| David Nasone | IT admin | david | NA | |
| Rudolf Veldsman | Ceo | Concordia Trading Cc | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export | |
| Penomwene Nekwaya | ceo | SPICE OF GIVING | NGO | |
| Martin Shihepo | | YavoLetu | Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Mining and Mining Services | |
| Phil Alberts | Director | TIDIA | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Dealmaker;Analytics;Real Estate Services;Project Management;Management | |
| Bernolda Swartbooi | Entrepreneur | Catalya Investment Cc | Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| Ben Shigwedha | Manager Operations | Beniz Trading CC | Consultant - General;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Ndadi S Nghidipohamba | Manager | Tumenge investment | Corporate Advisory;Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Anel Nel | Teacher | School | Educationalist | |
| Rico Kotze | Owner | RK Consulting and Maintenance | Mining and Mining Services | |
| Muronga Isdor | Group Executive Chairman | Undera Investment Group(Pty)Ltd | Other;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Import/Export;Health Services | |
| Ester Mauta | Ms | JHF Mining cc | Mining and Mining Services | |
| Oswald Tserayi | Sales | Green Desert Agriculture Namibia CC | NA | |
| Priscilla Mutilifa | Business Owner | Nelnda Business Solutions cc | Financial Services;Health Services | |
| ACTOFEL SHIVUTE | MALE | TransNamib Holdings | Investor - Personal | |
| Mark Späth | Group Managing Director | IJG Group of Companies | Investment Banking | |
| Tuvadimineyipo Nakashololo | | Ndilimeke Farming | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Eng. Tendai Musasa | Director | SouthPole Consulting PL | Consultant - General | |
| FIRST NATIONAL BANK NAMIBIA | Managing Director | Second Crane of Namibia | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investment Banking;Banking Services;NGO;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Development Bank;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Research Analyst;Development Finance Institution;Trade Finance;Fund Administration;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Mining and Mining Services;Project Management;Founder | |
| Sirkka Mandema | Business woman | Hazon cash loan investment cc | Financial Services;Founder | |
| Simon Hewitt | CEO & Director | Water and Power Supply Africa Co Pty Ltd | Founder | |
| Jesse Schiceya | | Cylon Accounting | Software or Technology Services | |
| Petrus Nambambi | Environmental Health Practitioner | Lüderitz Port | NA | |
| Josia Imanuel | managing director | JDP investment | NA | |
| Cedric Dreyer | Self-employed Taxi operator | DollarSix logistics | Management | |
| Magret Goagoses | Administrative officer | Precious workers crunch | Founder | |
| Israel Mbulawa | OWNER | NUANDA INVESTMENTS | Other | |
| Isaak Abraham | Engineer | ENGHETE GROUP | Other | |
| Marvin Ortis | Manager | Ortis | Mining and Mining Services | |
| Wayne Botha | Founder & C.E.O | Love and Care Nursing Home Care Agency | Health Services | |
| Hendrina Maria Jankowski De Sousa | Owner MD Founder | Molly's Angels | Educationalist | |
| Robert Shituleni | Founder | Marverick Corporation | Consultant - General | |
| Rex Brandt | Mr | Out electricall cc | Other | |
| Jude Osakwe | | Delta Buisness Platform | Human Resources Services;Corporate Advisory;NGO;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Software or Technology Services;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Research Analyst;Trade Finance;Analytics;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Management;Company Executive;Import/Export;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Educationalist;Founder | |
| Leonard Ashilungu | Founder and CEO | Earth Investment cc | Other;Entrepreneur | |
| Dewaldt van Rensburg | Software Developer/CEO & Founder | Stackhouse Software Solutions | NA | |
| Ueriraisa Kauerii Katire | | Edison and Oscar investment | NA | |
| Stephen Adeoye | Founder/CEO | Zukunft fuer das Leben gUG, Germany | Other;NGO;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Human Resources - Training | |
| Koot Botha | Director | NanoRama Engineering | Consultant - General;Project Management;Engineer | |
| Pamela Moolman | Owner | Moolman's Hoek | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Theo Thom | CEO | Namibia Pork | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Company Executive;Entrepreneur | |
| Michael Tjombonde | Self employed | Not applicable | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Tatenda Murape | Director | Tawana Energy | Other | |
| Wesley Masiyiwa | Business Consultant | Nendongo Commercial group | Consultant - General | |
| Gotlieb Nakuumba | Director | Grans IT (Pty) Ltd | Government Official;Business Intelligence;Investor - Corporate;Health Services | |
| Faizel Fischer | Student | Faizel | NA | |
| Joel Nanghama | company owner | Greenlight Number One trading cc | Marketing Services;Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investment Banking;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Stock Exchange;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Business Intelligence;Regional Trade Organisation;Custodian and Securities Services;Professional Body with Members;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Software or Technology Services;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate;Dealmaker;Development Finance Institution;Human Resources - Training;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Project Management;Musician;Management;Import/Export;Engineer;Educationalist;Founder;Journalist;Security Services;Sales | |
| AJ De Waal | CEO | AJ BILTONG & MEAT cc | Investor - Personal;Analytics;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export;Journalist | |
| William Platt | Partner | RoyalGrace Gold Refinery | NA | |
| Eike Krafft | GM Innovation | Ohlthaver & List | NA | |
| Carol-Jean Rechter | Managing director | Joe's Beerhouse | Entrepreneur | |
| Jantze Evelyne | Data Officer | Jantze Trading Enterprise | Financial Services;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Trade Association;Trade Finance;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Security Services | |
| Robert Louw | Founder | LOUW Northern Farming | NA | |
| Rudolf Veldsman | Mannaging Director | CZC Project Consultant | Real Estate Services | |
| Lauras Madenyika | Director | Ecotron | Software or Technology Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Victoria Haihambo | CEO | Agelvipa Online | NA | |
| Keith C. Martin Martin | CEO | Marina Development Group Pty Ltd | Entrepreneur | |
| Annegret Museler | Corporate Finance Executive | Simonis Storm | Financial Services | |
| Tony Joett | Marketing Executive | Talent Showcase Africa | NA | |
| Lorraine Hansen | CEO and Operations Manager | Hudie Trading Enterprises cc | Other | |
| Ulrigh De Wee | Analyst | Individual | NA | |
| Martinus Goamub | Director | Brigze | Project Management;Management;Company Executive;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Sabia Mathias | COO | Fort & Aul Properties | Dealmaker | |
| Tiriindje Eveline Germanus | Self - employed | Tiriindje Investments Cc | Investor - Personal;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Ernestus Heita | Managing Member | Lando Heita Investment CC | NA | |
| Peter Nsamba | Middle man | Vek Investment & Gateway Resources CC | Mining and Mining Services | |
| Elizabeth Shityeni | Student | Queen's Designs | Entrepreneur;Founder;Sales | |
| Johannes Haixula | owner | Jays Capital | Banking Services;Financial Services;Analytics;Founder | |
| November cc | Managing Director | November 22 Trading cc | Other;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications | |
| Stanford Plaatjes | Founder | Noble Luminous Accommodation and Tours | Other;Analytics;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Mining and Mining Services;Educationalist | |
| Festus Alpheus | Artisan | Abi Ref And Electrical | NA | |
| Viola Desiree Räntsch | Merchandiser | Neo Paints | Artist | |
| Harris Ndaluka Likando | Unemployed | HARRISON FARMSTALL KONGOLA | NA | |
| Beneth Tjongarero | CEO | Benivo Investment cc | NA | |
| Isai Zimina Haishonga | Director | Nyambali Properties | Other | |
| NDINELAO NDISHILANGE NAUKUSHU | Managing Consultant | NK Advisory Services Cc. | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General | |
| Devin de Villiers | Founder/Owner | Devin de Villiers T/A DEVCON Metalworx | Management;Entrepreneur | |
| Israel Iilende | Managing Director | Africa Creative Synergy | Marketing Services;Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG;Government Official;Business Intelligence;Government Minister;Human Resources - Training;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Management;Company Executive;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Thomas Hiskia | Managing Member & Director Business Development | Hiskia Agri & Premium Foods | Other | |
| Nicole Maske | Director | Manta Ventures | Entrepreneur | |
| James Russell | Partner | Desert Dunes Film Studios (Pty.) Ltd. | Company Executive;Founder | |
| Max Nuseb | Executive Director | Nuseb Trading Enterprises CC | Mining and Mining Services | |
| Deon Du Toit | Farmer | Cadema Investments CC | Other | |
| Eino Petrus | CEO | Reino Investment CC | Offshore Trust and Corporate Services | |
| Horacio Moniz | Manager | Organizaçoes Ocili Lda | Chamber of Commerce;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export | |
| Dirk Lochner | | DJJ Lochner | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Rochelle Noble | Owner | Guanzi Investments cc | Import/Export | |
| Chere Duplessis | Managing partner | Fittrio Wellness Club | NA | |
| Titus-Lucky Shipulwa | Managing Director | Lucky and Family investment cc | Entrepreneur | |
| Veneranda Mahindi | Manager: Pension Funds | NAMFISA | NA | |
| Fernando Hailaula | Executive Director | Stealth Investments Group Pty Ltd | Dealmaker;Import/Export | |
| Andre Van Heerden | Farmer | Full circle lodges | Trade Finance;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Sorayha Cloete Sorayha Cloete | Ceo | healing minds | NA | |
| Desmond Komeheke | Director | Komdek Quality Construction cc | NA | |
| JP Mundjele | Managing Director | Trans-Kalahari Logistics | Founder | |
| Naka Shimwino | Chairperson | Chakula Foods | Consultant - General | |
| Selma Herero | Business Owner | PNJ Financial Services cc | Banking Services;Financial Services;Regulator | |
| Joseph Paulus | Founder | Ashwell Trucking & Logistics Services | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Project Management;Import/Export;Health Services;Security Services | |
| PAULUS MATHEUS | | Becktoria | Founder | |
| Rudwirch Fillemon | Owner | RGT and investment cc | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export;Health Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Marita Van Rooyen Walther | Co-Founder & Managing Director | Ebikes4Africa | Other | |
| Abia Iyambo | CEO | Kemo establishment investment pty ltd | NA | |
| Johannes Tapalo | Managing Director | GoldTrend Properties | Marketing Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Research Analyst;Real Estate Services;Project Management;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Mukendwa Katulo | Environmental Health Practitioner Assistant | Ministry of Health and Social Services | NA | |
| Elton Nowaseb | water analysis | Namscale investment cc/water care | Analytics | |
| Tobiase Kapofi | Direct manager | Kaipi Investment | Marketing and Public Relations Services | |
| Kaino Matheus | Fashion and Textile Designer and Trainer | Kimatheus Boutique cc | Artist;Entrepreneur | |
| Eddie Munyawiri | Cretive Director/ Architect | EA Capital Group | Real Estate Services | |
| Matibe Sylvester Muninda | Director | Nyime Field Guiding Academy | Other | |
| Boas Markus | Managing director | Boandre vvs investment | NA | |
| Fritz van Wyk | Managing Member | Toko-Jo Investment cc | Entrepreneur | |
| Lorraine Hansen | Owner | Hudie Trading Enterprises cc | Other | |
| Stanley Kambonde | Executive Director | Kambonde Mineral Resources (Pty) Ltd | Legal Services;Research Analyst;Dealmaker;Mining and Mining Services;Company Executive;Founder | |
| Erastus Nikodemus | Architectural Designer | Greywall Properties | Investor - Corporate;Real Estate Services;Entrepreneur | |
| George Uusiku | Managing Director | Dudu Engineering Supplies | Founder | |
| Maria Haindaka | Co-owner | Rojana Multi-Construction CC | NA | |
| Robert Eiman | CEO | NamPost Financial Brokers (Pty) Ltd | Financial Services | |
| Rosovindis Kendjele | N/A | Rubberband Enterprises CC | Entrepreneur | |
| Isack Hamata | Founder | Thru Pass Sports | Marketing and Public Relations Services | |
| Fares Amunkete | Analyst | IJG Capital | NA | |
| Kaerumatua Katjatenja | Director and Founder | ORUTUMBO AGRI-SMART INVESTMENT C.C | Research Analyst;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Grobler Grobler | Executive Director | Lithon Holdings (Pty) Ltd | Consultant - General | |
| Anri MINNIE | Consultant | HM Business Consulting | Investment Banking;Banking Services;Software or Technology Services;Human Resources - Training | |
| Ndingana Mupetami | Director | Target Farming cc | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Joel Nghiwanwa Nanghama | CEO | Greenlight Number One trading cc | Other;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Engineer | |
| Paulus Ndawana | | none | NA | |
| Immanuel Luuli | Police Officer | NAMLETU FINANCE | Financial Services | |
| Hilka Lazarus | Self employed | Hilka bakery | Entrepreneur | |
| Caroline Shetukana | MINER | Taxan Trading CC | Mining and Mining Services;Import/Export | |
| Robert van Wyk | Manageing Director | M and K Agriculture Pty Ltd | NGO | |
| Amor Visagie | Managing Director | Desert Guru Transport and Logistics | Import/Export;Founder | |
| Alphons Koruhama | Founder | Maariu Investment cc | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Beatrice Garises | Project Manager | Pink Pearl Invesments CC | Corporate Advisory;NGO;Development Bank;Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG;Government Minister;Investor - Personal;Real Estate Services;Mining and Mining Services;Musician;Company Executive;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Evelina Anguwo | Director | Water-Arena Investment cc | Entrepreneur | |
| Martin Endjala | Entrepreneur | Tino's Grocery Trading cc | Other;Sales | |
| Matheus Mbundu | Founder | GrandPix Entertainment Studios | Legal Services;Marketing Services;Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Other;Banking Services;Insurance Products;NGO;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Development Bank;Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG;Regulator;Government Official;Stock Exchange;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Accountant;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Regional Trade Organisation;Custodian and Securities Services;Trade Association;Professional Body with Members;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Software or Technology Services;Government Minister;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Stockbroker;Research Analyst;Dealmaker;Development Finance Institution;Trade Finance;Fund Administration;Translation Services;Analytics;Human Resources - Training;Economist;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Real Estate Services;Veterinarian;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Project Management;Musician;Artist;Management;Company Executive;Import/Export;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Engineer;Educationalist;Founder;Journalist;Security Services;Sales | |
| Theo Uvanga | Executive Managing Director | Messrs Quintessential Trading and Consultancy Pty Ltd | Real Estate Services;Project Management;Company Executive;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Samuel Akinin | Director | FundRoof | Banking Services;Software or Technology Services;Project Management | |
| Eli Gentle | Associate Principal | Eos Capital | Fund Administration | |
| Bernath Nau-Gawaseb | New business development consultant | Dhiginina Ventures CC | Investment Banking;Financial Services;Consultant - General;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Dealmaker;Development Finance Institution;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Project Management;Import/Export | |
| Rolein Lochner | | Rolein Lochner | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Charles Geldenhuys | Self Employed | Firex | Other | |
| Antonius Shiimi | Mr | King Bull Investments | Corporate Advisory;Consultant - General;Business Intelligence;Dealmaker;Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Henk Fourie | Owner | HFS | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Nicanor Katenda | Owner | Tulinawa | Marketing Services | |
| Herold Eiaseb | Director | Hannaly trading cc | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Josef Nangolo | Oil and gas industry | Nangolo Rig-Mix Investment Cc Oilfield equipment services drilling upstream and downstream construction international drilling both onshore and offshore | Legal Services;Marketing Services;Human Resources Services;Investment Banking;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Development Bank;Government Official;Stock Exchange;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Accountant;Business Intelligence;Government Minister;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Stockbroker;Development Finance Institution;Fund Administration;Translation Services;Human Resources - Training;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Musician;Management;Entrepreneur;Engineer;Journalist | |
| Gavin Jonk | Director | Wild desert collection | NA | |
| Felix Tughuyendere | Founder | Doksa Airways | Founder | |
| FRANS LINYANDO | ENTREPRENEUR | ROYAL LEGION | Investor - Personal;Entrepreneur | |
| jesaya niikesho | Owner | Front Page Media Group cc | Marketing Services | |
| Blasius Goraseb | Entrepreneur | Three Nine Two Investments cc | Consultant - General;Software or Technology Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Management;Company Executive | |
| chuka okafor | | VG Capital Partners | Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Dealmaker | |
| Katrina Amupolo | Consultant: MSME Capacity Building and Market Access | Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board | NA | |
| Cornall Beukes | Owner | NCCW INVESTMETS | Engineer | |
| Affary Mubonenwa | Operations manager/Project consultant | SunCycles Electrics Namibia cc | Project Management;Engineer | |
| Rufus Nekondo | Revered | Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate | NA | |
| JOSEF SHIKESHO | Economist | Erro Tranding cc | Economist;Project Management;Entrepreneur | |
| Paul van Zyl | Owner | van Zyl Boerdery Trust | NA | |
| Ester Indongo | Caregiver | B&A kindergarten and daycare | Entrepreneur | |
| Matheus Mbundu | Founder/Owner | GrandPix Entertainment Studios | Legal Services;Marketing Services;Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investment Banking;Corporate Advisory;Other;Banking Services;Insurance Products;NGO;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Development Bank;Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG;Regulator;Government Official;Stock Exchange;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Accountant;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Regional Trade Organisation;Custodian and Securities Services;Trade Association;Professional Body with Members;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Software or Technology Services;Government Minister;Investor - Personal;Investor - Institutional;Investor - Corporate;Stockbroker;Research Analyst;Dealmaker;Development Finance Institution;Trade Finance;Fund Administration;Translation Services;Analytics;Human Resources - Training;Economist;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Real Estate Services;Veterinarian;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Project Management;Musician;Artist;Management;Company Executive;Import/Export;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Engineer;Educationalist;Founder;Journalist;Security Services;Sales | |
| Desmond Komeheke | Founder | Komdek | Real Estate Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Mary Barton | Geology Consultant | Odikwa Investments CC | Consultant - General | |
| Vekaama mureti | CALL CENTER AGENT | old mutual namibia | Banking Services | |
| Ze Ambrosius | Managing Director & Founder | STS | Business Intelligence | |
| Josephine Diogenus | Project Management | NIPDB | NA | |
| Agnes Steenkamp | Bussiness Manager | Lazy Spade Farming | NA | |
| Thys Steytler | Director | IntraTrading | NA | |
| Lester Harker | Owner/ Consultant | TLSP Enviro Services | Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG | |
| Hiskia Nangolo | MR. | Frotcom Trading Enterprises CC | Software or Technology Services | |
| Josephine Shikongo | Founder | Jotu Capital | NA | |
| Efraim Shivolo Iiyambo | Managing Director | November Twenty-Two Trading cc | Marketing and Public Relations Services;NGO;Financial Services;Development Bank;Consultant - General;Government Official;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Custodian and Securities Services;Software or Technology Services;Government Minister;Trade Finance;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Company Executive;Import/Export;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Founder;Security Services | |
| Marystar Sankwasa | Self-Employed | Marypuli Investment cc | Other | |
| Ambrosius Lukas Tierspoor | Director | Yafamba Capital Investmemts | Financial Services | |
| Chris Moller | HEAD LEGAL & RISK | Joedila Energy Group (Pty) Ltd | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Dios Engelbrecht | CEO (Owner) | Diosvirtualgamingcentrecc | Entrepreneur | |
| Haulinenu Nghilalulwa | Founder & Director | Lucent Investments Namibia | Business Intelligence | |
| Joyce Masiye | Farmer | JUC INVESTMENT CC | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Joel chigudu | teacher | JONED Investments | Educationalist;Founder | |
| Engelhard Aebeb | Training Consultant | Chauncey Geological and Training Consultants CC | Mining and Mining Services;Musician | |
| Marthinus Boshoff | Manager | Kavango Mills | NA | |
| Eddy Daniel Marcial | CEO | Marcial Trading Enterprise Cc | NA | |
| Tarry Dentlinger | Group Financial Manager | Dileco Construction Services | NA | |
| Paulus Michael | Students | Agronomy campany | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Gerome van Wyk | | Sunflower Namibia Oil Production | NA | |
| Ivan Kastoor | Director | D-Tech Investment | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Entrepreneur | |
| Carine van Greunen | Business & Project Developer | SAIN (South Africa International Network) | Other;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Professional Body with Members;Dealmaker;Project Management | |
| Rassia Van Wyk | Ceo | Devero Ivestment CC | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Peter Shipiki | | N/A | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Theunis van der merwe | Entrepreneur | Nomic Seven Holdings pty | Other;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Simona Isaak | Unemployed | A da !hoa podcast | Analytics | |
| George Kapofi | Managing Director | Suama Nausiku Mining | Mining and Mining Services | |
| Rahl-Jeanne Cloete | Pharmacist | Multiplex Investment CC | Consultant - General;Health Services;Sales | |
| Johannes Erastus Kapeuasha | | Ndapewa Heggai Pre-School | Educationalist | |
| Simataa James Simubali | Founder | Namibia | Corporate Advisory;NGO;Project Management;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Tomasia Sepolo Kambiru | Ms | Amazing hair and beauty salon T/A DKBEAUTIE | Import/Export;Sales | |
| Jean Bouwer | | AquaLekker Farming Namibia Pty Ltd | NA | |
| Whitney Neo | Unemployed | Kimolu Training Consultants | Investor - Personal | |
| Aadam Casmod | Director | Isco's Cash And Carry | Import/Export;Sales | |
| Edwin Haihambo | Owner / Managing Partner | Green Technologies and Fresh Produce CC | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Sion Mwatukange | MD | SINOIS | NA | |
| Taljaard Uaputauka | Teacher | Tjf investment cc | Other | |
| Lucretus Namdako Kasata | Chief Executive Officer | Kasata Energy Group (Pty) ltd. | Dealmaker;Trade Finance;Mining and Mining Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Nico Kaoti | Owner | Ongeama Ugab Desert Elephant Lodge | Investor - Personal | |
| Andrew Maske | Head of Operations | Manta Ventures | NA | |
| Azzedine Cloete | | Mcclean Mcsave Glass | Other;Import/Export;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Pendapala Walter Shikulo | Managing Director | Kasoto Investment Cc | Other;Entrepreneur;Security Services;Sales | |
| Lydia Nakatana | public relations | Kukus investment cc | NA | |
| Ruth Martinez Lago | CEO and Co-Founder | Iyalago Food Assurance Consultants cc | Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG;Project Management | |
| Kristoph Goma | CEO | Almega Hill Investment Cc | NA | |
| Benedict Libanda | Director | Green-X Capital | Corporate Advisory | |
| samwel tulipohamba haindongo | student | Tauya foods cc | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Fransisco Kaunotje Kaunotje | Restaurant | Swift Restaurant | NA | |
| Reinhold Geikhoebeb | Managing Director | Rei - Mic Investment cc | NA | |
| Sakeus Thomas | Co-founder | Kiat Investments pty ltd | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Consultant - General;Software or Technology Services;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Project Management;Management;Import/Export | |
| Grace Pienaar | Managing Director | Tribe Logistics and Trading Cc | NA | |
| Gideon Mulder | CEO | Joshaan Holdings (PTY) Ltd | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export | |
| Kleopas Johannes | CEO | Greenville Solars | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Johannes Nkoshi | Executive Administrator | Oshela 47 Trading cc | Other | |
| Patty Karuaihe Martin | Managing Director | NamibRe | NA | |
| Vivienne Aina Ndana | Ms | Ndana group pty | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Meundu Kandovazu | Founder | Dilo M Trading | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Elron Awase | Director | Tesla Energy Solutions | Consultant - General;Entrepreneur;Engineer | |
| Roberto Bock | Marketing Executive | Cospharm | Marketing Services | |
| Benhard Mufayi | Mr | Thinonge Fisheries Services CC | Marketing Services;NGO;Investor - Personal;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Company Executive;Founder | |
| George N Mbundu | Managing Director | Bergeo Guha Agro and Food Products (Pty) Limited | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Rosalia Neshuku | Business Owner | Namutse Fabrics and Creatives | NA | |
| Magreth Litota | Teacher | Food For Life Restaurant | Business Intelligence;Management | |
| Sebastiaan D Garoeb | CEO | SEMICHA Investments CC | Other;Professional Body with Members;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications | |
| Elia Jack Nakalemo | Managing Director | Terrawatt Africa Group | Investor - Corporate;Project Management | |
| Toivo Thomas | | Chicco's Investment cc | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Margaretha Teixeira | Owner | Lemon Tree | Real Estate Services | |
| jeromy kaluwasha | CEO,and managing partner | Zambezi Etoha Tours | Other | |
| Vaino Hango | MD | Mandengisa Trading cc | Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Investor - Corporate;Development Finance Institution;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Import/Export;Health Services;Educationalist | |
| Johannes Andreas | Security Guard | Shikuvule security service | Custodian and Securities Services;Development Finance Institution;Analytics;Economist;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Artist | |
| Francois Januarie Francois Januarie | | The Butchers Den CC | NA | |
| Sophia Shimbode | Teacher | Rocky Crest High school | NA | |
| Sackey Uuyumba | Managing Director | Nortech Group Holdings (Pty) Ltd | Mining and Mining Services | |
| Johannes Tangeni Khabeb | | Domes Investments | NA | |
| Sofia Kwedhi | Owner | Patricie trading enterprises cc | Investor - Corporate;Development Finance Institution;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Magreth De Jesus | Managing | Ultimate Consulting and Investment cc | Mining and Mining Services | |
| Reginald Miller III | President | Global Resources Alliance, Inc. | Financial Services;Development Bank;Mining and Mining Services | |
| Maryn Swart | Owner | Swapri Consultancy CC | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Amon Kangumine | Building and maintaining | Amon Construction Cc | NA | |
| Bennardo Santos | CEO | BKDS Empire Properties | Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investor - Corporate;Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Elmo Kurz | COO | Sunflower Namibia Oil Production | NA | |
| Damian April | Marketing Manager | Martha’s Soap Manufacturers CC | Sales | |
| Aloisius Aindaka | Student | NUST | NA | |
| Andre Thomas Brits | Owner | Honesta Flooring | Marketing Services;Other;Project Management;Sales | |
| Ndawana Haikela | None | Fran fresh | NA | |
| Bartlo Gaingob | Manager | A and G Auto Mechanic CC | Other;Entrepreneur;Founder;Sales | |
| Bruce Daniels | Project manager | OSHIVELI furniture manufacturers | NA | |
| Gellah Kandjware | Founder | Martin Pessa farm | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Caroline Kondumbo | Founder | S.Namutuwa Upholstery | Other | |
| Carla Viljoen | CEO | NMFP | NA | |
| Aktofel Shifotoka | Un-employed | Toddler Town Investment CC | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Management;Import/Export;Health Services;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| greenlight cc | owner | Greenlight Number One trading cc | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Other;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Trade Association;Software or Technology Services;Stockbroker;Human Resources - Training;Mining and Mining Services;Project Management;Import/Export;Engineer;Educationalist;Security Services;Sales | |
| Onesmus Nambahu | Managing Director | Oshikoto Civils and Logistics CC | Regional Trade Organisation | |
| Tiaan Bazuin | CEO | Namibian Stock Exchange | NA | |
| Allan Langenstrassen | Owner | Africa Hydro & Mining Supplies | Mining and Mining Services;Import/Export;Engineer | |
| Talita Nel | Property Practitioner | Capricorn Estate Agency | NA | |
| Moses Mukerenge | Self-employed | Mukerenge Investment Namibia Cc | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Software or Technology Services;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Herbert Maier | Managing Director | IJG Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd | Financial Services | |
| HAROLDT,WENNIE SHIVANGULULA | FOUNDER | HNKOINONIA INVESTMENT | Mining and Mining Services;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Paulus Kalenga Andreas | Electrician | PKA Trading cc | NGO;Artist;Health Services | |
| Josef Shitemba | Managing Director | Shitemba Investment Group cc | Management;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Maryke Krohne | Managing Director | U-See-Food MAnufacturers | NA | |
| Ndapewa Messias | Dermatologist | Northern Skin Clinic | Health Services | |
| Zened Sali | Chief Executive Officer | Easyshop Mobile Marketing cc | Analytics | |
| Fonkou Boris | CEO | Kemite Investment CC | Stock Exchange;Dealmaker;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export | |
| Sean Hoole | Managing Director | Kelp Grow | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Emmanuel HANGULAH | Secretary General | Namibia National Employers' Organisation (NaNEO) | Legal Services;Marketing Services;Human Resources Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;NGO;Accountant;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Regional Trade Organisation;Trade Association;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Investor - Corporate;Research Analyst;Human Resources - Training;Project Management;Management;Health Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Lukas M. Haisindi Haisindi | Owner | Davenson Investments Cc | Legal Services;Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Investment Banking;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Stock Exchange;Business Intelligence;Chamber of Commerce;Custodian and Securities Services;Trade Association;Public Relations or Investment Relations or Communications;Software or Technology Services;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate;Stockbroker;Dealmaker;Trade Finance;Fund Administration;Translation Services;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Project Management;Company Executive;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Educationalist;Founder;Journalist;Security Services;Sales | |
| Helena Imene | Entreprenuer | Projcons Investment Group Pty Ltd | Real Estate Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Rajiv Oarum | Road marking | One Way Painters | NA | |
| Efraim Shivute | CEO | Legittimo investments cc | Consultant - General | |
| Onni Nembia | Co Founder | Namsheja Business Consulting | NA | |
| Marius Du Plessis | Business | MDP | Investor - Personal | |
| Immanuel Gaseb | Civil Engineer | Gaseb & Sons CC | NA | |
| Anthony Ashipala | Procurement | Sembre Cc | Other;Financial Services;Dealmaker;Project Management;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Engineer;Sales | |
| Gerrit Griessel | Head of Finance | Barex Equipment CC | Mining and Mining Services | |
| Mauro Rogerio | Executive Diretor | Bank BIC Namibia | Banking Services | |
| Metilde Gabriel | | Maya Gold Trading | Corporate Advisory;Banking Services;Financial Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Development Bank;Consultant - General;Fund Administration | |
| Zoe Paulse | Manager | Golden Sea Investment CC | Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Investor - Institutional;Human Resources - Training;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Engineer;Sales | |
| Teopolina Tuyeni | Business Owner | Eagles Pizza | Other | |
| Erta Heita | Founder | Erta Academic Services | Banking Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Research Analyst;Analytics;Economist;Educationalist | |
| Klaas Swartbooi | CEO | Butler and Hospitality Specialist Services | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Faustinus Muterembe | Enrolled Nurse | Uteku Home Agency | Health Services | |
| Erastus Geiseb | | Dantago02 farming | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Shipepe Heita | Trade Finance Executive | Euro Exim Bank | Banking Services;Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Development Bank;Consultant - ESG;Offshore Trust and Corporate Services;Trade Finance;Fund Administration;Import/Export;Entrepreneur | |
| Claudia Ngurimuye Ngairorue | Mrs | Adaptic Investment cc | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Solomon Nemaire | Managing Director | Barsol Logistics and Sadzenga Agricultural Projects. | Regional Trade Organisation;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Maga K Hamukwaya | Unemployed | N/A | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Michael Spiegel | Business man | Big City Builders cc | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency | |
| Rauna Awene | Business developer | DL Investment CC | Financial Services;Consultant - General;Consultant - ESG;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Mining and Mining Services;Import/Export | |
| Josua Kalunde | Project Coordinator (Geologist) | Weatherly Mining | Other | |
| OSWIN KAMPALA IIYAMBO | Founder/Managing Director | Oswin Kampala College Cc | Founder | |
| Christian Kitumbi Ngoy | Headn of Venture Building | Impact Tank Analysis Foundation | NGO;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Project Management;Entrepreneur | |
| Beatha Shilongo | Unemployed | NA | NA | |
| Namupa Nengola | Founder & CEO | Taneta Investment | NA | |
| Richard Daastøl Høy | CEO | Richard Inc Ltd | Other | |
| tito Barnabas | Lead Engineer | Terrain Prospect Investment cc | Mining and Mining Services | |
| Lavinia Thomas | Business Analyst | IJG Capital (Pty) Ltd | NA | |
| Mr. Josef Haingura | N/A | Kampe Electrical service cc | Other | |
| Bertha Mbundu | Owner | Bergeo Guha Agro & Food Products Pty Ltd | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Ismael Lankine Mbangu | CEO | Shokolola investment cc | Software or Technology Services;Project Management | |
| Shadreck Silombela | Founder / Trainers trainer. | Shoebeal Meteorological Services CC. | NGO;Consultant - General;Human Resources - Training;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Project Management;Entrepreneur | |
| Duncan Arendorf | Chief Operating Officer | Fothermo Energy (Pty)Ltd | Other | |
| Linus Silvanus | Self-employed | Onandjo Fish Farm | Marketing Services;Marketing and Public Relations Services;Economist;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur | |
| Albertina Shilengudwa Shilengudwa | Business owner | A Shilengudwa Trading Cc | Business Intelligence;Investor - Personal;Investor - Corporate;Entrepreneur | |
| Riana Kavetuna | Owner | Imbatura Investment | Software or Technology Services;Analytics;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Sabia Mathias | Founder | Estrada | Dealmaker;Import/Export | |
| David Uushona | Director | MDH Investments cc | Other;Project Management | |
| Theresia Theresia | Owner | C.K.M Investment cc | NA | |
| veundja katuuo | founder | ehi | Artist;Sales | |
| Joseph Sagarias | Mr | Vision Capital Investments | Insurance Products;Business Intelligence;Dealmaker;Trade Finance;Business Accelerator or Incubator;Real Estate Services;Mining and Mining Services;Import/Export;Health Services;Entrepreneur | |
| Gaynor Nash | Procurement Officer | Gaynor Nash | Mining and Mining Services | |
| Gladys Nofaswe Sekwate | Managing Director | Nofaswa Trading Enterprise Cc | Insurance Products;Real Estate Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export | |
| Rehito Shivute | artisan | plyco kitchen & joinery | Real Estate Services;Project Management | |
| Ananias Ashipala | Executive Member | Laminar Car Hire | Other | |
| Loide Muatunga | Founder | Diamond Experience Lodge Namibia | Entrepreneur | |
| Pieter Olivier | Managing Director | Infinity Investments cc | Other | |
| Dorothy Iileka | Director | Projcons Investment (Pty) Ltd | Real Estate Services | |
| Nico Willemse | Director | UN Food and Agricultural Organisation | Other;Consultant - ESG;Analytics | |
| Laurencio Barlow | Founder/owner | Oom Jan Online Store CC | NA | |
| Sarel de Waal | Consultant | Private | NA | |
| Bianca Meger | CEO | African Memories in a Box | Investor - Personal | |
| Evellyn Chivinga | teacher | Ministry of education | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Theresa Sipiho | Investment and Export Promotion Attache | Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Government Official | |
| Iwatula Shikufa | MSME Intern | Namibian Investment Promotion and Development Board | NA | |
| Kosora Mexted Ndjiruete | Founder | KMN PROPERTIES AND INVESTMENT CC | Entrepreneur;Founder | |
| Benestus Kandorozu | General Manager | Kandorozu Farming Close Corporation | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export | |
| Henk Fourie | Owner | HFS | Entrepreneur | |
| Sackyminds Sheepo | Co-founder | Akkadiamind | Investor - Corporate | |
| Bernalth Kasamba | Beekeeper | Bernalth's b5 | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Gerhard Enslin | Broker | Vollgraaff Real Estate | Investor - Personal;Real Estate Services;Sales | |
| Rauna Hekandjo | CEO | Millennial Homes Namibia CC | Entrepreneur | |
| Hellena Nathinge | Marketing Director | Big stone | Investor - Institutional;Mining and Mining Services | |
| Sasckia Botha | Self employed | Bookkeeping | Marketing Services;Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Sindimba Hiskia | Director | Misty bay 166cc | Health Services | |
| Sebastian Huber | | Oleo Star Trading CC | NA | |
| Johannes Mbwenga Jonas | Ceo | Ntwi Yetu investment cc | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Trevor Van Der Ross | Mr | Astragalus Property & Township Developers (Pty) Ltd | Project Management | |
| Simeon Kamati | Technical Managing Director | Oihole Engineering Services | Other | |
| Adeline Skewa | Managing Director | Mountain Elephant Safaris | Other | |
| Ashlin Brandt | sales | Eastern Butchery | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| HEINRICH NDAKALAKO SHIKOYENI | Teacher. Unemployed | Im currently waiting for my Çc approval. Im interested on investor's who are interested in tourism industry and Agriculture | Analytics;Project Management | |
| Myrtle Claasen | Owner/Amin Manager | Tripple MC Trading cc | Other | |
| Joseph Kafunda | Managing Director | Rafiki Tours and Safaris | Other | |
| Andreas Uukule | CEO | DesertSun Energy | Founder | |
| Jerome Mouton | | Leverage Investments | NA | |
| Kennedy Nsundano | CEO | Power Goal J-M investment cc | Investor - Corporate | |
| Hasekiel Johannes | Consultant: MSME Capacity Building and Market Access | 91 | Trade and Investment Promotion Agency;Government Official;Import/Export | |
| Gerson Kamahia | Managing Director | Palm Aviation and Medical Services | Other;NGO;Software or Technology Services;Health Services;Engineer;Educationalist;Security Services | |
| Kristine Shafuda | Farmer | Gamena Farming | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Johannes Linus | Politician | Action Force Political party | Other | |
| Ruchan Visagie | Managing Director | RE INVESTMENT | NA | |
| Ismael Shau | Electrician | FIASH Royal investment cc | Human Resources Services;Consultant - General;Investor - Corporate;Project Management;Import/Export;Engineer | |
| Vincent Aderam | Principal | Aderam Aderam Real Estate | Real Estate Services | |
| Martha Petronella Zerbe | | Feather Field Farms | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Kinere Kake | Marketing manager | Bwabwata living Museum | NGO;Artist;Founder | |
| Dennis Mwandingi | Managing Director | Kali Hama Trading Cc | Business Accelerator or Incubator | |
| Helmuth WolfGang Fischer | Chief Executive Officer | Southern Investment Cc | Project Management | |
| Chika James | Mr | Pwintu trading enterprises cc | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Linus Shivute | founder | Tangoletu investment cc | Founder | |
| Martin Strauss | CEO | Strauss-Engels Renewable Solutions | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Catherine Koopman | Accountant | Agape Construction | Accountant | |
| Shadreck Silombela | Founder/ Trainer's trainer. | Shoebeal Meteorological Services CC | Founder | |
| Joseph Mudjuu | Owner | AZ Joe Trading CC | Sales | |
| Kakumbwa Mutuku | Fish farming | MTE | Investor - Personal;Agriculturalist/Farmer;Import/Export;Entrepreneur;Sales | |
| Charmaine Horn | Real Estate Principle | Horn Property Group | NA | |
| Viclensia Vicky Harases | Entrepreneur | Abrahams Promise Construction, Electrical Consultants, Installations and Recycling PTY LTD | Other | |
| JUAN COETZEE | Owner | Soul of the Namib Tours | Professional Body with Members | |
| Ellister Benz | Managing Director | Benz Courier Services | Other | |
| Denilson Alfeus | welder | useb mining | Mining and Mining Services | |
| Jaco van Zyl | CEO | Easy Green Namibia | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Sales | |
| Hendrick Johannes | Salesman | Japie & Sons Investments | Agriculturalist/Farmer;Sales | |
| Thomas Rupusa | self employed | Apakaso Cotton Farming Namibia | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Rowland Brown | Director | Cirrus | NA | |
| Harry HOFF | Managing Owner | cornerstone | Sales | |
| Nerson Tjelos | Director | Excel Dynamic Solutions Pty Ltd | Consultant - ESG;Mining and Mining Services;Project Management | |
| JOLANDI PEDRO | Director | ON SPOT ENTERPRISES | Agriculturalist/Farmer | |
| Martin Bosman | Business Owner | Deidre and co | Entrepreneur | |
| Frans Uusiku | Market Research Manager | FNB | NA | |
| Paul Nicholson | | Allochthonous FZCO | NA | |
| jane-louise Diedericks | Tour Operator | Blueberry-travel | NA | |