The Africa Business Opportunities Dashboard is a free digital platform that allows you to promote your own business, make “calls for business” or look for business and investment opportunities in Africa. Business Opportunities that have been uploaded to our Africa Business Opportunity Dashboard will be promoted to global users of our Africa Business Community. Login and add your Business Opportunity or Get Business Opportunities for FREE!

We have built a trusted network of Africa business executives and service providers, connected across simple, reliable platforms with the power to catalyse change and development across Africa. Want to Join our Africa Business Community? Join us FREE here

Only looking for information? Want to Search our Africa Business Opportunities Dashboard or contact a member of our Africa Business Community? Do you require an Energy Lawyer in Egypt or a Corporate Advisor in Ghana? Want to find who sells sesame seeds in Africa? Looking for a renewable energy expert in Nigeria or South Africa? Then Search Our Database. Sophisticated digital keyword matching will help you to find the information that you require.

Our team has developed perhaps the largest network of global institutional investors focused on investment in Africa.
Click Raise Capital to join our Africa Business Opportunities Dashboard (FREE) and connect with investors looking to invest in Africa.

Are you a fund, institutional investor, or company looking to invest in Africa? Do you want to get FREE access to our extensive African Investments Dashboard? We receive a significant volume of investment opportunities from all regions of Africa. Receive investment opportunities from Africa direct to your Inbox. Click Invest Capital to join our African Investments Dashboard.