw | Senior Risk Management Officer | Development Bank of Ethiopia | Development Bank | |
| Hibrework Demissie | Strategy and Business Development Consultant | IE Network | Software or Technology Services | |
| Kahsu abera | C.E.O | Kese event organizing, streaming and ticketing company | Other | |
| Elias Semere | Executive Manager | The Grand Palace Suites - Hotel | Trade Association | |
| eyerus dereje | student | none | NA | |
| Mer OBANG | Farmer | Mer farm | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Purpose Black ETH | Global Partnership Manager | Purpose Black Eth trading s.c | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export | |
| deresse kebede | risk manager | wegagen bank s.c | NA | |
| Dembel Biru | Manager | Eleni farms and agroprocessing PLC | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Mingiziem Bitewa | CEO | Mingziem Misganaw Agricultural Dev't | NA | |
| Davi Kasahun Melese | Owner/CEO | Kahn Trading plc/Riverland Hotel | Investor - Personal;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Company Executive;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Engineer | |
| PAZION CHERINET | CEO | Orbit Health | Software or Technology Services | |
| Teferi Biru | Independent consultant | TEFZEN Consulting | Marketing Services;Human Resources Services;NGO;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Accountant;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Professional Body with Members;Investor - Corporate;Research Analyst;Development Finance Institution;Trade Finance;Fund Administration;Human Resources - Training;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Mining and Mining Services;Management;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| sewa Taye | Investment Associate | EIH | NA | |
| Melaku Hailu | FOUNDER & CEO | BFGE-RENEWABLES | Founder | |
| Eyasu Girma | accountant | Marakisoft Technologies PLC | Software or Technology Services | |
| Andinet Hagos Abay | Manager | Kunal Trading PLC | Investor - Personal | |
| Yared Haile-Meskel | CEO | YHM Consulting | Investment Banking;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Software or Technology Services;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Human Resources - Training;Economist | |
| Yassin Mohammed | Mhy plc | Mhy plc | NA | |
| Muluken Girma | Tour Operator and Guide | Merit Ethiopian Experience Tours | NA | |
| ABDULHAKIM OMAR | | Africa Golden | NA | |
| Begashaw Meberate | Co-founder and CEO | Bfarm-Tech | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Meti Girma | General manager | Meti Girma Irrigated vegetables production project | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Samuel Alemu | Deputy General Manager | Rensys Engineering & Traing PLC | NA | |
| Mihret Getachew | Sales representative | fosera manufacturing plc. | Investor - Personal | |
| Yared Nigussu | Gemologist | EY Gemstone | NA | |
| Rotate Ethiopia Tours | Travel Agent | Rotate Ethiopia Tours | NA | |
| Shewit Tadesse | | S&T | NA | |
| Yared Belay | Accountant & Tax advisory | Yared Belay Authorized Accountant and Tax Tdvisory | Accountant | |
| Zerisenay (Senay) Tesfamihael | | U-Drive | Other;Import/Export;Sales | |
| Amsalu Fantahun | Manager | Metu Agro processing and trading PLC | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export | |
| Afrah Abdella | Export Trader | Horra Cororate Group | Other | |
| Almaz Yitref | | Self | Founder | |
| Tofik Aliyi | Owner of energy office | Government offices in ethiopia | Government Official | |
| Magdi Amin | Managing Partner | African Renaissance Partners | Financial Services;Investor - Institutional;Dealmaker;Economist;Management | |
| ermias teshome | managing partner | ET Trade and Investment | Investment Banking;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Development Finance Institution;Trade Finance;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Real Estate Services;Project Management;Founder | |
| Amanuel Tesfay | Co engineer | Real estate | Import/Export | |
| Moges Bekele | Director | Ethiopian Hotel & Tourism Employers Federation | Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications | |
| Minasie Bayisa | General Manager | Minasie Bayisa Organic Agriculture Development | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| ZEBERJED AHMED | Managing director | 3N SOLAR & ELECTRICS TRADE | Marketing Services;Other;Investor - Personal;Import/Export;Sales | |
| Ayicheluhem Addise | Manager, General Accounts Division | Abay Bank S.C | Corporate Advisory;Banking Services;Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG;Accountant;Import/Export | |
| FAISAL SIED | CEO | ONRICA PLC | Business Intelligence;Software or Technology Services;Analytics;Entrepreneur | |
| Fanuel Teklegiorgis | Consultant | Business Info Ethiopia | Business Intelligence | |
| Ted Mamo | Export Incentive Team Lead | Ethiopian Investment Commission | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency | |
| Fatima M | Founder | GoTruck! | NA | |
| Abebe Abebe | Branch operation & resource mobilization director | Aggar MFI S,C | Financial Services | |
| Milkias Meshullam | MD | Birnihigop integrated farms | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| AHMED MOUSE | Managing Director | ABDI-GUDE FARMING COMPANY | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Peter Morris | Managing Director | Strategy innovations | Banking Services | |
| Hiwot Schulte | Founder | Haile Hempress House | NA | |
| Alelgne Eshetie | computer engineer | Addis Ababa University | Engineer | |
| Yetayew Alemu | Senior Risk Analyst | Banking industry | NA | |
| Gamta Garado | Market researchers | Wamaran livestock production sells center | NA | |
| Eyob gizaw | Technical Manager | AJ Pharmaceutical plc | NA | |
| Mesfin Getachew | CEO | Afro Links Minerals Mining Plc | Mining and Mining Services;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Biruk Mamo | | Vip taxi and motor | NA | |
| Molling Araya | CEO | Zoogle International Business Group | Investment Banking | |
| Firomsa Abduljehad Sheka | Invest | Africaevents | NA | |
| Ted Nebiyeloul | VP Procurement & Operation | SBTS Group | NA | |
| Pushpalatha Joseph | Director | Steps | Educationalist | |
| Dr Chala Hinde Garos | Executive Director | Bulbula Volunteer Help center | Other;NGO;Financial Services;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Professional Body with Members;Government Minister;Fund Administration;Analytics;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Daniel Tessema | Manager | Daniel | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Hallelujah Kibru Fonja | Self-employed | UNWEZA | Entrepreneur | |
| Mistru Tesfaye | Founder | Nile basin business network | Investor - Corporate;Real Estate Services;Import/Export | |
| Esmael Mahmud | Investor | M.T. plc | NA | |
| Adimasu Gebeyehu | Tour and Travel Lodge | Adimasu Travel &Tours | Investor - Corporate;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export | |
| Masresha Yimer | National Consultant (business dev\'t, Inter. Trade, Socio-economic, Investment; M&E) | ITCS | Consultant - General | |
| Haymanot Baynesagn Yimer | Manager | Brand Engineering | Engineer | |
| Amanuel Elias | CEO | Addis Nutrition and health consultancy | Business Intelligence;Research Analyst;Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Yoseph Getu | owner | yoseph tomato processing factory | Investor - Personal | |
| Miheret Kidane | Consuller | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia on Investment Promotion | NA | |
| Tewabe Assaye | General Manager | ICOS CONSULTING PLC | Consultant - General | |
| Samuel Mulugeta | Finance and Admin Manager | SSE IT and Business Solutions | Consultant - General | |
| Frezer Abdela | | HASRAD | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Abdu Mohammed Abdella | GENERAL MANAGER | AMEX STAR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS EXPORT | Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce | |
| Alebachew Azezew Belete | Researcher | Ministry of Water and Energy | NA | |
| Adanech Alemu | Technical manager | Embedded ELECTRO MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PLC | NA | |
| Efrem Eyasu Chute | Research Assistant | Leather and Leather Products Industry Research and Development Center (LLPIRDC) | Professional Body with Members;Research Analyst;Project Management | |
| Biniam Gebrehiwet | Managing Partner | AVICOM | Import/Export | |
| Belayneh Getachew | Program Manager - Capital Market and Investment Banking projects | Amhara Bank | Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Financial Services;Stock Exchange;Custodian and Securities Services;Research Analyst;Economist | |
| BINIYAM KEBEDE | DIRECTOR - STRATEGY | Goh Betoch Bank | Banking Services | |
| ahmed abdi | | Sadex ltd | NA | |
| Mekonnen Getahune | Accountant | Mekonnen Getahun Autorized Accounting Firm | Accountant | |
| Hamza Sebsib | | No | NA | |
| Gutema Totoba | CEO | Asko Business | NA | |
| Alif Mohammed | Engineer | Habey Trading | NA | |
| Temam Ahmed | Investment Advisor | Unity Trading PLC | Corporate Advisory | |
| Kebede Gashaw | Founder/CEO | Ethamco, LLC | Dealmaker;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Company Executive;Entrepreneur | |
| Minyahi Abebe | Manager | Ruppy coal mining | NA | |
| Tensay Tefera | G. Manager | JEMA Engineering plc | NA | |
| Mohamed Elmi Mohomed | Urban engineer | Cooperative minerals | Mining and Mining Services | |
| Zelalem Worku | National Supply Chain System Lead | Ministry of Health | NA | |
| Yoseph Shibeshi | Investment advisor | MCPCL | NA | |
| Becky Tsadik | Director of Marketing | Gebeya Inc. | Marketing Services;Human Resources Services;Other;Consultant - General;Software or Technology Services | |
| Temesgen Worku | Professor | Addis Ababa University | NA | |
| Natnael Kelil | General Manager | NATKEL Construction Plc | NA | |
| Nebiyat Demeke | Founder and General Manager | Rohobot Home Based health care service plc | NA | |
| woinshet Seifu | desiner | maleda tibeb | Marketing Services;Investor - Institutional;Entrepreneur | |
| Tigabu Gebreab | CEO | Eshi Express | NA | |
| Natnael Kelil | Technical Manager | StrongForce | NA | |
| Haftom Teklu | GM | EKT trade and investment plc | Marketing Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Research Analyst | |
| Mohammed Asherif | Manager | Mohammed Asherif Agricultural Development | Investor - Institutional | |
| Bezalem Belay Baye | Senior Marketing Expert | Industiral Parks Developemt Corporation | Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Real Estate Services | |
| Ezqieal Gemechu | Solar energy | Dce | NA | |
| Muktar Awel | Sales Executives | Ethiotelecom.et | Marketing Services | |
| mesfin yeshewaleul | | MAYONECON | Other;Real Estate Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Abel kiflu | General manger | BELTES trading pls | NA | |
| Saurabh Gupta | Managing Director | Sterk Solutions & Engineering PLC | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Amsalu (Gutema) Gutema | CEO | Wasasa Microfinance S.C. | NA | |
| Abel Beyene Reta | Project Manager | Secofet Trading | NA | |
| addisu yenet mitiku | CEO | access construction and investment co.ltd | Engineer | |
| Abebe Elema | Agricultural investment | Boru Agricultural plc | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Mulusew Ashenf | Investment Promotion Expert | Ethiopian investment commission | NA | |
| Tesfaye Adugna | Tax and Finance Consultant | Koke Int. Consulting PLC | Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| robel mazengia | Vice President | MAZ Capital | NA | |
| Samiya Godu | President | Ethiopian Youth Entrepreneurs Association | Corporate Advisory;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Company Executive;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Simenesh Lakew | General manager | SF Asset valuation work plc | Banking Services;Development Bank;Consultant - General;Accountant;Development Finance Institution;Real Estate Services;Engineer | |
| Solomon Sisay | Bussines | Jasmine industrial Pvt.ltd.co | Trade Finance;Real Estate Services | |
| Berhanu Gonemo | | Habbicho Integrated Farm | Consultant - General;Investor - Personal;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Management;Import/Export | |
| Dawit Tigabu | Reseracher | Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Reserach | Research Analyst;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management | |
| Ibrahim Abdella | Authorized Accountant | IAM plus | Financial Services | |
| Raghav pattar | CEO | Nasa Garment PLC | NA | |
| Abubeker Maeruf | Farmer | Mama's farming | NA | |
| Seid Hussien | CEO | Chamber of Comerce and Industry | Chamber of Commerce;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Habtamu Getu | Share holder | LHK Trading Plc | Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Import/Export | |
| Mrs Ron Osman Osman | Head Industry, Innovation and Minerals | African Union Commission | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Government Official;Regional Trade Organisation;Trade Association;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Mining and Mining Services;Company Executive;Entrepreneur | |
| Adugna Haile Wako | Founder and CEO | Adugna Haile Farm PLC | Economist;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Mussie Tsegaye | CEO | Envest Technologies PLC | NA | |
| Raja vadivel Dhasari | Promotor | New company | Founder | |
| Dr.Amanuel Menegsha | Medical Doctor | Veracity | Investment Banking;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate | |
| Festum Teshome | Managing Director | Lav Solutions | Real Estate Services | |
| Rekik Bekele Rekik Bekele | CEO | Green Scene Energy PLC | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Engineer | |
| Aser Samuel | CEO | Taf Leather | Founder | |
| Rateneh Fassil | CEO | Sinopia LLC | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Regional Trade Organisation;Real Estate Services;Import/Export;Engineer | |
| Jørgen Evjen | CEO | Akobo Minerals AB (publ) | NA | |
| Basso Assefa | Senior cement and Energy Consultant | BYH Engineering and Management | Consultant - General | |
| Yared Yared | Event Management Division Manager | Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce & Sectoral Associations | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Other;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - ESG;Stock Exchange;Business Intelligence;Software or Technology Services;Stockbroker;Development Finance Institution;Economist;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Management;Import/Export;Health Services;Engineer | |
| Abenezer Bekele | CTO | SantimPay Finantial solutions SC | Banking Services;Financial Services | |
| aditya lodha | Director | kam polymers manufacturing Plc | NA | |
| Asnake Hailemichael | General Manager | Kegeberew Agribusiness Enterprise | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Muluken Zeleke | National Sales and Marketing representative | Fosera Manufacturing PLC | Investor - Personal | |
| Fekadu Petros GEBREMESKEL | Managing Partner | Fekadu Petros & Partners Law Office | Legal Services;Corporate Advisory;Dealmaker | |
| Belew Haile | R&D Manager | SHEMU GROUP | Development Finance Institution | |
| Afrasa Mulatu | Chief of production officer | Kaffabio Control Agro-Industry | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Berhanu Diriba | Manger | Gold Industrial Zone | NA | |
| Awet Alebachew | General manager | AAIE | Business Intelligence;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate;Import/Export | |
| John Brinkhurst | Senior Manager - Africa | 247Solar Inc | Other;Software or Technology Services | |
| Lam Deng | President | Kush Community College | Development Bank;Consultant - General;Government Official;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Regional Trade Organisation;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Government Minister;Development Finance Institution;Fund Administration;Company Executive;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Security Services | |
| Natnael Wondimu | General manager | RB MAN GENERAL TRADING PLC | Entrepreneur | |
| Rajeev Gupta | CEO | ACME Network Services Ethiopia PLC | NA | |
| Eyosiyas Tedla | | Mago agro trading plc | Trade Association;Import/Export | |
| Mesfin Getachew | CEO | Afrolinks Minerals Mining Plc | Investor - Corporate;Fund Administration;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Founder | |
| Meselu Fantaye | civil engineer | SEMAI NURSERY | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Ezana Zeratsion | | GPM Mitad | Management;Company Executive;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Mistre Haile-Selassie | | TAPANTA DEPOT TRADING PLC | NA | |
| Gemechu Dagim | health insurance | TOPAZION | NA | |
| King Elias | Student | Infinity | Legal Services | |
| Danay Ghebremedhin | | Danay investments | NA | |
| Bemnet Tirfe | | Amano Watt | Company Executive;Founder | |
| Dawit Meressa | | TMB IT Solutions | NA | |
| Abenet Ajeme | Managing Director | BIYAF Consultancy for Economic Dev't, Business and Investment | NA | |
| Simeneh DG | General Manager | Index Engineering PLC | Consultant - General;Project Management;Import/Export | |
| Yosef Alemayehu Ameneshewa | General manager | YACON building Contractor | Real Estate Services;Project Management;Management;Engineer | |
| Samuel Beyene | CEO | TurTulManufacturingPLC | Investor - Corporate | |
| Henok Heruy Gizaw | Managing Director | Abebba-Ethiopia edible oil manufacturing plc | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| YETMWORK DEBELLE | Factory manager | Gisgeor printing works | Other;Entrepreneur | |
| Henok Guluma | Chief Executive Officer | Bankeru Games | Founder | |
| Mohammedsham Husen | Area coordinator | Islamic Relief | NGO;Translation Services;Veterinarian;Project Management | |
| woldie Asfaw | KYC spaclist | WOL | NA | |
| His Excellency Abdurehman Eid Tahir | CEO | Ethiopian Investment Holdings | NA | |
| Dan Noake | | Hammerton Barca | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Investor - Corporate | |
| Haile Birhanu | Compliance Principal | Wegagen Bank | NA | |
| Loza Tamirat | Business Development manager | Acme Engineering and Trading Plc | Other | |
| Melaku Hailu | Founder & CEO | BFGE -RENEWABLES | Company Executive | |
| Sultan Garane | CEO | Turkisoma | Business Intelligence;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export | |
| Chalachew Alemenw | General Manager | Binary Engineering | NA | |
| Jalane Adamu | Architect | hibir | Consultant - General;Engineer | |
| Wagi Mekuria | PhD fellow | Ambo University | Educationalist | |
| Martha Ayenew | Managing Director | Orbit Health Solutons | NA | |
| Dawit Abraham | CEO | Qene Games | Software or Technology Services | |
| Maereg Alemu | Mining and agriculture Businesses | Maereg alemu | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Nebil Jemal | mining | NRF.plc | Development Bank | |
| Habtom Gebre | business | NA | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services | |
| Anteneh Melake | Head, International Business Development and Promotion | Fenaol Coffee Trading PLC | NA | |
| Lula Awol | Auditor | Enat Bank S.C. | NA | |
| Solomon Tsegaye | CEO | Reliable Partner PLC | Corporate Advisory;Stock Exchange;Investor - Corporate;Import/Export | |
| Desmond Simpson | Farmer | Awesome Aweganics | NA | |
| Hani Kedir | Entrepreneur | Rentme | NA | |
| Mekdes Mezgebu | Principal | Mekdes & Associates Law Office | Legal Services | |
| Mizanu Adisu | CEO | Azemera Farms | Consultant - General;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Harry Adams | Chairman | KEFI Minerals plc | NA | |
| Ketema Kebede | Managing Director | Adamant Investment PLC | NA | |
| Esubalew Tesfa | Manager | Red Cloud ICT Solutions P.L.C | Software or Technology Services | |
| Estifanos Negedealem Kaptyimer | Founder & CEO | Zemen Global Expedia | Other | |
| Elfnesh Gedif | Branch Manager | Abay Bank S.C | Banking Services | |
| Abenezer Teshome Alemu | Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer | Santimpay Financial Solutions | Banking Services;Financial Services;Software or Technology Services;Entrepreneur;Security Services | |
| Dereje Ayalew Anagaw | General manager | Dafta trading plc | Investor - Personal | |
| Doup Rew | University lecturer | Gambella University | Engineer | |
| Teshome Jando | Chief Executive Officer | Yemisrach micro finance institution s.c. | Financial Services | |
| Daniel Gebru | Business Development/Project Development Manager | AMEA Power LLC | NA | |
| BINIAM MULUNEH | Manager | Tyre & Battery sales | Investment Banking | |
| Begashaw Meberate | Founder and CEO | Bfarm-Tech | Software or Technology Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Management | |
| Fisaha Mulu | Textile Engineer | Hawassa industrial park | NGO;Trade Association;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Translation Services;Human Resources - Training;Veterinarian;Project Management;Import/Export;Health Services;Engineer;Sales | |
| Abel Molla | Senior Investment Adviser | British Embassy Addis Ababa | NA | |
| Abel Eyasu | Ecommerce | Ethiozone | NA | |
| Salome Dagnachew | General Manager/Founder | Baroque Interiors and Events plc | Entrepreneur | |
| Tadesse Tsegaw | Any IT related jobs | Any | Software or Technology Services | |
| Amen Hultström | Managing Director | Sozo Consulting | NA | |
| Tesfaye Negasu | JOCO | Ambo Town Communication Office | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Adisu Getu | Managing Director | Addis Ethiopia Tours | Other | |
| Biniyam Zewdu Girum | Project Manager | Biniyam Zewdu Private company | NA | |
| Fantahun Miteku | Dr. | Life for all! | Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Veterinarian;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Company Executive | |
| tsegakirubel checole | organic greenhouse farming | Go Green organic Greenhouse Farming | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Zelleka Getahun | | Zeday and zFinance | NA | |
| Natnael Fekade | Graphics designer | Cnc machine operation | Other | |
| Fikereselassie Ayele | General Manager | ETO AFRICA in building and construction materials Trading LLC | Marketing Services;Consultant - General;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Human Resources - Training;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Import/Export;Health Services;Security Services;Sales | |
| Seenyi Daba | Customer service officer | Cooperative bank of Oromia | Banking Services;Consultant - General;Accountant;Human Resources - Training | |
| Tsegamlak Solomon Dubale | Founder & Principal | Tsegamlak Solomon & Associates Law Office | Legal Services;Corporate Advisory;Financial Services | |
| daniel tsegaye | | Aries investment | Financial Services;Stock Exchange;Custodian and Securities Services;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Entrepreneur | |
| Yilma Mengistu | General Manager | Communi Tech Technologies PLC | Engineer | |
| Abraham Mitslal | Buisness women | Abraham | NA | |
| Solomon Bekele | | Sol PLC | NA | |
| Awash Bariatsyon | GM | Dera Packaging Industry Plc | NA | |
| Michael Genanaw | CMO | Laba | Entrepreneur;Educationalist | |
| Lulit Semunigus | Finance Manager | Adenine Manufacturing plc | Founder | |
| Haleluya Sisay | Office Manager | IE Network solutions | Business Intelligence;Software or Technology Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Guy Bernstein | Entrepeneur | WeAfrica GH | NA | |
| Mmboji Mwamwendesi | Managing Director | East African Community School | Entrepreneur | |
| Ayalew Adela Worku | General manager of Biruk integrated agribusiness | Biruk Integrated Agribusiness' | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Dereje Girma | Lecturer and Researcher on Micro hydropower | Arba Minch University | NA | |
| Bereket Teklehaimanot | CEO | Bey Pison Trading and Logistics plc | Import/Export | |
| Semere Lemma | CEO | Boston Trading Group | NA | |
| Billion Ephrem | Senior Business Development Associate | Grant Thornton Advisory PLC Ethiopia | Legal Services;Human Resources Services;Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Banking Services;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Stock Exchange;Trade Association;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Stockbroker;Trade Finance;Human Resources - Training;Project Management;Management | |
| Prof.Samuel Tadesse | Chairman and CEO | Think The Concept | Research Analyst | |
| Mohammed Nuriye | Investment | Mohammed Ahmed Nuriye | Banking Services | |
| Henok Nigussie | General Manager | Gratus international | NA | |
| Daniel Mamo | Manager | Daniel Mamo Foreign Trade | NA | |
| Moti Bulti | Mechanical Engineer | Ethiopian Construction Workers Corporation (ECWC) | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Gutema Teshome | Branch Manager | Wegagen bank S.co | NA | |
| Fekadu Gebissa | Assistant professor | Wollega University | Consultant - General;Research Analyst | |
| Tihut Ayele | Entrepreneur | Garden Goods fruit and vegetables processing | NA | |
| fitsum abebe | unemployee | solo | Marketing Services;Corporate Advisory;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Stock Exchange;Software or Technology Services;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Yared Endale | Projects Manager | Banking and Technology | Banking Services | |
| Abai Schulze | | ZAAF | NA | |
| Bethelhem Molla | Sales person | Atlantic shoe factory | Stock Exchange | |
| Ahadu Kifle | Chief Commercial Director | Biruk Diary Farm and Processing PLC | Company Executive;Entrepreneur | |
| Woyesa Kebede | Mining | Mining | Investor - Personal | |
| Tewodros Tassew | Project Manager | Alphabet Consult | Financial Services | |
| Mehari Mekonnen Yimer | CEO | MY Accountant | Marketing Services;Corporate Advisory;NGO;Financial Services;Consultant - General;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Accountant;Business Intelligence;Professional Body with Members;Investor - Personal;Fund Administration;Human Resources - Training;Real Estate Services;Project Management;Management;Company Executive;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Tekeste Aberra | Managing partner | HST General Partnership | Consultant - General | |
| Mikael Belay Tolu | Senior Sub Grant Officer | Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Institute | Government Minister | |
| Murad mohd Mohammed | Mining | New | NA | |
| Edao Wosho | CEO | Edao International Trading | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| SaiRamakrishna Karuturi | Owner | Karuturi Ltd | Investor - Personal;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Engineer;Founder | |
| Bruk Amsalu | General Manager | Vintage Pixels | Consultant - General | |
| Misganaw Alemu | General Manager | New Talent Search and HR Solutions | Consultant - General | |
| Meried Bekele Woldemariam | CEO | IE Network Solutions PLC | NA | |
| Abinet Mengistu | Technical Manger | Abinet Building finishing Contractor | Consultant - General;Engineer | |
| Liko Gurara | Vice President | Cooperative Bank of Oromia | NA | |
| Ahmed Assen Muhie | Board chairman | National Investors platform Ethiopia /NIPE/ | Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Fund Administration;Human Resources - Training | |